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How To Bring This System Down For Good!

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  • #46
    Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

    Originally posted by sadsack View Post

    When I went to visit the site, the (probably BS) Norton Intarweb Security software flags this site as "not safe":
    The details (e.g. for each "violation" on this page show they were seen in January 2008, and it rates the Risk Level as Very Low. That's almost two years ago. When I download the pages now, the only javascript I see sanitizes email addresses that you might enter when asking to get on their email list. I don't see the harmful javascript redirections that Norton saw two years ago.

    The Google Safe Browsing diagnostics for these pages, such as, show no problem now or in the last 90 days.

    Perhaps had something else in their javascript that triggered this error report, sometime ago. I don't see much on that website of value, but I don't see anything dangerous either.
    Most folks are good; a few aren't.


    • #47
      Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

      Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
      I don't see much on that website of value, but I don't see anything dangerous either.
      You have to do some digging now -- the front page is not as useful as it once was --

      Articles I found interesting

      Model brief on Corporate Personhood


      The End of Agribusiness: Dismantling the Mechanisms of Corporate Rule

      War, Inc.

      Some other interesting articles on the page I linked to


      • #48
        Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

        Yes your right it is the Achilles Heel of this counterfeit ponzi scheme. Of the US$2500 cash per head of population that physically exists only US$650/ per person exists inside US borders ( the rest is overseas with the banks and money changers and in circulation).
        Let the electronic transfers chatter away but when the salary hits, take it in cash to pay your way. If One person in fifty did this the Bank system would grind to a halt.

        Or you could go to the 14 majors and apply for a credit card with a $50,000 limit at each, then once all are activated, go to the teller and get a full cash advance. Lets see 14x 50,000 = $700,000= Ciao baby as seed capital in another far off land. After all cash from a credit card is counterfeit money created by the banks. It is your duty to remove it from circulation as soon as it is created.

        On the other hand they could then make it illegal to pay by cash because the electronics version is the master of everyone now. Perpetual creation of wealth


        • #49
          Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

          Originally posted by dummass View Post
          An Introspective Look at the Future of America

          Craig Harris
          Dec 27, 2009

          As we close out 2009 and look forward into 2010 and beyond, ...
          I just re-read this article by Craig Harris, which dummass posted above at and Chris Coles linked to from another iTulip post at

          Wow. That post nails it.

          In my view, those who are looking to understand the next five or ten years using the tools of economics, cash flow or balance sheets (applied on a large scale) will find their work increasingly difficult, to the point of impossibility. Those who allocate their investments according to guidance from the advisors with the best track records over the last five or ten or more years will fail, to the point of bankruptcy. Those who would "fix" the current system by a creating a third political party or boycotting large banks or whatever have as much chance of succeeding as the passengers on the Titanic did of keeping the ship afloat after it hit the iceberg. The bezzle as someone called it (base word from 'embezzlement'), the layer of corruption that grows deeper in prosperous times, has grown deeper than ever before in human history.

          The original post by Craig Harris is at I recommend it to your reading pleasure.
          Last edited by ThePythonicCow; January 03, 2010, 10:53 PM. Reason: clarify some wording
          Most folks are good; a few aren't.


          • #50
            Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

            Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
            Have as much chance of succeeding as the passengers on the Titanic did of keeping the ship afloat after it hit the iceberg.
            I really do hate to do this to you Wriggly, but for some time now I have been of the opinion that the Titanic could very easily have been saved, at least long enough for other ships to arrive. But, and it is a big BUT, everyone on that ship had decided it was going to sink..... and that is the point I am making here.

            If ever we need positive thinking, it is now.

            The ship is not going to sink. Far from it. We are all about to hit into perhaps the most innovative period of human history and new innovations and thinking about how to change direction will, in the end, make all the difference.

            I do not accept failure as any form of option. Period.

            Now is the time to succeed.


            • #51
              Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

              Originally posted by Chris Coles View Post
              I really do hate to do this to you Wriggly, but for some time now I have been of the opinion that the Titanic could very easily have been saved, at least long enough for other ships to arrive. But, and it is a big BUT, everyone on that ship had decided it was going to sink..... and that is the point I am making here.

              If ever we need positive thinking, it is now.

              The ship is not going to sink. Far from it. We are all about to hit into perhaps the most innovative period of human history and new innovations and thinking about how to change direction will, in the end, make all the difference.

              I do not accept failure as any form of option. Period.

              Now is the time to succeed.
              I don't want to not have a ship, I just want to make sure that the ship we are going to bet our lives on is well made, well thought out, and is big enough for everyone.


