Re: Trump to win?
The "I want blood" quote sums it up for me very nicely.
THIS is what most people don't get about the Trump phenomenon or the general anger that is brewing nationally. What we are seeing is a modern day French Revolution. What many of those second amendment folks have just realized is that Washington is not captured with weapons as the Bastille in France was ... but by supporting the meanest, toughest, anti-establishment steamroller of a man. It's modern times' version of a revolution taking place in a Western nation, whose power structure has lost all touch with the average person. The fact that the establishment doesn't get it or is surprised and use phrases like "the gall!" speaks volumes to me.
In November 2016, the people will overwhelmingly elect America's Robespeirre. And the Man is going to clean house.
Ross Perot had his charts warning Americans what would happen. It happened. The people don't want charts now. They want revenge. They want to see an Ass kicking that never occurs in relatively polite establishment forums.
At least, that's my take so far. And many of those that are incapable of empathy, or never had to face being outsourced, replaced by illegal immigrants or a moved factory or even moved abroad IT operations, or crushed by healthcare costs, etc... don't get it.
There is an unfortunate racial component as well. But it's not what analysts think - again, think as if you are in the white lower classes' shoes. When the white lower classes see their futures going down the drain, meanwhile, Washington is doing everything to help illegal immigrant non-english speaking non-whites, the racial subtext grows. Hence the WALL.
It's no coincidence that the Democratic party is somewhat going through the same thing right now. The only reason that it is not as ugly is that the Democrat "brand" of "fighting for the little people" can continue to fool the people a little longer. But only a little longer. When Trump finishes with Cruz and Rubio, and he has his sights on Hillary - watch out. That's when the Democratic party will begin to feel it. There will be desertions.
Trump is not a Republican phenomenon. That too is a media mistake. He's a national phenomenon evolving in front of our eyes.
Originally posted by dcarrigg
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THIS is what most people don't get about the Trump phenomenon or the general anger that is brewing nationally. What we are seeing is a modern day French Revolution. What many of those second amendment folks have just realized is that Washington is not captured with weapons as the Bastille in France was ... but by supporting the meanest, toughest, anti-establishment steamroller of a man. It's modern times' version of a revolution taking place in a Western nation, whose power structure has lost all touch with the average person. The fact that the establishment doesn't get it or is surprised and use phrases like "the gall!" speaks volumes to me.
In November 2016, the people will overwhelmingly elect America's Robespeirre. And the Man is going to clean house.
Ross Perot had his charts warning Americans what would happen. It happened. The people don't want charts now. They want revenge. They want to see an Ass kicking that never occurs in relatively polite establishment forums.
At least, that's my take so far. And many of those that are incapable of empathy, or never had to face being outsourced, replaced by illegal immigrants or a moved factory or even moved abroad IT operations, or crushed by healthcare costs, etc... don't get it.
There is an unfortunate racial component as well. But it's not what analysts think - again, think as if you are in the white lower classes' shoes. When the white lower classes see their futures going down the drain, meanwhile, Washington is doing everything to help illegal immigrant non-english speaking non-whites, the racial subtext grows. Hence the WALL.
It's no coincidence that the Democratic party is somewhat going through the same thing right now. The only reason that it is not as ugly is that the Democrat "brand" of "fighting for the little people" can continue to fool the people a little longer. But only a little longer. When Trump finishes with Cruz and Rubio, and he has his sights on Hillary - watch out. That's when the Democratic party will begin to feel it. There will be desertions.
Trump is not a Republican phenomenon. That too is a media mistake. He's a national phenomenon evolving in front of our eyes.