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Syria becoming a major disaster and potential terrorist hotbed.

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  • touchring
    Re: Syria becoming a major disaster and potential terrorist hotbed.

    Originally posted by flintlock View Post
    Raz you are risking a Fatwa just pointing that out!

    Violence begets violence. You can't win by using violence when your opponent does not fear death unless you yourself seek that also.

    I think the problem does not lie with religion but culture and people. Malaysia is also a Muslim state, but you don't find violence among the Muslim people in Malaysia.

    On the other hand, the Thais who are Buddhist can be really violent. You don't always see people armed with only machetes and stones going against tanks but that happens in Thailand.

    The same with Bangladesh. Why isn't Muslim Bangladesh like Pakistan or Afghanistan? Bangladeshis are peaceful people on the whole.

    Raz is missing on this point in my opinion.

    Anyway, talking about violence, we all know that the fanatical acts that killed the most number of people are definitely not by Muslims. Some examples, Mao, Hilter, Stalin, Mongol (Genghis era), etc.
    Last edited by touchring; August 14, 2012, 04:54 AM.

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  • Raz
    Re: Syria becoming a major disaster and potential terrorist hotbed.

    Originally posted by ddn3f View Post

    Thanks for all that information on what the Quran says about violence. That is enlightening.
    You're very welcome. And here's an additional thought about "violence in the Bible" and Islam. (See the attachment - it's excellent.)

    What about the violent passages in the Bible?

    First, violent Biblical passages are irrelevant to the question of whether Islam is violent.

    Second, the violent passages in the Bible certainly do not amount to a standing order to commit violence against the rest of the world. Unlike the Quran, the Bible is a huge collection of documents written by different people at different times in different contexts, which allows for much greater interpretative freedom.

    The Quran, on the other hand, comes exclusively from one source: Muhammad. It is through the life of Muhammad that the Quran must be understood, as the Quran itself says. His wars and killings both reflect and inform the meaning of the Quran. Furthermore, the strict literalism of the Quran means that there is no room for interpretation when it comes to its violent injunctions.

    As it is through the example of Christ, the "Prince of Peace," that Christianity interprets its scriptures, so it is through the example of the warlord and despot Muhammad that Muslims understand the Quran.
    Attached Files

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  • ddn3f
    Re: Syria becoming a major disaster and potential terrorist hotbed.


    Thanks for all that information on what the Quran says about violence. That is enlightening.

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  • Raz
    Re: Syria becoming a major disaster and potential terrorist hotbed.

    Originally posted by c1ue View Post
    Raz, the problem with what you posted above is that you're comparing the New Testament with the Quran.

    As I specifically noted above, the New Testament is a very far departure from the Old Testament; a reading of the Old Testament leads to many of the same conclusions you point at for Muslims. There's murder, there's human sacrifice, there's genocide, slavery, and all sorts of terrible things done to unbelievers there.

    The difference?

    Christianity was made both legal and an official standing in the Roman government in 313 AD. Is it so surprising that the New Testament arose in roughly the same period?

    More importantly, you didn't address what I noted: the vast majority of Muslims are not radical fanatics, but moderate.

    Do you disagree?

    What then is the purpose of demonizing Islam as 'fundamentally violent'? Are you trying to say that all these moderates are just 'in the wrong religion'?
    Please point out to me where the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob commanded human sacrifice to Himself as an act of worship. The incident with Abraham and Isaac was a test of Abraham's faith, and God immediately called a halt when He saw that Abraham so believed in His power that he was actually willing to go through with it.
    (BTW, this episode is known as Jehova Jireh and is one of many prefigures in the Old Testament of life and death of Christ.)

    Don't bother bringing up the conquest of Canaan because whatever happened during that time was an act of war against one of the most despicable, vile and wicked societies to ever inhabit the earth. Child sacrifice was an intregal part of their culture. God took twelve tribes of slaves out of Egypt and began the long and difficult process of forming the society into which He Himself would be born. It wasn't pretty to behold and He destroyed many of the Israelites for their wickedness just as they destroyed the Canaanites.

