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Trump to win?

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  • Re: Trump to win?

    Originally posted by lektrode View Post
    just imagine what would've happened to any other .gov employee who did such...
    (never mind if they'd been a repub in geedubya's admin)
    Yup, I must have forgotten those long prison terms handed down to Powell and Rice for using their personal email accounts....

    The truth is, none of them have done anything illegal. Bad judgment? Of course but illegal, no.

    Possibly the republicans can throw together an 11th Benghazi committee to assuage their grief.

    Just keep trying boys. There's no there there but there was no there with Whitewater either and you managed to unearth Monica Lewinski....and almost got Bill when he lied about the affair.

    This one must really hurt. I don't think many thought there was an honest republican left but Comey proved them wrong.


    • Re: Trump to win?

      Originally posted by santafe2 View Post
      Yup, I must have forgotten those long prison terms handed down to Powell and Rice for using their personal email accounts....

      The truth is, none of them have done anything illegal. Bad judgment? Of course but illegal, no.

      Possibly the republicans can throw together an 11th Benghazi committee to assuage their grief.

      Just keep trying boys. There's no there there but there was no there with Whitewater either and you managed to unearth Monica Lewinski....and almost got Bill when he lied about the affair.

      This one must really hurt. I don't think many thought there was an honest republican left but Comey proved them wrong.
      'must really hurt' ?

      no, just confirms what a bunch of lyin, corrupt, weasel-ass mofo's the DEMORAT political aristocracy really are.

      along with their apologists + LAMERSTREAM MEDIA SPINMASTERS - who never fail to come up with some sort of 'mitigating circumstance' to explain away such blatant corruption in an effort to spin their positions and/or support for such - kinda like yerself.


      • Re: Trump to win?

        Originally posted by santafe2 View Post
        Yup, I must have forgotten those long prison terms handed down to Powell and Rice for using their personal email accounts....

        The truth is, none of them have done anything illegal. Bad judgment? Of course but illegal, no.

        Possibly the republicans can throw together an 11th Benghazi committee to assuage their grief.

        Just keep trying boys. There's no there there but there was no there with Whitewater either and you managed to unearth Monica Lewinski....and almost got Bill when he lied about the affair.

        This one must really hurt. I don't think many thought there was an honest republican left but Comey proved them wrong.
        And i explained to you how completely mistaken you were, SF. Not that it matters, since your Clinton partisanship makes you immune to facts.

        Comey just handed the election to Trump.


        • Re: Trump to win?

          Former Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) is the top contender in a new poll to be presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump's running mate.

          Oh, please, please let it be this scumbag. I'll just consider it an early Christmas present.

          Six marriages between them. They can run on a family values platform and watch the religious rights squirm.

          Bill is going to have a heck of a time locking up the adulterer vote with Gingrich and The Donald working the other side.

          New bumper sticker: Newter Trump!

          Please let it be so. I'm almost beginning to enjoy this election.

          And if I can dream, Clinton chooses Warren and we get to watch her eviscerate him in debate.


          • Re: Trump to win?

            Originally posted by santafe2 View Post

            Oh, please, please let it be this scumbag. I'll just consider it an early Christmas present.

            Six marriages between them. They can run on a family values platform and watch the religious rights squirm.

            Bill is going to have a heck of a time locking up the adulterer vote with Gingrich and The Donald working the other side.

            New bumper sticker: Newter Trump!

            Please let it be so. I'm almost beginning to enjoy this election.

            And if I can dream, Clinton chooses Warren and we get to watch her eviscerate him in debate.

            heheheheh... yeah, a real dynamic duo they'll be.

            will actually be quite likely The Lowest Moment in US Politix when even lizzie sells out to the osama... uhhh... i mean obama/nee clintonian reign of absolute corruption
            (which defines precisely the term nigga-rich)

            i USED-TO think she was a different kind of politician - but after her 'coming out' for the carpetbaggin whore, now methinks she's just another activist rug muncher looking for a quick power-boost


            • Re: Trump to win?

              Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
              Comey just handed the election to Trump.
              you think it would have been more beneficial to clinton if he'd recommended indictment?


