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Oh No! A member of the mainstream media is CONSCIOUS!

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  • Oh No! A member of the mainstream media is CONSCIOUS!

    Charlie Gasparino rips Goldman on CNBC

    Via Reggie Middleton - that is his headline:

    Charlie Gasparino actually seems as if he reads this blog. As readers know, I have stated many times that Goldman is nothing but a gigantic, taxpayer guaranteed, government protected hedge fund. They have taken more risk than any large financial institution in this country, nearly failed but for a massive government bailout, and have benefitted multiple times from government assistance: ranging from expedited bank charters, government guarantees on their debt, ZIRP, TARP, open access to the discount window (without being a bank), and 100% payout on 50% devalued assets that they voluntarily purchased from Merrill and voluntarily insured with a soon to be insolvent counteryparty.

    Despite all of this, they are actually being lauded as supermen! Hey, give me $95 billion of cash, guarantees, impunity and immunity from prosecution and associated assistance and I'll blow my quarterly numbers out as well. What's to prevent me from maxing out risk when I know I keep the rewards and the taxpayer keeps the losses????
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