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Trump to win?

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  • Re: Trump to win?

    Originally posted by lektrode View Post
    Is Hillary Clinton Corrupt? An Archive of Financial Improprieties

    (naaaah... nothing to see there.... move along...)

    Sanders Supporters Stunned by Sudden Death of 38-Year Shawn Lucas Who Served the Lawsuit on the DNC and Wasserman Shultz

    By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: August 8, 2016

    Corruption appears to be acceptable as long as Americans and American corporations are in control, but there are foreign forces that are willing to pay a much higher bribe than Soros, his friends and American NGOs.

    How about a 1 billion dollar bribe in cash, gold or diamonds + a private island thrown in for free in return for a free trade agreement?


    • Re: Trump to win?

      DNC body count up to three:


      • Re: Trump to win?

        Originally posted by vt View Post
        It's not for nothing that I call her Lady MacBeth.

        Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


        • Re: Trump to win?

          Google Obama revolving door. Wonder what it will be if Hillary gets elected?


          • Re: Trump to win?

            Originally posted by vt View Post
            Google Obama revolving door. Wonder what it will be if Hillary gets elected?

            Talking to some relatively senior folks at Google recently, they explain it as lessons learned from Microsoft's poor relations with government in the 90's as an example of "what not to do" regarding non market activity.

            The Google guys I was in class with stated that Google made non market activity(government relations, lobbying, regulatory activity) a core competency very early on.

            I don't like it or agree with it, but it has worked very successfully so far.


            • Re: Trump to win?

              Originally posted by lakedaemonian View Post
              Talking to some relatively senior folks at Google recently, they explain it as lessons learned from Microsoft's poor relations with government in the 90's as an example of "what not to do" regarding non market activity.

              The Google guys I was in class with stated that Google made non market activity(government relations, lobbying, regulatory activity) a core competency very early on.

              I don't like it or agree with it, but it has worked very successfully so far.
              Google has had excellent relations with the government even before it was Google. The Company and No Such Agency provided funding for Brin and Page in developing Google and senior US intelligence representatives oversaw the evolution of Google in their pre-launch phase, all the way until the company was ready to be founded. Google was made possible because of this seed-funding and oversight from the three letter agencies.


              • Re: Trump to win?

                Everyone was so happy Monday that the Trumpster Fire could stay on message for an entire 24 hours. Well, no more waiting. We can relax now. Today he suggested that his gun totting followers could shoot her. Thankfully he later cleared this all up and said he was only joking.

                “Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment,” Trump said to boos from the crowd.
                “By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks,” he then added.
                “Though the Second Amendment folks, maybe there is, I don’t know.”


                • Re: Trump to win?

                  Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
                  Google has had excellent relations with the government even before it was Google. The Company and No Such Agency provided funding for Brin and Page in developing Google and senior US intelligence representatives oversaw the evolution of Google in their pre-launch phase, all the way until the company was ready to be founded. Google was made possible because of this seed-funding and oversight from the three letter agencies.

                  You do know Woody that there isn't a conspiracy behind EVERY tree don't you?

                  Maybe just every other?

                  "Oversaw the evolution of Google"

                  "Made possible because of this seed-funding and oversight from the three letter agencies"

                  Tangental, oblique, and several degrees of separation. At best.

                  In-Q-Tel has been in the Valley for nearly 2 decades. Openly. Same with Sofwerx in Florida near Macdill. Everyone wants the secret sauce to escape their suffocating bureaucratic inertia.

                  Stanford University has openly accepted funding(like many universities) from many different government sources(and been sued by government for spurious billing and excessively anal bean counters).

                  I networked with both fellow students who possess military backgrounds studying at other Stanford programs as well as had the opportunity to spend time with key staff at the Stanford Hacking 4 Defense program.

                  Was that a shadowy cabal intent on global control? Or was it far less exciting and focused on developing a persistent non kinetic problem solving framework to potentially save lives?

                  Are there questions around motives behind anti-trust lawsuits(and then the suits going away) against Microsoft in numerous jurisdictions that may relate to China's specific avoidance of Microsoft products?

                  Of course.

                  Just as there's questions related to Google's non market activity success(as well as the necessity/acceptability of political/governmental focused corporate strategy to achieve outcomes) navigating the failed earlier journey of Microsoft.

                  Everyone tries to connect with everyone in the Valley, or at least try.

                  The he old internet game of Kevin Bacon Six Degrees of Separation seems a bit like NZ in a way, averaging only about 1.5-2.

                  I'm not as afraid as you.

                  Or I should say, not afraid of the same things.


                  Maybe take heart in a group conversation I initiated with veterans from 5 organisations you would recognise as global thought/innovation/power leadership. I asked what the biggest catastrophic/funny failures were. After a few beers the stories came out.