              • Re: Trump to win?

                here's the typically HILARIOUS aspect of this 'story' (propaganda device):

                most of the 'mainstream' news sources that eye frequent HAVENT EVEN PUT UP A STORY (except for the ones that can be counted on to spin it FOR her and obozo)

                but we'll start here:

                Rudy Giuliani: "Today Hillary Clinton Was Put Way Above The Law"

                Clinton vs. Comey on Email Practices

                Read a comparison of statements Hillary Clinton or her campaign have made about her email practices while secretary of state and statements made by FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday.
                How the FBI’s Clinton E-Mail Decision Just Changed the 2016 Race
                Donald Trump lost one of his sharpest attacks against Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid after the FBI director said Tuesday the presumptive Democratic nominee shouldn’t face criminal charges over her e-mail practices while serving as secretary of state.

                But Director James B. Comey also provided potentially damaging fodder for Trump to continue to vilify Clinton, whom Trump is seeking to brand as “crooked.” While Comey said “no reasonable prosecutor” would bring charges, he described her and her aides’ use of e-mail as “extremely careless.”

                Obama Makes Case for Clinton After FBI Ends E-Mail Investigation

                Obama declared that Hillary Clinton is overwhelmingly qualified to succeed him in the White House, highlighting a joint campaign appearance overshadowed by FBI findings that her handling of sensitive e-mails while secretary of state was “extremely careless.”Obama and Clinton appeared together Tuesday for the first time in the 2016 campaign hours after FBI Director James Comey explained why his agency wouldn’t recommend criminal charges for her use of private e-mail while serving as the top U.S. diplomat. After flying to Charlotte, North Carolina, together on Air Force One, Obama and Clinton entered a rally to “Fight Song,” by Rachel Platten. Banners on the walls and signs held by audience members read “Stronger Together.”
                “I’m fired up. Hillary got me fired up. She got me ready to do some work,” Obama said at the Charlotte Convention Center. He applauded her work on behalf of rights for women and girls around the world, credited her for the philosophy that led to the Affordable Care Act, and called her “a great Secretary of State.”
                uh huh.... shur - if racketeering, being bought-off, criminally complacent incompetence, war mongering, STARTING 3 WARS (after besmirching the so-called nobel peace prize) is a 'qualification' - then obozo certainly knows who's ''qualified"

                just like 'no reasonable prosecutor would bring charges' against anybody - 'with clout' that is - in, say.. oh.. i dunno - like maybe anybody in lwr manhattan' - just like holder& co said, right?


                and just never mind how even lizzie herself has flipped/rolled-over/waffled -
                just since APRIL??

                Senator Warren Slams Wall Street’s Top Cop

                the 'exorcist syndrome' (of demorat party apaRATchix spinning their heads 360deg around on their shoulders while spewing green vomit and shrieking something about ya mother...) knows NO BOUNDS and shows even less 'integrity'
                Last edited by lektrode; July 05, 2016, 06:54 PM.


                • Re: Trump to win?

                  Originally posted by lektrode View Post
                  'must really hurt' ?...
                  Lek, SF is trolling us at iTulip. He has a valuable perspective, generally, but on the matter of the election it's clear he is a partisan and will ignore any argument that hurts his candidate. On this you can ignore him without fear of missing anything meaningful.

                  Re. Comey's whitewash, I think the timeline of events following the meeting with AG Lynch is instructive. Looks like the Clintons were tipped off:
                  1. Bill Clinton has his tarmac tête-à-tête with Lynch.
                  2. Clinton bribes Lynch over the weekend with an offer of a continued stay in office.
                  3. Comey exonerates Clinton of criminal intent on Tuesday morning.
                  4. Clinton boards Air Force One with Obama to hit the campaign trail on Tuesday afternoon.

                  It's expected that partisans will minimize this. Tribalism trumps rule of law and that's been true under Democrat or Republican rule.

                  She got away with it because as you are fond of reminding us, the rules do not apply to this protected class. But I think it's useful to imagine if this were a private sector event. Y'all here are business execs of one form or another. What would you do if you were on the board and your CEO exhibited this sort of behavior?

                  Clinton were the CEO of a corporation or non-profit instead of running for President of the United States, her board would fire her immediately, and for cause.

                  Think of it. Multiple email servers, lost email, no backups, and doing your personal work at the office?

