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Trump to win?

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  • Re: Trump to win?

    Originally posted by santafe2 View Post
    In response to your earlier post, I was going to say that Johnson and Stein would tend to take votes from each other. I don't believe the disaffected pool of voters expands greatly when both are in play. Sanders would take votes from both of them since he appeals to the same group.
    Those are also good points. It's not as simple as far left and far right - they have overlap.


    • Re: Trump to win?


      • Re: Trump to win?

        Seth Meyers in 2011: Donald Trump has been saying he’ll run for president as a Republican, which is surprising as I just assumed he was running as a joke.

        And these pictures. You just can't make up what a complete idiot this guy is. I'm brave, the bravest. I'll bring brave back to America.


        • Re: Trump to win?

          What happened? What caused you to fall from such heights of reasoned argument to this ugly, information free morass of hate and attack?

          It seems you're on the verge of becoming unhinged at the mere thought of Trump. It's as if, personally, you are terrified of the man and react with thoughtless rage like some abused dog at the sight of his tormentor. You used to sing and now its just barking madness.

          In any other domain we hear the same SF2 of yore, but when it comes to an election I'm unable to distinguish your posts from the base, ideologically driven and reactionary crap we used to laugh at together. There are few others here who can match you when you speak with authority, SF. But when you head down low, your rhetorical mojo is for shit and a JV debate alternate can clean your clock without breaking a sweat. And over an election, our own Yankee Doodle kabuki theater, make believe TV magic where the end is set before the first reel of film spools out.

          And man, as I looked at the sun break above the ocean this morning -twisted my ankle coming down the narrow slippery stairs of this goldurned boat, so no kite surfing for Woods- I'm reminded as I am every time I see the sight of how insignificant all of this is to my life and how stupid I was to waste a minute of my short time on the nonsense that is American politics. Jeezus, to think I made my living that way once. And I have the gall to criticize you for making your dollar by making others lose their livelyhoods when really there was no meaningful difference between the outcomes you produce and mine; worse, really, if I had the ability to share with you some if the things I helped make possible.

          So I owe you an apology for not having the presence of mind to recognize the temporary derangement some folks suffer during the silly season and affording you the respect - and me the care - of not contributing to the crazy. I'm sorry for that and I owe Miss Shiny! a similar degree of contrition for breaking my hugs and kisses promise i made to her on the back of a similarly ugly period in times past. None of that changes anything about my POV, but I'm going to redouble my effort to focus again on understanding and planning, using our conversations here to cut through the bullshit fed to us daily by the propaganda press and leave the barking and howling to others. I don't think you can help me in regard to the election and folks here can do just dandy without my opinionating as well, so nobody will miss much of anything.

          In my pain and embarrassement this morning I tried to distract myself from the dissappointment of missing out on the surf by reading. By happenstance the ebook reader picked up on the last few pages of EJ's Postcatastrophe Economy, where he writes about iTulip and the community of thoughtful reason and rigor it is. Read it again when you have a chance as you're singled out as one of the good ones. I wonder if you'll have as hard a time recognizing you as described therein as I had?

          The sun rises and sets, the tides go out and in, the waves toss the boat gently or violently, with never a single consideration of my wants and fears. It never changes, this rythim and flow, much like our human nature and the instruments of power, command, and control it begets.

          So The Donald will have to win on his own and do without my efforts. If he knew how bad you are gunning for him, well maybe he'd be as scared of you as he seems to be of that ugly bird of prey flexing its razor talons. Or maybe he would be like the ocean, unaware of the boat, the passengers and their fears?

          The field is yours, SF, so have at it. The ocean will have to be enough for me.


          • Re: Trump to win?

            Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
            So The Donald will have to win on his own and do without my efforts. If he knew how bad you are gunning for him, well maybe he'd be as scared of you as he seems to be of that ugly bird of prey flexing its razor talons. Or maybe he would be like the ocean, unaware of the boat, the passengers and their fears?

            The field is yours, SF, so have at it. The ocean will have to be enough for me.
            Hope you enjoyed your sailing Woody. I thought that was a pretty funny allegory for Trump's campaign. You do get that he's not really running for president, correct? This is just another reality show for The Donald. It's about screen time. He's a Kardashian with bad hair and thin skin. He won't even commit to taking office if he wins...but I don't think it will go that far.

            He's not raising enough money, (although June was much better), and he's not spending much money. He's pushing the Republican establishment's buttons as hard as he can so they'll unseat him at the convention, he can claim he was fouled and spend the next 4 years being paid to talk about how badly the system is rigged. I'm sure he looked at how lucrative this running for president game can be and how weak the Republican field was this year and thought, I should get into this business. He's had a good run but Act 1 is over and, as I alluded to, it's about to get real.