    The Four Gospels, ALL of St. Paul's letters, I Peter, James, I, II and III John and the Acts were all written between 40 and 100 A.D. - long before the Edict of Toleration .

    The vast majority of Muslims are nominal - just as most Christians are - and their "faith" is more cultural than real. Where are all these "moderate" Muslims? Why aren't they out in numbers decrying the violence done to the innocent Christians of Egypt, the Sudan and elsewhere? There are two reasons: (1) they know what their holy books say and what their Imams teach and really don't have a problem with it, and (2) they're afraid of the true believers (radicals) and don't want to be killed themselves.

    There are no "moderate" Muslims - only nominal Muslims who either ignore the teachings of their prophet or dilute them down to a cultural tradition.
    So YES, I completely and totally disagree with your view of Islam. It is not based upon historical fact or theological truth.

    Demonizing? Since when is telling the truth about Muhammad and Islam demonizing? Islam came to Indonesia through merchant seamen and traders; everywhere else it was spread by the sword. After the Israelites took the land of Canaan, pray tell just what other lands they conquered with the sword and forced Judaism upon the inhabitants?

    And here's a question for you: when are you going to begin your study of the Koran and the Hadith?

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  • flintlock
    Re: Syria becoming a major disaster and potential terrorist hotbed.

    Raz you are risking a Fatwa just pointing that out!

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  • c1ue
    Re: Syria becoming a major disaster and potential terrorist hotbed.

    Raz, the problem with what you posted above is that you're comparing the New Testament with the Quran.

    As I specifically noted above, the New Testament is a very far departure from the Old Testament; a reading of the Old Testament leads to many of the same conclusions you point at for Muslims. There's murder, there's human sacrifice, there's genocide, slavery, and all sorts of terrible things done to unbelievers there.

    The difference?

    Christianity was made both legal and an official standing in the Roman government in 313 AD. Is it so surprising that the New Testament arose in roughly the same period?

    More importantly, you didn't address what I noted: the vast majority of Muslims are not radical fanatics, but moderate.

    Do you disagree?

    What then is the purpose of demonizing Islam as 'fundamentally violent'? Are you trying to say that all these moderates are just 'in the wrong religion'?

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  • Raz
    Re: Syria becoming a major disaster and potential terrorist hotbed.

    Originally posted by c1ue View Post
    This is true, but how is this different than the Crusades?

    Equally so, I do find it disturbing to harp on the notion that Islam is fundamentally violent

    The vast, vast majority of Muslims are neither violent nor jihadist/revolutionary. There are entire nations of tens and hundreds of millions that don't subscribe to al Qaeda and its brethren philosophies.

    From my view, the Bible also contains just as many references to terrible ways to treat unbelievers if one chooses to seek those out.

    I do agree that Islam needs a New Testament - unfortunately the relative poverty of Muslims is a barrier to this as is highly fragmented nature of Islam's religious leadership.

    However, equally to blame is the ways by which many Arabic nations (Read Saudi Arabia) redirect social discontent into outward facing religious fanaticism - a phenomenon in many ways similar to the Crusades as well.
    Let me preface my reply by saying that I truly respect you all of the time and your opinions - most of the time.
    Your current offering, however, is NOT based upon fact.

    Islam IS MOST CERTAINLY fundamentally violent. Anyone who says otherwise is either (1) ignorant of Islamic theology, particularly Sharia Law and the method by which Islam was spread historically, or (2) held captive by a modernist world view centered in the liberal democracies of the Western World that chooses to believe, when given the chance, all cultures and people would place their priorities in much the same order as ours - freedom of thought and expression, tolerance of other views, emphasis on education, economic growth and a far better life for their children, etc., or (3) they're fundamentally dishonest. (Taqiya is essential to understanding Islam.)

