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Lukester: Peak oil a hoax?

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  • Lukester: Peak oil a hoax?

    Lindsey Williams talks about his first hand knowledge of Alaskan oil reserves larger than any on earth. And he talks about how the oil companies and U.S. government won't send it through the pipeline for U.S. citizens to use.
    Goad for you.

  • #2
    Re: Lukester: Peak oil a hoax?

    Sapiens -

    I notice (first CIA / North Korea fraudulent USD Supernotes, now this) you are drawn irresistibly to conspiracies and subterfuge of any kind. I'm the opposite. Quite frankly, I think the never ending lust for conspiracies finds fertile ground to be swallowed most often amongst weaker minds.

    Of course I'm not suggesting that of you - merely noting what I think of conspiracists generally. I much admire many of your posts and think you have a wonderful breadth of reading behind you - but you seem helplessly drawn to any topic which contains elements of conspiracy or mystery, while mostly they just make me yawn. Also the self important tone assumed at times does not exactly help.

    Other than that, I congratulate you on many interesting posts!


    • #3
      Sapiens Disaster Therapy - Total Global Collapse of Int. Banking System Due in 2008

      Here you go Sapiens, this is just right for you.

      Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin - LEAP2020 predicts the final collapse of the global banking system sometime this coming summer. Armageddon of finance complete with flashes of lightning, Zeus coming down from Mount Olympus to give Central Bankers a good thrashing, multiple "ominous and cryptic signs and portents", perfect environment for the nefarious "illuminati" led by Bush Papa, Henry Kissinger, Queen Elizabeth and all the other puppetmasters to swoop in and achieve world domination, etc. etc.

      Should be right up your street!


      GEAB N°20 is available! LEAP/E2020 Alert: Breaking phase ahead for the global financial system in 2008

      - Public announcement GEAB N°20 (December 16, 2007)

      The rapid aggravation of the global systemic crisis as its phase of impact unfolds (1) has brought our researchers to estimate that the contemporary global financial system will reach a breaking phase in the course of 2008.

      Crisis follow-up indicators now show that we should no longer only fear the failure of some large financial institution (and of many small ones) in the US first and the in the rest of the world (cf. GEAB N°19), but that the global financial system itself is structurally hit.

      The network of global central banks' repeated incapacity to control the « credit crunch » when the two historical pillars of the contemporary global financial system (a US economy in recession and a US dollar in decay), reflects the growing surge of centrifugal forces within this very system.

      Indeed it is no more a matter of competence or of magnitude of the corrective actions implemented by central bankers. These times are over since summer 2007 and, according to LEAP/E2020, we are now witnessing an increasing divergence in economic interests among the different components of the global financial system.

      The expected failure of the Fed's most recent attempt to coordinate a joint action of the main central banks in order to feed the banks in US dollars (2), is particularly revealing. This action meant to restore confidence in the financial system by two means:

      . reinstating the now moribund inter-banking market, by proving the existence of a « joint force de frappe (strike force) » of global central banks.

      . enabling large financial institutions in distress to anonymously restock in US dollars, in exchange of their assets being accepted as discount window collateral (i.e. worth their value some months ago, when they were still worth something) (3).

      Of course the first goal is predominant, as reinstating of interbanking market is the only means to bailout banks in distress in a sustainable manner. However, it is already clear that the target has failed to be reached (4). The LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate), a key indicator of the health of the interbank market, has not moved an inch from its highest levels ever reached (5). “Psychologically” speaking, the global stocks decline recorded after the action of the central banks was announced, proves this if any message went through, it is that the situation for large US banks is even worse than announced in the past months (6).

      Concentration of US Commercial Bank Derivatives on 09/30/2007 – Source Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) - Comment: 7 banks (7) concentrate 98% of all derivatives, i.e. USD 155,400 billion; while the other 929 banks own 2% only, i.e. USD 2,900

      According to LEAP/E2020 research team, it is already a fact that after it lost control over interest rates (cf. GEAB N°16), the US Federal Reserve has now lost two more of the attributes that characterized the post-1945 global financial system: its credibility as a proactive player capable of influencing heavy market trends (8), and its capacity to organize and drive global central banks altogether along its own rhythm and goals. In doing so, it has just lost the ability to steer by itself the entire global financial system, an ability it has gained after 1945.

      Even though today, financial markets are mostly receptive to the loss of the first attribute (9), our researchers estimate that it is the loss of the second attribute (and the impact on the system's leadership) which will result in the global financial system's break sometime in the course of next year, probably by summer, when the effects of the ongoing US recession will start being fully felt and when Asians and Europeans will decisively be compelled to impose their own priorities to the “Fed-pilot”.

