Re: What is the plan ?
nears i can tell, ms shiny! ?
that was supposed to happen during geedubya's term (2001-2008)
which is why it all landed in his lap; ie: so that the lib-dems could blame it all on bush+repubs
using that as the ULTIMATE EXCUSE for the affirmative action candidate's failures (on nearly all fronts that matter) on what they inherited - even while being in complete command of the agenda - in 2009-10 - even as they bailed out TBTF, inc and 'passed so they could read what was in it' and so thoroughly screw up the entire medical services delivery channel - vs 'insurance' - that NO ONE WANTS TO HIRE ANYBODY OVER 50 any more
Originally posted by shiny!
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that was supposed to happen during geedubya's term (2001-2008)
which is why it all landed in his lap; ie: so that the lib-dems could blame it all on bush+repubs
using that as the ULTIMATE EXCUSE for the affirmative action candidate's failures (on nearly all fronts that matter) on what they inherited - even while being in complete command of the agenda - in 2009-10 - even as they bailed out TBTF, inc and 'passed so they could read what was in it' and so thoroughly screw up the entire medical services delivery channel - vs 'insurance' - that NO ONE WANTS TO HIRE ANYBODY OVER 50 any more