    Get a copy of the Hadith and the Koran; READ them, remembering that Islam regards the later susas as having precedent over all the older suras, and learn the clear, obvious and true meaning of the following terms: Dhimmitude, Taqiya and Jihad. (PS. Don't waste your time on Wikipedia - groups like CAIR have neutered them through intimidation and relentless posting of disputed material.)

    Then get a copy of the New Testament; READ the Four Gospels. Then compare the teachings of Christ with those of Muhammad. That should be enough.

    If not, then give consideration to this:

    Ever since 9/11, Muslim leaders who have access to the national media have told us that Islam is the religion of peace and that violence does not represent the essence of Muhammad’s religion.

    Even President Bush and Britain’s Prime Minister Blair have repeated this assertion, saying that Islam has been "hijacked" by a few violent fanatics. Is this true?
    Sadly it is not, for empirical, observable facts demonstrate beyond doubt that Islam at its founding is filled with violence—in the life of Muhammad himself and in the Quran itself.
    Hence, these Muslim apologists must stop misleading unsuspecting Westerners, and they must be honest about the heart of their religion, for once and for all.
    Here are ten clear, verifiable reasons that explain why Islam is not the religion of peace.

    Clear? In order to prevent the standard, reflexive "out of context" defense from Muslim apologists, the context of each verse in the Quran is explained either in this article or in the links provided within each of the ten reasons. No verse is taken out of context, and Muslim translations are used.

    Verifiable? The readers are invited to look up each verse in the Quran in multiple translations, by visiting the website and typing in references, like so: 61:10-12. (61 is the chapter or sura, and 10-12 are the verses).

    But first we must answer a Muslim strategy. A Muslim missionary or polemicist who believes that Islam is the best religion in the world and who wants it to spread around the globe attempted to refute this top ten list. But attempting to refute such a list is like reviewing a book only from the last chapter. The reviewer has skipped over the hard work of reading all of the chapters. In the same way, the Muslim polemicist or missionary has skipped over the hard work found in the back-up articles and the links. This top ten list is only a summary of many articles and a lot of strenuous labor from the present author and many other authors. The answers to the Muslim’s criticisms are all found in these articles. So his criticism is hollow, and his scholarship is shallow, since he has not done the hard work. He certainly does not understand the Bible. Plus, he whitewashes Islam in his attempted refutation. The back-up articles will show how. Thus, he whitewashes Islam either deliberately or unknowingly, which means he does not know his own religion or he knows it, but covers it up. Whatever the case, the truth about the real Islam must get out.

    10. Muhammad nicknames his weapons.
    Tabari (AD 839-923) is an early Muslim historian who is considered largely reliable by scholars today. In fact, the State University of New York Press selected his history to be translated into 38 volumes. (We use The Last Years of the Prophet, trans. Ismail K. Poonawala, 9:153-55.)
    In the context of the list of Muhammad’s assets at the end of his life (horses, camels, milch sheep, and so on), Tabari records the nicknames of Muhammad weapons.
    Muhammad nicknames three swords that he took from the Jewish tribe Qaynuqa after he banished them from Medina in April 624: "Pluck Out," "Very Sharp," and "Death." Two other swords from elsewhere are named: "Sharp" and "That is wont to sink" (presumably into human flesh). After his Hijrah or Emigration from Mecca to Medina in 622, he owned two swords called "Sharp" and "Having the vertebrae of the back." This last sword he collected as booty after his victory at the Battle of Badr in March 624.
    Next, Muhammad took three bows from the Qaynuqa tribe and named them as follows: "Most conducive to ease, or wide," "white," and "of nab wood" (species of tree from which bows are made).

    The name of a coat of mail implies "ampleness" or "redundant portions," probably because Muhammad was portly (cf. Ibn Ishaq, Life of Muhammad, trans. Guillaume, p. 383).
    Finally, even Muhammad himself has a nickname. After Tabari lists the positive ones, he matter-of-factly provides one that is not so positive: "The obliterator."