            I could be completely wrong. I know you and Scott Adams both think I'm wrong but we'll have to wait until the convention, or November or even January 20th next year to see how this will play out. It's a reality show and the producers will ensure there are lots of twists and turns, heart break and titillating revelations.

            Stay tuned.


            • Re: Trump to win?



              • Re: Trump to win?



                • Re: Trump to win?

                  and more news we wont see on any amerikan lamerstream media 'news' show/pub any time soon?

                  comey unmasked as the banker he REALLY is, with NO experience in 'law enforcement' (or whatevah it is
                  the most corrupt US admin in history refers to what used-to be known as the criminal justice system)

                  Comey Oversaw Drug Cartel Money Laundering Operations As a Top Executive At HSBC Bank

                  Before becoming the director of the FBI, Director Comey, worked at the criminal bank of HSBC which laundered drug cartel and terrorist drug money in the worst banking scandal in US history.

                  Comey the Criminal Globalist

                  FBI Director is clearly motivated to retain his job after Clinton is elected than he is in performing his sworn duties as an FBI Director. Comey is one of the faces of the criminal enterprise mafia that has taken over the U.S. government

                  As the caption indicates, Comey has a very questionable background after having worked at HSBC bank, one of the most scandalous banks in history. So, should we be surprised that Comey essentially gave Clinton a walk, despite her blatant criminality? Better yet, why isn’t he investigating Attorney General, Loretta Lynch(mob) in regard to her conflict of interest meeting with Bill Clinton, regarding Hillary’s fate. That is because the FBI Director is just ass dirty as Lynch and the Clintonistas.
                  Comey did not just work at HSBC bank as his resume indicates (see below). He was on the Executive Board at the very time the HSBC scandal was breaking. There is no way he did not know as he looked the other way. And when he was vetted for his job as FBI Director, they knew then, he was in a key position of an organization that was caught laundering Mexican drug cartel money for the Sinoloas, the Los Zetas and their terrorist allies. Yet, despite this information which is publicly available, he was made the FBI Director with no law enforcement background! Now, are surprised that he just issued a de facto pardon for criminal Hillary over the email scandal?
                  If you are not familiar with the HSBC bank, this link will grant you acces to an interview I did with John Cruz who formerly worked at HSBC. Cruz tried to blow the whistle but nobody in the federal government would pay attention, at least intially. Eventuallly, this turned into the nation’s biggest banking scandal. Here is the link tot he page that contains the Cruz interview. Paste this into your browser and you will come to a page that contains the Cruz interview. You will have to scroll down the page about half way until you “John Cruz” in bold. Remember, Comey was on the Board of Directors while this scandal was going on. He had a duty to know what was going on and then report these criminal actions to tha authorities. Comey should resign in disgrace at this revelation. As you listen to the Cruz interview, keep in mind that this happened on Comey’s watch.
                  Effectively, Comey is a globalist, an appointed political hack who has shown that he is cut from the same New World Order cloth as Hillary Clinton. Sadly, we have become a nation that is operating without the rule of law.
                  In lieu of the Clinton/FBI miscarriage of justice fiasco, every American needs to ask themselves, why should they follow federal law? Why should the people pay their taxes to support such a corrupt government? Why should any of us ever believe anything these gangster thugs ever say?
                  Here is Comey’s professional background as per Wikipedia.
                  “James Brien Comey, Jr. (born December 14, 1960) is an American lawyer. He is the seventh and current Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
                  He was the United States Deputy Attorney General, serving in President George W. Bush’s administration. As Deputy Attorney General, Comey was the second-highest-ranking official in the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) and ran the day-to-day operations of the Department, serving in that office from December 2003 through August 2005. He was U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York prior to becoming Deputy Attorney General.
                  In December 2003, as Deputy Attorney General, Comey appointed the U.S. Attorney in Chicago, close friend and former colleague Patrick Fitzgerald, as Special Counsel to head the CIA leak grand jury investigation after Attorney General John Ashcroft recused himself. In August 2005, Comey left the DOJ and he became General Counsel and Senior Vice President of Lockheed Martin. In 2010, he became General Counsel at Bridgewater Associates. In early 2013, he left Bridgewater to become Senior Research Scholar and Hertog Fellow on National Security Law at Columbia Law School. He also joined the London-based board of directors of HSBC Holdings. In 2013, Comey was appointed as the director of the FBI by President Barack Obama.”
                  Finally, here is the breakdown of the globalist background of the current FBI Director. This short video will detail the fact that the Director is a globalist and has gotten his hands dirty in one of the biggest banking scandals in American History. Director Comey is representative of the type of thugs that comprise the Obama/Clinton cabal.


