The interview took place on June 9, 2009 (see article at the bottom).
Mr. Kirk is stunningly honest about the situation. I am assuming here that it is obviously easier for him to be, since he is not part of the FED or the Treasury.
Is there really only $40B worth of gold in Fort Knox? I have to look this one up! (yes I know it has not been audited for ages, but based on the latest and/or best estimate: no conspiracies theory stuff please).
Note that Mr. Kirk says that the Chinese are planning to buy $80B worth of gold i.e. they have not done so yet. Seems like a drop in the bucket to me when you own $1T+ of USD, but anyway.
"Both parties don't want to create a panic" - Kirk
"the US may borrow even more than $1.8T...that is ...unsustainable" - Kirk
"they [Chinese] expect quite a bit of inflation next year" - Kirk
"they [Chinese] funded a second petroleum strategic reserve" - Kirk
"they plan to buy $80B worth of gold" - Kirk
Runtime: 5min.*
Rep. Mark Kirk on China Losing Faith in the Dollar
By On the Record
June 9, 2009
GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Congressman Mark Kirk just returned from China, and he says the Chinese told him they are worried about the U.S. economy. But that's not exactly what our Treasury secretary, Tim Geithner, says after his recent trip to China. Secretary Geithner says the Chinese expressed to him justifiable confidence in our economy. So which is it? Are the Chinese flipped out about our exploding debt or not?
Full Article here.
By On the Record
June 9, 2009
GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Congressman Mark Kirk just returned from China, and he says the Chinese told him they are worried about the U.S. economy. But that's not exactly what our Treasury secretary, Tim Geithner, says after his recent trip to China. Secretary Geithner says the Chinese expressed to him justifiable confidence in our economy. So which is it? Are the Chinese flipped out about our exploding debt or not?
Full Article here.