Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!
There isn't enough gold and silver to go around -- so I would just settle for getting all my assets out of the bank in cash.
If enough people did it -- that would bring the system down! But banks have already thought of that -- they have limits on how much cash you can get out of the bank in a day -- you can make transactions in larger amounts, but not get cash in the same amount!
Also on the corporate personhood thing -- see Poclad (Program on Corporatins Law and Democracy)
There isn't enough gold and silver to go around -- so I would just settle for getting all my assets out of the bank in cash.
If enough people did it -- that would bring the system down! But banks have already thought of that -- they have limits on how much cash you can get out of the bank in a day -- you can make transactions in larger amounts, but not get cash in the same amount!
Also on the corporate personhood thing -- see Poclad (Program on Corporatins Law and Democracy)