The Leviathan of the American state is dead ... at least with respect to punishing those deeply responsible for causing the worst aspects of the US economic crisis.
The US has already succomed to
-- Total nepotism (in the public and private sectors)
-- Total favouritism, where nepotism is not viable
-- Total finance system collapse, albeit the structure is still standing for now
It will be up to other sovereign states to punish those in the US finance system that stole their wealth, and I expect this to be the case into the immediate future (possibly until 2038-2042).
Many but not all wealthy Americans have essentially given themselves a 30 year imprisonment term inside their own nation's borders, with a probable 'death row' status. Only near total non-involvement with the US finance system, a non-US passport and lack of US residence will save some of them...
Without actually killing off entire families of those involved with the US finance system collapse, there will be no way any US sovereign bond holder will be able to be paid back in any way, shape or form. Entire bloodlines in the US ruling class will have to be completely and totally liquidated.
The external bondholders will have no choice in this matter -- as without total systemic bloodline liquidation 'no paying back of the value invested' (in any currency or value transfer system) will ever be possible.
No US federal, state or local police force is going to enforce the law by arresting and jailing anyone involved in the US finance system collapse any time in the near future. This important forcing function should not be ignored. The US public is already not pleased about this, so expect many local police killings in regions that have high usages of Google Search Terms for "US" + "USD" + "Hyperinflation" + "collapse" - "Weimar" - "Zimbabwe" ...
I don't want to be involved with any of this as I am merely observing nature here.
The natural 'global moral economic system' is indicating that what I am implying above has a high probability of happening in its fullest form.
The world's population [rich or poor] will 'have to live with it' -- and all of its outcomes ... with or without positive consequences.
The US has already succomed to
-- Total nepotism (in the public and private sectors)
-- Total favouritism, where nepotism is not viable
-- Total finance system collapse, albeit the structure is still standing for now
It will be up to other sovereign states to punish those in the US finance system that stole their wealth, and I expect this to be the case into the immediate future (possibly until 2038-2042).
Many but not all wealthy Americans have essentially given themselves a 30 year imprisonment term inside their own nation's borders, with a probable 'death row' status. Only near total non-involvement with the US finance system, a non-US passport and lack of US residence will save some of them...
Without actually killing off entire families of those involved with the US finance system collapse, there will be no way any US sovereign bond holder will be able to be paid back in any way, shape or form. Entire bloodlines in the US ruling class will have to be completely and totally liquidated.
The external bondholders will have no choice in this matter -- as without total systemic bloodline liquidation 'no paying back of the value invested' (in any currency or value transfer system) will ever be possible.
No US federal, state or local police force is going to enforce the law by arresting and jailing anyone involved in the US finance system collapse any time in the near future. This important forcing function should not be ignored. The US public is already not pleased about this, so expect many local police killings in regions that have high usages of Google Search Terms for "US" + "USD" + "Hyperinflation" + "collapse" - "Weimar" - "Zimbabwe" ...
I don't want to be involved with any of this as I am merely observing nature here.
The natural 'global moral economic system' is indicating that what I am implying above has a high probability of happening in its fullest form.
The world's population [rich or poor] will 'have to live with it' -- and all of its outcomes ... with or without positive consequences.