      In this 20th issue of the GlobalEurope Anticipation Bulletin (December 2007 issue), our team describes in detail the characteristics of the growing divergences between the four main central banks (US Federal Reserve, European Central Bank, Bank of England, Swiss national Bank).

      According to LEAP/E2020, these crucial trends, coming at a time when the entire magnitude of the US recession effects has not yet been reached (in Asia and the US in particular), illustrate the rapid increase of centrifugal forces which, according to our anticipations, will lead the contemporary global financial system to a break point by summer 2008.

      This break point will entail numerous disastrous effects for the world's largest financial institutions, in particular for all those who do not yet fully understand the meaning of ongoing tendencies and therefore who remain largely involved in the US dollar system currently imploding. These institutions will experience, to a much larger degree, what those who failed to anticipate the subprime crisis experienced, now being on the verge of disaster (10).

      Meanwhile, for depositors and investors, this breaking phase will convey risks of considerable loss comparable to the two previous breaking periods (1929 and the years that followed (11), and 1973 and the end of the 1970s). According to our researchers, the ongoing rupture is even more disastrous than the two previous ones due to a disproportionate importance of the financial sphere in contemporary economy. For that matter, LEAP/E2020 comes back on this aspect and describes possible protections further in this 20th issue of the Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin.

      US banks quarterly change in domestic loans (in blue) versus domestic deposits (in red) – Source FDIC - Comment: There is a historical disconnection between loans and deposits since 2006, illustrating the dangerous spiral US banks have entered

      By summer 2008, it will be possible to distinguish more clearly the lines along which the global financial system will reorganise once the break point has been reached. According to our team, it is a fact that the Europeans (the Eurozone essentially), together with Japan and China, will have to compose with Russia and oil-exporting countries in order to structure a new system.

      The evolution will be painful for the US (and for all related operators) as, inevitably, the new system will no longer be organised along their interest as it was the case in the past sixty years. The next US Administration (that will be in charge from January 2009 onward) will have a task high on their agenda: to handle as well as possible this historic change, conveying new economic and financial constraints, in a context of economic recession. Europeans and Asians too will have to keep in mind this aspect if they want to avoid the break from turning into chaos.
      Last edited by Contemptuous; January 13, 2008, 02:42 AM.


      • #4
        Re: Lukester: Peak oil a hoax?

        Originally posted by Sapiens View Post

        Goad for you.
        It worked.
        Jim 69 y/o

        "...Texans...the lowest form of white man there is." Robert Duvall, as Al Sieber, in "Geronimo." (see "Location" for examples.)

        Dedicated to the idea that all people deserve a chance for a healthy productive life. B&M Gates Fdn.

        Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement. Unknown.


        • #5
          Re: Lukester: Peak oil a hoax?

          I watched some of this, but it seemed to be light on numbers. Here is a comment from someone on amazon regarding his energy non-crisis book (empahsis mine)
          Mr. Lindsey contradicts every known statistic, every oil company, every geologist. My guess is that he's trying to make money off a book that tells people what they want to hear: there's nothing to worry about. Based on his claim that there's enough oil in Alaska to supply the U.S. for 200 years, there would have to be over 1.7 trillion barrels there (assuming that U.S. consumption is static, which, of course, it isn't). That's ridiculous. We've extracted the easiest to reach, sweetest oil first. There hasn't been some conspiracy for decades to hide what's in Alaska. The U.S. has very, very little remaining oil reserves. The last super giants were found in 1968 and will soon be pumped to depletion. Please don't buy this garbage. His book is just wrong.
          I have no idea who this guy is, a google search doesn't show up anything significant, looks like he has ties to the oil industry and wouldn't be surprised if he's trying to help Bush and all those creeps to open up the alaska wilderness to oil harvesting.


          • #6
            Re: Lukester: Peak oil a hoax?

            Here is the latest from Lindsey Williams at Alex Jones show -- rather scary if I may say so!

            Sapiens? Thoughts?

            From Economicrot

            The insider information continues... Lindsey Williams spoke with Alex Jones on Dec 1, 2008 - telling us all what we should/can expect to see over the next 12 months. Let me forewarn you, though the clip ends abruptly, the info you will hear is downright scary!

            So, who is Lindsey Williams ?


            Lindsey was a an ordained Baptist minister in Alaska during the energy crisis of the 70's and was present in several "Top Level meetings" when the largest oil field ever discovered in North America was celebrated (Gull Island Oil Field)-- only to become "Classified" the next day and never tapped/put to use....

            Why? To control oil supplies and establish a dollar pricing agreement w/OPEC -- so they would recycle those dollars, and buy our national debt - As he who controls oil and oil pricing, controls the world.