              • #52
                Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

                Originally posted by Chris Coles View Post
                I really do hate to do this to you Wriggly, but for some time now I have been of the opinion that the Titanic could very easily have been saved, at least long enough for other ships to arrive. But, and it is a big BUT, everyone on that ship had decided it was going to sink..... and that is the point I am making here.

                If ever we need positive thinking, it is now.

                The ship is not going to sink.
                I am deeply optimistic, longer term. The ship of fools (er eh, tyrannical oligarchs and elite thugs) must sink in order that human civilization might advance.

                However I view most of those who are trying to navigate these investment waters as I would view a sailor just before a category 5 hurricane arrives, still using their sextant and compass to decide which way to set the jib and whether to tack this way or that. It is time to store the sails below deck and ride out the storm.

                Most investment advisors are about as useful as sherpa guides on the side of an immense ancient volcano, just before it blows sky high once again. Get the hell off the mountain.

                The next five or ten years will suck. The next twenty or thirty years will be awesome. At least, that's my intuition, which may reflect more on my psyche than it does on anything "out there" in the rest of the world .
                Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                • #53
                  Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

                  Originally posted by jtabeb View Post
                  I don't want to not have a ship, I just want to make sure that the ship we are going to bet our lives on is well made, well thought out, and is big enough for everyone.
                  We've got our work cut out for us, jtabeb, for this to happen .
                  Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                  • #54
                    Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

                    Originally posted by Chris Coles View Post
                    I really do hate to do this to you Wriggly, but for some time now I have been of the opinion that the Titanic could very easily have been saved, at least long enough for other ships to arrive.
                    Do you have any links leading to discussions of how they could have kept that ship afloat longer?

                    P.S. -- Silly me; I should have asked Google. A search for "could the titanic have been saved" finds various discussions of this matter.
                    Last edited by ThePythonicCow; January 03, 2010, 10:52 PM.
                    Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                    • #55
                      Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

                      Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                      Do you have any links leading to discussions of how they could have kept that ship afloat longer?

                      P.S. -- Silly me; I should have asked Google. A search for "could the titanic have been saved" finds various discussions of this matter.
                      I have been toying with the idea of writing a new book. But I also have an idea of a possible solution that would also make for a new product and as such need to get the horse before the cart, if you know what I mean. The book would, (sorry, will), be the viral marketing for the product.....


                      • #56
                        Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

                        Originally posted by jtabeb View Post
                        Read this on ZH, this WOULD work. So I say go for it!

                        From this article


                        And they all go away, as the fake Paper Ponzi System we live in evaporates!
                        Its so easy! No protests, no battles, no blood shed. Just stop playing their stupid game with their stupid fake paper/electronic money!"

                        Full Disclosure, yes I am, Yes I Am, YES.. I AM!
                        I agree, but if anyone would start a movement they would be arrested for being a "threat to national security". Also the government would immediately try to stop this, however i would certainly do it.


                        • #57
                          Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

                          Originally posted by tsetsefly View Post
                          I agree, but if anyone would start a movement they would be arrested for being a "threat to national security". Also the government would immediately try to stop this, however i would certainly do it.
                          Let's think about this. Withdrawing all banking accounts does what, exactly? If the purpose is to make all those $ worthless why would anyone actually do that? Right now you can buy stuff (like PMs). Seems like the idea itself is rather nihilistic.


                          • #58
                            Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

                            Originally posted by newnewthing View Post
                            Let's think about this. Withdrawing all banking accounts does what, exactly? If the purpose is to make all those $ worthless why would anyone actually do that? Right now you can buy stuff (like PMs). Seems like the idea itself is rather nihilistic.
                            I dont really think this would even bring down the system, but it would send a message, I mean government clearly does not understand that most of us are fed up with what they are doing (when it comes to the financial crisis). Even if it where nihilistic, what other option do voters even have? write letters? or vote in a republican who will follow the same course of action?


                            • #59
                              Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

                              What if we all filed for extensions on our taxes?


                              • #60
                                Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

                                Originally posted by jtabeb View Post
                                Well, I personally find your response to be the paragon of intelligent discourse.

                                And your concern for the future of this country and the rest of the world for that matter, moves me to tears (unfortunately, not for the reasons that would leave me with a positive future outlook).

                                I'm happy for you that you have gotten yours but I fear that you, like many people, will find that all that they have toiled so hard for, will be worth less than they had imagined. How much less, is up to the imagination of our esteemed elites. I hope you may take comfort in your imagination of their lack of imagination. Your capacity for make-believe is quite without par in my travels here on Itulip.

                                My reality, however leads me to believe that a different course of events may transpire.
                                Very nice play on words

                                But my comment stands - your remarks about taking down the system are just plain stupid.

                                And yes I've gotten mine - I retired early and have devoted my life to ministry.

                                What's your plan?