                  • Re: Trump to win?

                    dup deleted.

                    but... since nobody else has posted since?

                    i'll re-fill this one, with this:

                    Congress: “Too Big to Jail: Inside the Obama Justice Department’s Decision Not to Hold Wall Street Accountable”

                    by Wolf Richter

                    since it ties-in nicely with the above item (even if i didnt get its description comey having 'no law enforcement experience' quite correct - he's a lawyer, worked in DOJ, but right along side holder & lynch, BOTH of whom are clinton appointees and BOTH of whom hace seen fit to NOT prosecute any of the criminal bankster cartel of lwr manhattan)
                    Last edited by lektrode; July 12, 2016, 05:44 PM.


                    • Re: Trump to win?


                      Gingrich quits Fox News today, presumably Trump will announce him as VP candidate. The man who's never seen a free trade agreement he didn't like now says he agrees with Trump's protectionist policies.

                      Warren is speaking on opening night for the Dems. Looks like she's out of the VP running. That's not great news but also not surprising.

                      Sanders endorses Clinton. There's still a lot of fence mending to do with Sanders supporters, but it's a start.


                      • Re: Trump to win?

                        True story. Walk on the elevator to make it to an 8:00 AM markup session and in steps this disheveled old fat guy. Looked like he had slept with his shoes on, so rumpled and out of sorts you swear he was homeless. And the smell of BO and some god awful distillate seeping out of him, oof! It was the Minority Whip himself, Newtie. Smiled at me.

                        My opinion. Newt is as craven as Trump would ever hope to be. I think in terms of pure Machiavellian evil, they are an even pair. Newt. Newt. Newt. Newt. Effing twilight zone, man.

                        My advice. Run away before it takes you too. Look what she did to Bernie. And the kids, oh the poor Sanders kids. Save yourself before it eats your soul!

                        Game over man. Game over man!

                        Meanwhile, on Planet Principled a tree falls silently in a dark and lonely Green woodland untrammeled by nary a Democrat or Republican in a hundred years.

                        Jill Stein shreds Sanders' Clinton endorsement

                        On the same day Bernie Sanders officially endorsed Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination and declared she will make an "outstanding president," presumptive Green Party nominee Jill Stein was having none of it.

                        "If you don't want to vote for a warmonger or racist billionaire, there are more options. The political revolution will keep going," Stein tweeted in the hour preceding Sanders' announcement alongside Clinton in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

                        In another tweet, Stein wrote, "While Trump praises dictators, Hillary takes their money. Remind us again of Saudi Arabia's human rights record?"
                        As Sanders began speaking, Stein offered her own hashtags to disaffected Bernie backers. "The revolution continues with those who will fight for a government that represents all of us--not just the 1%. #HillNo #JillYes," Stein wrote.

                        Stein has suggested she would step aside as the Green Party's standard bearer should Sanders wish to lead the ticket. "I've invited Bernie to sit down and explore collaboration," she told The Guardian in an interview published last Friday. "Everything is on the table. If he saw that you can't have a revolutionary campaign in a counter-revolutionary party, he'd be welcomed to the Green Party. He could lead the ticket and build a political movement."
                        "Many Berning hearts are breaking right now," Stein tweeted, with a broken-heart emoji.
                        Last edited by Woodsman; July 12, 2016, 08:08 PM.


                        • Re: Trump to win?

                          Trump and Clinton are the two most despicable people we could ever have at the top of their respective tickets.

                          Gary Johnson and William Weld are statesmen by contrast. Praying they can poll 15% so they get on the debate stage. It only takes 34% plus to win each state.

                          Jim Webb, why didn't the Dems have the sense to choose you>


                          • Re: Trump to win?

                            Writing-in RFK and the World's Foremost Authority, Professor Dr. Irwin Corey for veep. Better dead than alive in 2016!


                            • Re: Trump to win?

                              Too funny:

                              • “The Blowback From Hillary Bashing: Right-Wing Attacks Thwart Reasonable Criticism of Clinton’s Campaign; The attacks on Clinton are so excessive, so misogynistic, so mean-spirited, it’s impossible to criticize her at all”—headline and subheadline, Salon, July 12
                              • “She sloppily handled classified information, left our nation vulnerable to terrorist hacks, and lied repeatedly to the public and the authorities when asked about it. She was crooked and careless and acted as though she was above the law because she is a scheming she-devil.”—Sophia McClennen, same story

                              From the WSJ


                              • Re: Trump to win?

                                Jill Stein shreds Sanders' Clinton endorsement

                                I'm not sure there's really an analog here. Bernie might cut defense spending 5%, Stein wants to cut it 50%. That said, here's a meme that's just getting off the ground. I understand that the participants on this thread think there are *huge* differences between Sanders and Clinton but I've always seen them as quite similar, just the salt and pepper of the Democratic party. Jill Stein is a healthy spoonful of habanero, and Sanders supporters are just beginning to take notice of her. We'll see what happens if they discover Berniestein.