            Skipping ahead to recent events:

            Back in June 2008, when oil was flirting with $150 a barrel and many were predicting $200+, Lindsey received death threats and abruptly had to shut down his web site, stop selling his books/CD's, etc - for discussing many of the secrets he knew of from his earlier days in Alaska. Anyway, when discussing these life/death issues with an "insider friend" who has close relations with the illuminati (the small group who control the world economy), the friend provided more insider information and stated: oil would swiftly be crushed down to $50 a barrel - in the quest to bankrupt OPEC, but this action would also KILL the US economy and collapse the Dollar - leading to unprecedented financial strife and turmoil in the US.


            Last edited by Rajiv; December 03, 2008, 06:18 PM.


            • #7
              Re: Lukester: Peak oil a hoax?

              Where is the difference in mindset between COMEX and IPE/ICE(International Petroleum Exchange) ?


              • #8
                Re: Lukester: Peak oil a hoax?

                The facts have not slowed the legend of Gull Island oil

                By ALAN BAILEY
                Petroleum News
                Published: July 16th, 2008 11:10 PM

                Back in 1981 when crude oil prices hit unimaginable highs above $30 per barrel, a letter from U.S. Rep. Bob Stump of Arizona popped into the mail bag of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission in Anchorage.

                "I have been contacted by several constituents concerning the recent allegations of a massive oil find off the North Slope on Gull Island. Those allegations range from a business cover-up to a giant federal conspiracy to perpetuate our energy crisis," Stump said. "I would appreciate any information that you can offer me that will aid with my correspondence with these constituents."

                Some of Stump's constituents had presumably been reading a book called "The Energy Non-Crisis," written by sometime Baptist missionary Lindsey Williams and published in 1980. Williams' book included a description of the Gull Island field.


                Three wells were drilled from Gull Island. The drilling results were initially closely held, but now the well data are public.

                The first two wells were drilled in 1976 and 1977.

                In a response to Stump's 1981 letter, Alaska Oil and Gas Commissioner Harry Kugler said Gull Island No. 1 well tested 1,144 barrels of oil per day from one underground reservoir, while the Gull Island No. 2 well tested 2,971 barrels of oil per day from other.

                "We do not believe the evidence from these two wells indicates a massive new oil find," Kugler said. More wells would need to be drilled before deciding if it made sense to develop the reservoirs, he said. The third well was drilled in 1992.

                Geologist Peter Barker was among those monitoring and interpreting Gull Island No. 1 as it was drilled in 1976. The objective was to test a deep structure north of the huge Prudhoe Bay field, the first North Slope field developed, Barker said recently.

                "There was an (oil and gas) trap there, but there wasn't an economic quantity of oil," he said.

                Ken Bird, of the U.S. Geological Survey and an expert on North Slope geology, recently provided some perspective on the Gull Island drilling.

                Since 1980 at least four oil pools, the West Beach, Niakuk, Point McIntyre and North Prudhoe pools, as well as Prudhoe Bay satellites, have been developed in the area immediately around the Gull Island wells, Bird said. The four pools in the immediate Gull Island area are in production: According to Alaska's Division of Oil and Gas 2007 annual report, Point McIntyre had a cumulative production of 396 million barrels of oil at the end of 2006, with 164 million barrels of remaining reserves. The other three pools are much smaller than Point McIntyre. That compares with Prudhoe Bay's 11.4 billion barrels of oil already produced and Kuparuk River field's 2.1 billion barrels.

                "Both the geologic evidence and the small area not yet developed into oil fields around the Gull Island wells preclude the possibility of a giant oil accumulation," Bird said.
                map here:



                • #9
                  Re: Lukester: Peak oil a hoax?

                  Originally posted by Rajiv View Post
                  Here is the latest from Lindsey Williams at Alex Jones show -- rather scary if I may say so!
                  The collapse of China and Russia, the oil bubble and the development bubble in OPEC countries were some important points of my theories, and I have no Reptilian or Illuminati connections. It just made sense. (BTW that Reptillian tinfoil stuff is completely Zoloft grade )

                  I don't believe in super duper dark room conspiracies, although I'm convinced there is a culture of corruption across the financial system and the government, and like-minded ( as well as like-corrupt) people tend to gather and advance in the same direction in order to maximize their profits. But after watching this stuff ....


                  • #10
                    Re: Lukester: Peak oil a hoax?

                    Originally posted by Rajiv View Post
                    Here is the latest from Lindsey Williams at Alex Jones show -- rather scary if I may say so!

                    Sapiens? Thoughts?
                    The same thing I stated to you before, in a major credit contraction the one who has planned his bankruptcy and asset protections and is first to implement it wins.

                    The rest, as you know, is confidential.



                    • #11
                      Re: Lukester: Peak oil a hoax?

                      Last edited by politicalfootballfan; February 02, 2009, 08:26 PM.