                  “You’re fired.”

                  Next, “gross negligence” does not require proof of intent, and surely Clinton’s IT hairball was grossly negligent.

                  And think of what Comey's whitewash failed to even consider in the course of this criminal investigation. The entire issue of the relation between Clinton’s actions at State and the Clinton Foundation was not even addressed by the FBI. S
                  urely that data is out there somewhere, waiting to be disclosed at an opportune time?

                  I think, as I said to SF, this hands the election Trump as it fits perfectly with one of his major campaign themes. Most people who are not blinded by partisanship or class hatred like SF will see this as confirmation of all Trump has spoken of - crooked Hillary capitalizing off of a crooked and rigged system.

                  And should January turns out a winner for Clinton, this will be a pyrric victory for her and the Democrats. The Democratic Party will be seen to have created a legitimacy crisis, not merely for themselves and the Clinton dynasty, but the Republic as a whole.

                  If the Republicans retain the House as expected, they will impeach Clinton immediately. And they have a case.


                  • Re: Trump to win?

                    Lest we forget 60% o0f Americans want to get rid of both parties.

                    There are many Republicans that don't like Trump and many Democrats that don't like Clinton.

                    42% of voters identify as independents, and they are far more than Democrats or Republicans.

                    Meanwhile these guys only need a minimum of 34%of the vote, and there are four months for a disgusted public to find out about them.


                    This election and the surprises that will come is far from over.


                    • Re: Trump to win?



                      • Re: Trump to win?

                        +1 woody
                        and most EMPHATICALLY, the final line below (too bad it will be just another sideshow/diversion that will allow CONgress to skate, once again - as they've been skating since 2006, when the last 'real' budget made it thru - you remember that one, right? - like ZILCH since queen nancy and prince harry 'took control' - with team NO bunting/punting ever since)

                        and eye hear you loud n clear about santa - he's a typical kalifornia liberal - who supports + likely voted for most of the s__t that caused him and millions of other cali residents & biz types to flee the state - just exactly like what's happened in MA vs NH (since i left the right coast)

                        but, hey - if santa wants to play rough - BRING IT - being orig from BOS, i've been trained by the best (and my 'feelings' dont bruise easy ;)

                        Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
                        Lek, SF is trolling us at iTulip. He has a valuable perspective, generally, but on the matter of the election it's clear he is a partisan and will ignore any argument that hurts his candidate. On this you can ignore him without fear of missing anything meaningful.

                        Re. Comey's whitewash, I think the timeline of events following the meeting with AG Lynch is instructive. Looks like the Clintons were tipped off:
                        1. Bill Clinton has his tarmac tête-à-tête with Lynch.
                        2. Clinton bribes Lynch over the weekend with an offer of a continued stay in office.
                        3. Comey exonerates Clinton of criminal intent on Tuesday morning.
                        4. Clinton boards Air Force One with Obama to hit the campaign trail on Tuesday afternoon.

                        It's expected that partisans will minimize this. Tribalism trumps rule of law and that's been true under Democrat or Republican rule.

                        She got away with it because as you are fond of reminding us, the rules do not apply to this protected class. But I think it's useful to imagine if this were a private sector event. Y'all here are business execs of one form or another. What would you do if you were on the board and your CEO exhibited this sort of behavior?

                        Clinton were the CEO of a corporation or non-profit instead of running for President of the United States, her board would fire her immediately, and for cause.

                        Think of it. Multiple email servers, lost email, no backups, and doing your personal work at the office?

                        “You’re fired.”

                        Next, “gross negligence” does not require proof of intent, and surely Clinton’s IT hairball was grossly negligent.

                        And think of what Comey's whitewash failed to even consider in the course of this criminal investigation. The entire issue of the relation between Clinton’s actions at State and the Clinton Foundation was not even addressed by the FBI. S
                        urely that data is out there somewhere, waiting to be disclosed at an opportune time?

                        I think, as I said to SF, this hands the election Trump as it fits perfectly with one of his major campaign themes. Most people who are not blinded by partisanship or class hatred like SF will see this as confirmation of all Trump has spoken of - crooked Hillary capitalizing off of a crooked and rigged system.

