Re: Trump to win?
Gotta raise the bovine scatology flag. The "everybody does it" argument does not survive in the face of the evidence:
1. No State Department head (probably no government employee) ever exclusively used a private email server for both private and public email messages.
2. The private server was not encrypted for two months after Sec. of State Clinton commenced using it.
3. Bryan Pagliano, the individual in charge of “security” and maintenance of the server, originally installed it for the Clinton Foundation and other private family email users.
4. That same individual was hired at State to “moonlight” in maintaining Clinton’s private server. Experts claim a team of people is needed to run such a site. The three supervisors of this individual at State did not even know he was working on Clinton’s private server.
5. Clinton was told early on she should not (nor should any government employee) use her private Blackberry for State business. She was warned it could be hacked into and used as a listening device. She said she understood. She nevertheless continued using it throughout her tenure at home and abroad.
6. When the first FOIA for her email messages was initially submitted she responded there were none.
7. Only after the Benghazi controversy heated up, did she admit there were over 30,000 email messages concerning State Department Business. She unilaterally claimed another 30,000 plus emails were private. Side note: Public officials normally don’t have the luxury of deciding which email messages are public business, as opposed to private matters.
8. She stated there were no classified documents on the private email survivor.
9. Over 2,000 classified email chains were found on the server. Clinton claimed they were all classified after the fact. This is not true. A unspecified number were in fact classified (or of higher classification) at the time they landed on her server. Clinton herself authored emails that contained classified material.
10. Clinton’s claim of convenience in using one device relates to the 7th floor at State in which she worked. They offered to put in a terminal for her to check and send private email messages from her 7th floor office. Clinton does not use desktop computers and declined the workaround.
11. Clinton did what Clinton wanted to do despite FOIA regulations, security concerns, etc. She wanted to bring her private Blackberry into her office and use a single device abroad.
And that is exactly what she did. Any other government official engaging in such widespread misconduct would be fired, possibly prosecuted, and would lose her security clearance.
The emails in question were created by a Constitutional officer, the Secretary of State; they were not created by the private person, Hillary Clinton. Therefore, the emails are public property, and Clinton doesn’t get it to treat them like private property. That is the first abuse of power in this context, but there are many others. The fact that she deleted everything off of it is the next abuse, but that doesn’t begin to fully encompass the entirety of it.
The primary issue that FBI investigators are looking at is whether or not Hillary Clinton knowingly retained, transmitted, or deleted classified information from her private server. And as these leaks demonstrate, communicating this type of information on a relatively insecure private server puts highly classified government secrets at risk by making them be susceptible to hackers and spies. Mishandling classified information is a federal crime under Section 1924 and Section 793 of Title 18 US Criminal Codes and Procedures. A violation of Section 1924 is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine and up to a year in prison, while a violation of Section 793 is a felony punishable by a fine and up to ten years in prison.
On Jan. 29, three days before the Iowa Caucus, the State Department announced that it had discovered at least 22 emails on Clinton’s private server which it deemed to be “Top Secret” and could not be made available to the public. A few emails have been classified at a level some consider to be above "Top Secret", called SAP or Special Access Program. Sources in the State Department have said that at least two of these emails surround the movement of North Korean missiles and the specifics of a drone operation.
Hillary Clinton and her aides not only violated numerous federal criminal statutes, but may have conducted a cover up to hide incriminating evidence – the likes of which forced Richard Nixon to resign as President. She will either be indicted or impeached and her administration, should it come to pass, will operate within the context of her crimes. You and I know the GOP will never let it go. If they went all the way for a blue stained dress, imagine what they'll do with a violation of Sections 1924 and 793 of Title 18 USC?
Then again, the entire Democratic establishment has sold their souls and burned their boats to prevent an unseemly retreat from HRC and so it's win or die trying. And heaven help any of them who want to opt out of the circular firing squad. Who will play the role of John Dean in this reprise, I wonder?
The leaked emails also provide proof of what the Bernie kids have known all along - the DNC colluded with mainstream outlets to heavily favor Clinton. “Our goals in the coming months will be to frame the Republican field and the eventual nominee early and to provide a contrast between the GOP field and HRC,” reads an email dated May 26, 2015, referencing the former secretary of state by her initials, posted by “Guccifer 2.0” — after the Romanian hacker who allegedly accessed Clinton’s private email server multiple times. One of the strategies listed for “positioning and public messaging” states, “Use specific hits to muddy the waters around ethics, transparency and campaign finance attacks on HRC.”
The leaked emails show a meticulously plotted coordination between DNC narratives touting Clinton, rather than Sanders, as if she had been the presumptive nominee from the outset — precisely as activists and fair elections advocates had suspected. Under the heading “Tactics,” the document states, “Working with the DNC and allied groups, we will use several different methods to land these attacks” — including, under the subheading, “Reporter Outreach”:
“Working through the DNC and others, we should use background briefings, prep with reporters for interviews with GOP candidates, off-the-record conversations and oppo pitches to help pitch stories with no fingerprints and utilize reporters to drive a message.” And under “Bracketing Events,” the email states: “Both the DNC and outside groups are looking to do events and press surrounding Republican events to insert our messaging into their press and to force them to answer questions around key issues.”
Most revealing is a document whose conclusion reads in part, “Our goal is to use this conversation to answer the questions who do we want to run against and how best to leverage other candidates to maneuver them into the right place.”