                  Even the smartest person in the room sometimes walks right into a glass wall...literally.

                  As far as seed funding for Google you should contact Professor Ilya Strebulaev. He's got the world's biggest/best repository of Seed/Angel/VC investment data and is a heck of a nice/sharp guy.


                  • Re: Trump to win?

                    Originally posted by lakedaemonian View Post

                    You do know Woody that there isn't a conspiracy behind EVERY tree don't you?

                    Maybe just every other?

                    "Oversaw the evolution of Google"

                    "Made possible because of this seed-funding and oversight from the three letter agencies"

                    Tangental, oblique, and several degrees of separation. At best.

                    In-Q-Tel has been in the Valley for nearly 2 decades. Openly. Same with Sofwerx in Florida near Macdill. Everyone wants the secret sauce to escape their suffocating bureaucratic inertia.

                    Stanford University has openly accepted funding(like many universities) from many different government sources(and been sued by government for spurious billing and excessively anal bean counters).

                    I networked with both fellow students who possess military backgrounds studying at other Stanford programs as well as had the opportunity to spend time with key staff at the Stanford Hacking 4 Defense program.

                    Was that a shadowy cabal intent on global control? Or was it far less exciting and focused on developing a persistent non kinetic problem solving framework to potentially save lives?

                    Are there questions around motives behind anti-trust lawsuits(and then the suits going away) against Microsoft in numerous jurisdictions that may relate to China's specific avoidance of Microsoft products?

                    Of course.

                    Just as there's questions related to Google's non market activity success(as well as the necessity/acceptability of political/governmental focused corporate strategy to achieve outcomes) navigating the failed earlier journey of Microsoft.

                    Everyone tries to connect with everyone in the Valley, or at least try.

                    The he old internet game of Kevin Bacon Six Degrees of Separation seems a bit like NZ in a way, averaging only about 1.5-2.

                    I'm not as afraid as you.

                    Or I should say, not afraid of the same things.


                    Maybe take heart in a group conversation I initiated with veterans from 5 organisations you would recognise as global thought/innovation/power leadership. I asked what the biggest catastrophic/funny failures were. After a few beers the stories came out.

                    Even the smartest person in the room sometimes walks right into a glass wall...literally.

                    As far as seed funding for Google you should contact Professor Ilya Strebulaev. He's got the world's biggest/best repository of Seed/Angel/VC investment data and is a heck of a nice/sharp guy.

                    Hey now, I made no claims of any woo woo stuff although woo woo there is. Just seconded your point with a bit more detail. You have more trust in the spooky folks than I, but the fact that these fellows burrow themselves into organizations of influence is hardly news. And everybody is afraid of something, no?

                    We're going to have to agree to disagree about this as a being tangential or oblique. Me, I think it's fundamental and is easily demonstrated. The Google of the 50s Hewlett-Packard started out in a similar fashion, with one really big client. Without their rich Uncle Sam, the valley would still be producing apples. And oranges too, as one would expect of the finest agricultural zones in California.

                    What sticks in my craw more is while Silicon Valley owes its very existence to the largess of government and as you say, is damn good at milking the cow, they carry on endlessly about their entrepreneurial excellence and similar prattle when really they're little different than those folks they revile as free riders.

                    Hope Window Walker turned out okay and I'm pleased to know your experience was as transformative as it seems. Keep sharing.


                    • Re: Trump to win?

                      Originally posted by santafe2 View Post
                      Everyone was so happy Monday that the Trumpster Fire could stay on message for an entire 24 hours. Well, no more waiting. We can relax now. Today he suggested that his gun totting followers could shoot her. Thankfully he later cleared this all up and said he was only joking.
                      This is disgusting. The Donald get's raked over the coals for disagreeing with the Khans. But put an Isis Gold Star family on the Clinton guest list...nothing to see here.

                      Holy crap! What do we do! No worries, the Democratic Party PR machine will provide the necessary distraction and redirection. And what happens? Trump recognizes the political mojo of "the Second Amendment people" and media spins it as a threat to Hillz. Of course they do.

                      "It was not clear whether Trump was inciting gun owners to use their weapons against judges or a sitting president, or was encouraging some other action."

                      Sure it isn't. A presidential candidate makes a statement of fact - gun owners are a potent political force - and this is knowingly distorted by the most august journalistic bodies in the world as a physical threat against his opponent; it's knowingly misrepresented as a call for people to shoot judges and political candidates. I don't care if your candidate is Irwin Corey or Pat Paulsen; people of good-will who care about the First Amendment and a free press should be outraged by this. But the Democratic Party and it's most vocal supporters would rather sell their souls and piss way the last of their honor in a fashion that would make Richard Milhouse Nixon blush. The health department ought to hand out rubbers at every Clinton event. Seems everyone that comes in contact with her gets a venal disease.

