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The 3 Trillion Dollar Shopping Spree

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  • The 3 Trillion Dollar Shopping Spree

    The 3 Trillion Dollar Shopping Spree

    The occupation of Iraq will cost $3 trillion, America's most expensive conflict since WWII. Can YOU spend that money better? Here's your chance to go on a virtual $3 trillion shopping spree and prove it!

    Think you can spend $3 trillion better than President Bush?
    “Just counting the zeroes on the $3 trillion price tag of the Iraq War is enough to induce hyperventilation. But what does $3 trillion really mean? It’s difficult even to comprehend a number that big. Well, try filling your shopping cart with what the cost of the Iraq War could buy: healthcare for every American? A new home for every subprime borrower now facing foreclosure? An Ivy League university? You haven’t even gotten started.”
    -Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz
    co-author of The Three Trillion Dollar War

    Browse through our departments or use the search box to find a product. Once you've found something you like, simply add it to your cart. If you want to add more than one, keep on clicking—after all, our government just loves to spend spend spend. (Can't locate something you want? Simply "add a product" and follow the steps.) When you're all finished, proceed to the checkout, where you'll be able to complete your order and e-mail your virtual gifts to friends.

  • #2
    Re: The 3 Trillion Dollar Shopping Spree


    On a similar note you may also enjoy The Bush Boom: How a Misunderestimated President Fixed a Broken Economy (hat-tip The Big Picture).

    reviews include:
    Finally! A book that proves the existence of an alternate universe. Obviously, a rip in the space/time continuum between this universe and the other universe where Bush is presiding over a 'boom economy opened up and this book fell through. Can there be ANY other explanation?
    This book has a very interesting premise, which is that common sense and experienced reality are both false.
    Hello all. I rated this book 5, because it's a very fun book. Hahahaha, even the title of the book makes me laugh so much.
    Available from just $0.01!
    It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


    • #3
      Re: The 3 Trillion Dollar Shopping Spree

      We have to wonder what Kudlow and Bower say now - almost 5 years after publishing this book -- but I had a good chuckle from the customer reviews -- of course the editorial reviews were the same old fluff writers

