forbes link
Ex-homeowner, now happily renting one here in Portland, number 6 on the list.:cool: However my rent is not half of my previous mortgage, but that was a personal choice to move up to a nicer neighborhood, where home sale prices are well above what I sold for.
To compile our list of the best cities for renters, we considered three measurements in the country's 40 largest metropolitan areas: the annual change in monthly rent, the percent increase of new rental construction in 2008, and the percent difference between the area's average monthly rental payment and the average monthly mortgage payment (assuming that the down payment was 10% and the fixed interest rate is 6.25%).
Rainy day lovers might appreciate Portland, but so will those who appreciate a bargain. Not only is rent far cheaper than buying--by more than half--there's a 143% increase in new construction for 2008, which means prices may go even lower.