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Two governments: Public State vs the Deep State

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  • Two governments: Public State vs the Deep State

    UC Berkeley professor emeritus Peter Dale Scott points out that there are really two governments, the public government and the deep government. The public government is aboveboard, well intentioned, and accountable. Then there's the deep one...the one that really runs things.

    Scott has researched and written several investigative books about the role of the "deep state" (as opposed to the "public state"). However, Scott rejects the label of "conspiracy theory" and has used the phrase "deep politics" to describe his heavily-footnoted political writing.

    Video (1 hour) Public vs Deep begins around 10 minutes into the video

  • #2
    Re: Two governments: Public State vs the Deep State

    started to watch this... 10 min. into it my eyes started to water. minutes later yellow-green ooze dripped from my ears. i shed my hair into my lap. as i brushed it aside my face melted and my teeth fell out. 20 min. into his interview i died. or killed myself.

    as with peter dale scott, this does not prevent me from going on...

    why can't academics just get to the ******* point?


    • #3
      Re: Two governments: Public State vs the Deep State

      That is the problem with the children of today! Limited attention span!

      With that kind of attitude, how did you ever finish college? Or maybe you didn't? ;)


      • #4
        Re: Two governments: Public State vs the Deep State

        Originally posted by Rajiv View Post
        That is the problem with the children of today! Limited attention span!

        With that kind of attitude, how did you ever finish college? Or maybe you didn't? ;)
        ok, so maybe i exaggerated. ;)

        thanks for posting it, rajiv. you have to admit, tho, that someone who can express this in 15 min. and make it interesting is going to get a lot more listeners.


        • #5
          Re: Two governments: Public State vs the Deep State

          Originally posted by metalman View Post
          someone who can express this in 15 min.
          OK - Here is a 15 minute talk

          From "Super Tuesday" or "Stupor Tuesday" - The Property Party Wins Again...

          In the above video, Peter Dale Scott talks about the futility of engaging with a system that offers no real choice, referencing Gore Vidal, who has said, in various ways, "We only have one political party in the U.S., and that is the property party, which essentially is corporate America, which has two right wings, one called Republican and one called Democrat. I can't say I like either of them."

          In his book, (which he quotes from in the video), The Road to 9/11, Scott points out that real change in this country is not going to come from the top down. In other words, substituting one representative of the Property Party for another is not going to change anything. Real change in this country will come from the bottom-up, through the networking efforts of grass-roots activists and media activism that currently has its home on the internet. A real, workable coalition is needed, engaging the divided voting public. Scott writes that what we need "is a movement, like that of Solidarity in Poland, that unites the various elements in civil society instead of setting them against each other. I suspect that left and right, by discarding preconceptions and learning more about those whom they presume to be adversaries, could discover that they may have more in common than they believe." (The Road to 9/11, p.250)
          From The 9/11 Commission Report One Year Later

          In Part 17, independent researcher Peter Dale Scott reveals the hidden nature of "al Qaeda", and its relationship to US interests, the CIA, the ISI, and oil companies.

          Scott is a seasoned researcher who has done a massive amount of research into the JFK assassination, and now has spent considerable intellectual effort looking at 9/1

          In Part 18, Scott concludes his testimony with a brief examination of Ali Mohamed and other "al Qaeda" players, and Nafeez Ahmed returns for a second presentation, delineating the unbroken relationship of Western powers to "al Qaeda" throught the 1990's.

          Last edited by Rajiv; June 08, 2008, 12:27 PM.


          • #6
            Re: Two governments: Public State vs the Deep State

            Justin Raimondo calls the one party in the US the War Party. Very apt.


            • #7
              Re: Two governments: Public State vs the Deep State

              Originally posted by Rajiv View Post
              In the above video, Peter Dale Scott talks about the futility of engaging with a system that offers no real choice, referencing Gore Vidal, who has said, in various ways, "We only have one political party in the U.S., and that is the property party, which essentially is corporate America, which has two right wings, one called Republican and one called Democrat. I can't say I like either of them."

              In his book, (which he quotes from in the video), The Road to 9/11, Scott points out that real change in this country is not going to come from the top down. In other words, substituting one representative of the Property Party for another is not going to change anything. Real change in this country will come from the bottom-up, through the networking efforts of grass-roots activists and media activism that currently has its home on the internet. A real, workable coalition is needed, engaging the divided voting public. Scott writes that what we need "is a movement, like that of Solidarity in Poland, that unites the various elements in civil society instead of setting them against each other. I suspect that left and right, by discarding preconceptions and learning more about those whom they presume to be adversaries, could discover that they may have more in common than they believe." (The Road to 9/11, p.250)
              (blue is my emphasis)

              This weekend's Bill Moyers started out with Kathleen Hall Jamieson of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at UPenn, and Ron Walters of the African American Leadership Center at UMaryland. An excerpt related to the above highlight:

              KATHLEEN HALL JAMIESON: And one other thing, if you're just involved in a campaign, there's always a chance that you don't then carry on that level of activism. We don't have that many campaigns. But what the Obama campaign is doing is setting up a training structure to train this cadre of newly involved individuals, not all of them young.

              This cadre of newly involved individuals in how to produce change. If you actually create agents of change then their obligation is not simply to participate politics every four years, or every two years, but to now create a different kind of community.

              The community organizer who is running for President is trying to find a way to organize politics differently in this country. And if he succeeds he transforms the political landscape. Because imagine that you have this large active group, it follows politics more closely.

              As a result, it holds politicians more accountable. And, importantly, its issue agenda is more likely to be treated seriously.
              Link to video.

              A little optimistic maybe, but it seems like a good start. The point she is making is that this goes beyond Obama and the next four years. If the political machine in Washington won't or can't give the people what they want, we'll have to address the issues ourselves on a local scale and work our way up.