    Muslim apologists may object that Tabari is not authoritative (except when he shows Muhammad as heroic or victorious) and that he is not on the same level as the Quran and some hadiths (words and deeds of Muhammad outside of the Quran). This is true. But Muslim apologists still must answer why such a tradition of naming weapons developed about Muhammad. After all, later, unauthoritative traditions about Christ developed, but they do not show him even owning weapons, let alone naming them. The answer to this question about Muhammad is found in the next nine reasons.

    This article explains Christ’s attitude about swords more thoroughly, as does this one. Certainly he never fondled swords or nicknamed them, displaying them proudly, delighting in them. Thus, violence sits at the heart of early Islam—in the life of Muhammad. Islam is therefore not the religion of peace.

    9. Muhammad commands in his Quran that adulterers and adulteresses should receive a hundred lashes.
    24:2 Strike the adulteress and the adulterer one hundred times. Do not let compassion for them keep you from carrying out God’s law—if you believe in God and the Last Day—and ensure that a group of believers witnesses the punishment. (MAS Abdel Haleem, The Quran, New York: Oxford UP, 2004)

    The supposed historical context of this sura occurs during a raid of a tribe in December 627 or January 628, on which Muhammad brought his favorite and youngest wife, Aisha, also the daughter of Abu Bakr, his right-hand lieutenant. After the Muslims’ victory, they journeyed back to Medina, one hundred and fifty miles to the north. On their last halt, Aisha answered the call of nature, but lost her necklace in the dark, just as the army was setting out from their encampment early in the morning. She left her litter, returned to look for the necklace, and found it. Meanwhile, the man leading her camel assumed she was in her curtained litter and led the animal away by the halter. Returning, Aisha saw that she was left behind.

    However, a handsome young Muslim named Safwan saw her and accompanied her back to Medina, though both the Muslims and Muhammad’s opposition wagged their tongues at seeing the two youngsters entering the city together. Eventually, revelation came that Aisha was not guilty of any immorality.
    Sura 24 thus establishes some ground rules against adultery, of which flogging one hundred times is one of the rules. Amazingly, 24:2 exhorts the accusers and judges not to let compassion keep them from carrying out God’s law. Moreover, early and reliable traditions depict Muhammad and his Muslims stoning adulterers and adulteresses, as recorded by the two most reliable collectors and editors of the hadith, Bukhari (AD 810-870) and Muslim (c. AD 817-875):
    Umar said: God sent Muhammad with the truth and sent down the Book [Quran] to him, and the verse of stoning was included in what God most high sent down. God’s messenger [Muhammad] had people stoned to death, and we have done it also since his death. Stoning is a duty laid down in God’s Book for married men and women who commit fornication when proof is established, or if there is pregnancy, or a confession. (Muslim no. 4194)

    Umar was Muhammad’s right-hand lieutenant (along with Abu Bakr), and even shortly after Muhammad’s death he tried very hard to get a verse allowing stoning into the Quran, but he did not succeed (Ibn Ishaq, Life of Muhammad, trans. Guillaume, p. 684). Be that as it may, this and the next hadith are sufficient for many Muslims today to endorse stoning, as seen here: [1], [2], [3], [4].
    Perhaps the most gruesome hadith is the following. A woman came to the prophet and asked for purification (by being punished for her sin). He told her to go away and seek God’s forgiveness. She persisted four times and admitted that she was pregnant as a result of fornication. He told her to wait until she had given birth. Then he said that the Muslim community should wait until she had weaned her child. When the day arrived for the child to take solid food, Muhammad handed the child over to the community and ordered the woman’s death by stoning.

    And when he had given command over her and she was put in a hole up to her breast, he ordered the people to stone her. Khalid b. al-Walid came forward with a stone which he threw at her head, and when the blood spurted on his face he cursed her ... (Muslim, no. 4206)

    It is true that Muhammad told Khalid to be gentler, but how gentle does one have to be when one throws a rock at a woman buried up to her breasts? Is the rock required to go only 30 miles per hour or 40? Perhaps Muhammad was ordering Khalid not to curse her. In any case, the prophet prayed over her dead body and then buried her. Truthfully, how effective was the prayer when Muhammad and his community murdered her in cold blood? They should have forgiven her and let her go to raise her child.
    Even if some Muslim apologists today do not accept these hadiths, then they still have to answer why the true God would send down the harsh punishment of lashing in the Quran (Sura 24:2), when the New Testament says nothing about this. Christians should therefore rightly reject this verse, for Christ forgave the woman caught in adultery and told her to go and sin no more (John 8:1-11). He showed us the better way and taught the will of the true God.