And irony or ironies, isn't that a restating of "The Lektrode Thesis" without the colorful (wink) language? And here y'all are pickin' on the poor fellow when in the end it looks like he had it about right all along
Originally posted by santafe2
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1. No State Department head (probably no government employee) ever exclusively used a private email server for both private and public email messages.
2. The private server was not encrypted for two months after Sec. of State Clinton commenced using it.
3. Bryan Pagliano, the individual in charge of “security” and maintenance of the server, originally installed it for the Clinton Foundation and other private family email users.
4. That same individual was hired at State to “moonlight” in maintaining Clinton’s private server. Experts claim a team of people is needed to run such a site. The three supervisors of this individual at State did not even know he was working on Clinton’s private server.
5. Clinton was told early on she should not (nor should any government employee) use her private Blackberry for State business. She was warned it could be hacked into and used as a listening device. She said she understood. She nevertheless continued using it throughout her tenure at home and abroad.
6. When the first FOIA for her email messages was initially submitted she responded there were none.
7. Only after the Benghazi controversy heated up, did she admit there were over 30,000 email messages concerning State Department Business. She unilaterally claimed another 30,000 plus emails were private. Side note: Public officials normally don’t have the luxury of deciding which email messages are public business, as opposed to private matters.
8. She stated there were no classified documents on the private email survivor.
9. Over 2,000 classified email chains were found on the server. Clinton claimed they were all classified after the fact. This is not true. A unspecified number were in fact classified (or of higher classification) at the time they landed on her server. Clinton herself authored emails that contained classified material.
10. Clinton’s claim of convenience in using one device relates to the 7th floor at State in which she worked. They offered to put in a terminal for her to check and send private email messages from her 7th floor office. Clinton does not use desktop computers and declined the workaround.
11. Clinton did what Clinton wanted to do despite FOIA regulations, security concerns, etc. She wanted to bring her private Blackberry into her office and use a single device abroad.
And that is exactly what she did. Any other government official engaging in such widespread misconduct would be fired, possibly prosecuted, and would lose her security clearance.
The emails in question were created by a Constitutional officer, the Secretary of State; they were not created by the private person, Hillary Clinton. Therefore, the emails are public property, and Clinton doesn’t get it to treat them like private property. That is the first abuse of power in this context, but there are many others. The fact that she deleted everything off of it is the next abuse, but that doesn’t begin to fully encompass the entirety of it.
The primary issue that FBI investigators are looking at is whether or not Hillary Clinton knowingly retained, transmitted, or deleted classified information from her private server. And as these leaks demonstrate, communicating this type of information on a relatively insecure private server puts highly classified government secrets at risk by making them be susceptible to hackers and spies. Mishandling classified information is a federal crime under Section 1924 and Section 793 of Title 18 US Criminal Codes and Procedures. A violation of Section 1924 is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine and up to a year in prison, while a violation of Section 793 is a felony punishable by a fine and up to ten years in prison.
On Jan. 29, three days before the Iowa Caucus, the State Department announced that it had discovered at least 22 emails on Clinton’s private server which it deemed to be “Top Secret” and could not be made available to the public. A few emails have been classified at a level some consider to be above "Top Secret", called SAP or Special Access Program. Sources in the State Department have said that at least two of these emails surround the movement of North Korean missiles and the specifics of a drone operation.
Hillary Clinton and her aides not only violated numerous federal criminal statutes, but may have conducted a cover up to hide incriminating evidence – the likes of which forced Richard Nixon to resign as President. She will either be indicted or impeached and her administration, should it come to pass, will operate within the context of her crimes. You and I know the GOP will never let it go. If they went all the way for a blue stained dress, imagine what they'll do with a violation of Sections 1924 and 793 of Title 18 USC?
Then again, the entire Democratic establishment has sold their souls and burned their boats to prevent an unseemly retreat from HRC and so it's win or die trying. And heaven help any of them who want to opt out of the circular firing squad. Who will play the role of John Dean in this reprise, I wonder?
The leaked emails also provide proof of what the Bernie kids have known all along - the DNC colluded with mainstream outlets to heavily favor Clinton. “Our goals in the coming months will be to frame the Republican field and the eventual nominee early and to provide a contrast between the GOP field and HRC,” reads an email dated May 26, 2015, referencing the former secretary of state by her initials, posted by “Guccifer 2.0” — after the Romanian hacker who allegedly accessed Clinton’s private email server multiple times. One of the strategies listed for “positioning and public messaging” states, “Use specific hits to muddy the waters around ethics, transparency and campaign finance attacks on HRC.”
The leaked emails show a meticulously plotted coordination between DNC narratives touting Clinton, rather than Sanders, as if she had been the presumptive nominee from the outset — precisely as activists and fair elections advocates had suspected. Under the heading “Tactics,” the document states, “Working with the DNC and allied groups, we will use several different methods to land these attacks” — including, under the subheading, “Reporter Outreach”:
“Working through the DNC and others, we should use background briefings, prep with reporters for interviews with GOP candidates, off-the-record conversations and oppo pitches to help pitch stories with no fingerprints and utilize reporters to drive a message.” And under “Bracketing Events,” the email states: “Both the DNC and outside groups are looking to do events and press surrounding Republican events to insert our messaging into their press and to force them to answer questions around key issues.”
Most revealing is a document whose conclusion reads in part, “Our goal is to use this conversation to answer the questions who do we want to run against and how best to leverage other candidates to maneuver them into the right place.”
And irony or ironies, isn't that a restating of "The Lektrode Thesis" without the colorful (wink) language? And here y'all are pickin' on the poor fellow when in the end it looks like he had it about right all along