                        And should January turns out a winner for Clinton, this will be a pyrric victory for her and the Democrats. The Democratic Party will be seen to have created a legitimacy crisis, not merely for themselves and the Clinton dynasty, but the Republic as a whole.

                        If the Republicans retain the House as expected, they will impeach Clinton immediately.
                        And they have a case.
                        Last edited by lektrode; July 05, 2016, 07:19 PM.


                        • Re: Trump to win?

                          Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
                          She got away with it because as you are fond of reminding us, the rules do not apply to this protected class. But I think it's useful to imagine if this were a private sector event. Y'all here are business execs of one form or another. What would you do if you were on the board and your CEO exhibited this sort of behavior?

                          If Clinton were the CEO of a corporation or non-profit instead of running for President of the United States, her board would fire her immediately, and for cause.

                          Think of it. Multiple email servers, lost email, no backups, and doing your personal work at the office?

                          “You’re fired.”
                          As sad as I am to say it, the board of directors would vote at the next meeting of the compensation committee to increase the executive's compensation for working so non-stop that work life and private life become indistinguishable. The lack of back-ups just means you throw one or more of the little people under the bus and blame it on them for failing to do their jobs.

                          I would have thought that the FBI would have at least filed a charge of obstruction of justice after Clinton intentionally deleted thousands of e-mail messages before turning the server over to the feds.

                          Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
                          Next, “gross negligence” does not require proof of intent, and surely Clinton’s IT hairball was grossly negligent.
                          From what I've read, this was not negligence. Clinton knowingly and intentionally ignored multiple warnings about information security.

                          Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
                          And should January turns out a winner for Clinton, this will be a pyrric victory for her and the Democrats. The Democratic Party will be seen to have created a legitimacy crisis, not merely for themselves and the Clinton dynasty, but the Republic as a whole.

                          If the Republicans retain the House as expected, they will impeach Clinton immediately. And they have a case.
                          There was no legitimacy crisis for George W. Bush and it the hanging chads incident certainly didn't stop him from foolishly invading Iraq over specious claims of weapons of mass destruction.

                          I also seriously doubt the Republicans will be able to impeach Clinton. John Gotti ain't got nothing over the Clintons when it comes to beating the rap.
                          Last edited by Milton Kuo; July 05, 2016, 08:07 PM. Reason: Removed statement at Woodsman's request.


                          • Re: Trump to win?

                            Milton, for God's sake please. Take down that post immediately; or at least the last line. That is way too far over the line. I dont want you, EJ or any of us to have to sit with the Secret Service everytime a dignitary comes to town.

                            There is no place for such inflamatory talk. Please take it down now or I will ask FRED to take down the entire thread.
                            Last edited by Woodsman; July 05, 2016, 07:46 PM.


                            • Re: Trump to win?

                              ..... seriously doubt the Republicans will be able to impeach Clinton. John Gotti ain't got nothing over the Clintons when it comes to beating the rap....
                              and just WHERE did the hillbilly show end up, after they 'left the whitehouse broke' ?

                              not some dusty ranch in arkansas, no siree bob - nope - they 'moved on up to the east side' baybee!
                              well... even tho hitlery went to chappaqua, whilst wild bill went to the bronx - but thats beside the point.

                              the POINT is that they DIDNT GO HOME - they went to Ground Zero of CORRUPTION in amerika
                              (no, thats not chicago illinois, obozo's 'home state'... and dont even get me goin on that one...)

                              just tell me that wasnt QUID PRO QUO - 'chicago style' - where hitlery hails from - for them passing NAFTA and signing-off on the REPEAL OF GLASS STEAGALL

                              which basically ended the 'middle class lifestyle' while handing the lwr manhattan criminal syndicate the keys to the US Treasury.

                              all the while 'the 4th estate' tries to have us look away and/or pay very close attention to - TA DA!!!!

                              transgender bathroom rights.

                              and TO HELL WITH The Rest of US.


                              • Re: Trump to win?

                                The only bright side I can see if Clinton wins is that the wheels are going to fall off sometime during the next four years and when they do, she'll get the blame.

                                Ever since I was a little girl I've been waiting for a female president, but Holy Heavens, not this one!

                                And Woody's right- you're painting a bullseye on yourself and this forum with talk like that.

                                Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