                      That this outright fabrication and willful misrepresentation of the facts would be used to deflect from Clinton's colossal lack of judgment and frankly macabre decision to invite that murderer's father to her campaign event just shows how debased this election season has become. And for Clinton to make political hay over the corpses of so many dead innocents while this person sits behind her and then ENDORSES her. Imagine for a moment if the tables were turned and this fellow sat behind Trump in one of his rallies?

                      Does anyone with a shred of decency left in them doubt now that the media has become an adjunct of the Democratic Party and has taken a partisan stand? Are there any remaining doubt that they have abandoned any pretense to objectivity or fair play and have betrayed the trust given to them by the people and in doing so threaten the very existence of the First Amendment. If this is not clear to you by now, nothing at all I might say can change that and I don't care to badger you about it.

                      And as for the Second Amendment, knowing that today's actualities are intended to distract and redirect from Clinton's unconscionable gaffe in Orlando, anyone who longs for gun control should take their beef to the Democratic Party. They have been in power for nearly 8 years and have failed to produce anything of substance on the matter. President Obama has never once invested any of his considerable political capital in pursuing even the simplest of gun control legislation because he understands that this issue is a proven electoral loser and he is unwilling to ride on a losing pony.

                      Democrats would rather have the issue to run on than do anything of substance about it. They have the Presidency and the Senate and still they cannot pass one simple bill. If you want gun control then you must ask the Democratic Party why they have seemingly refused to do the work to win passage of any laws to that effect when they have the means to do it. If you don't care about the Second Amendment, understand that you are in the minority and that both Clinton and Obama say they do believe in it.

                      Obama has stated categorically that he agrees with the Supreme Court's Heller decision affirming it as a civil right reserved for individual citizens. Clinton has been less clear in her affirmation of it, but has said she supports it and has no intention of working to repeal it.

                      I will say this; nothing would be more beneficial for Trump's prospects than HRC making gun control a centerpiece of her campaign. If I were Trump I would be on the phone with Wayne LaPierre right now making sure that at every campaign stop now until November 8th, he is surrounded by folks wearing t-shirts and hats emblazoned with "Second Amendment Person." As for HRC, well she has the mass murder terrorist dad vote locked down.

                      Last edited by Woodsman; August 10, 2016, 06:30 AM.


                      • Re: Trump to win?

                        Stupid and dangerous statement by Trump, but they all do this:



                        • Re: Trump to win?

                          Originally posted by vt View Post
                          Stupid and dangerous statement by Trump, but they all do this:

                          VT, you're falling for it too. There was nothing said that every other GOP candidate hasn't affirmed for the last 20 years, and also Democrats before they sold out their country, it's people and their birthright.

                          “By calling attention to a well-regulated militia, the security of the nation, and the right of each citizen to keep and bear arms, our founding forefathers recognized the essentially civilian nature of our economy. Although it is extremely unlikely that the fears of government tyranny which gave rise to the Second Amendment will ever be a major danger to our nation, the Amendment still remains a major declaration of our basic civilian-military relationships, in which every citizen must be ready to participate in the defense of his country. For that reason, I believe the Second Amendment will always be important.”

                          JFK, The NRA And The Second Amendment
                          People who are passionate about Second Amendment rights are a powerful and potent block of activists and voters. The media took that and misrepresented it to mean go and kill. What is dangerous is how the media has lost any sense of limits. What is stupid is the notion that they will stop once the election is over.

                          And by the way, say hello to the newest NRA Life Member at iTulip. I hope their Political Victory Fund puts my grand to good use.
                          Last edited by Woodsman; August 10, 2016, 08:33 PM.


                          • Re: Trump to win?

                            Foundation- State Department Overlap



                            • Re: Trump to win?

                              Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
                              ....What is dangerous is how the media has lost any sense of limits. What is stupid is the notion that they will stop once the election is over.

                              And by the way, say hello to the newest NRA Life Member at iTulip. I hope their Political Victory Fund puts my grand to good use.

                              Presented with a fair-and-balanced lack of comment...

                              am really hoping this gets put to good use, as well:

                              Wikileaks' Assange Hints Murdered DNC Staffer Was Email-Leaker, Offers $20k Reward For Info

                              The mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of 27-year-old Democratic-staffer Seth Rich have stirred Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to offer a $20,000 reward for information leading to a conviction. But it is Assange's comments during a Dutch TV interview that are most disturbing as he hinted that Rich - who was in charge of DNC voter expansion data - was the email-leaker and his death was a politically-motivated assassination.
                              • Aug 10, 2016 9:08 AM


                              • Re: Trump to win?

                                Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
                                And by the way, say hello to the newest NRA Life Member at iTulip. I hope their Political Victory Fund puts my grand to good use.
                                Good heavens, Woody! I just looked outside. Hades is freezing over!

                                Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