    For more information on this early punishment and how it is applied today, refer to this article, which also answers Muslim apologists and explains John 8:1-11 more thoroughly.
    Thus, cruel violence sits at the heart of early Islam—in Muhammad’s life and in his Quran. Islam is therefore not the religion of peace.

    8. Muhammad in his Quran permits husbands to beat their wives.
    4:34 Husbands should take full care of their wives, with [the bounties] God has given to some more than others and with what they spend out of their own money. Righteous wives are devout and guard what God would have them guard in the husbands’ absence. If you fear high-handedness from your wives, remind them [of the teaching of God], then ignore them when you go to bed, then hit them. If they obey you, you have no right to act against them. God is most high and great. (Haleem)

    Written in the historical context of the Battle of Uhud (March 625), in which Islam lost 70 holy warriors, this verse belongs to a larger collection of verses that outlines laws for the family, such as how to divide the inheritance and to how to oversee the assets of orphans (vv. 1-35). Plainly said, Sura 4:34 specifies that husbands may beat their unruly wives if the husbands "fear" highhandedness, quite apart from whether the wives are actually being highhanded. This puts the interpretation of the wives’ behavior squarely in the husbands’ judgment, and this swings the door to abuse wide open. This verse embodies a gigantic cultural and social step backwards and should be rejected by all fair-minded and reasonable people.

    The hadith says that Muslim women in the time of Muhammad were suffering from domestic violence in the context of confusing marriage laws:
    Bukhari reports this incident about the wives in the early Muslim community in the context of marital confusion and an odd remarriage law:

    Rifa'a divorced his wife whereupon 'AbdurRahman bin Az-Zubair Al-Qurazi married her. 'Aisha said that the lady (came), wearing a green veil (and complained to her (Aisha) of her husband and showed her a green spot on her skin caused by beating). It was the habit of ladies to support each other, so when Allah's Apostle came, 'Aisha said, "I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women. Look! Her skin is greener than her clothes!" (Bukhari, emphasis added)

    This hadith shows Muhammad hitting his girl-bride, Aisha (see rule no. 1, below), daughter of Abu Bakr, his right-hand Companion:
    "He [Muhammad] struck me [Aisha] on the chest which caused me pain." (Muslim no. 2127)

    For a more thorough analysis of this hurtful practice, refer to this article, which has many links to modern discussions of this policy (scroll down to the end).
    This article, though long, offers a clear analysis of wife-beating, examining the hadith and other early source documents, as well as refuting modern Muslim polemics. This mid-length article answers a Muslim defense. This article is a superb analysis of the subject, giving various translations of 4:34. It cites the hadith and classical commentaries and refutes modern defenses. Finally, this article written by an Arab Christian is thorough in examining the Quran and hadith and Muslim polemics, offering many translations of 4:34.
    Thus, domestic violence sits at the heart of early Islam—in the life of Muhammad and his Quran. Islam is therefore not the religion of peace.

    7. Muhammad in his Quran commands that the hands of male or female thieves should be cut off.
    5:38 Cut off the hands of thieves, whether they are male or female, as punishment for what they have done—a deterrent from God: God is almighty and wise. 39 But if anyone repents after his wrongdoing and makes amends, God will accept his repentance: God is most forgiving and merciful. (Haleem)

    Three passages in the hadith interpret Muhammad’s policy and provide its context. This is a quick compilation taken from Bukhari and Muslim:
    Aisha [favorite wife of Muhammad] reported the Prophet saying, "A thief’s hand should be cut off for only a quarter of a dinar and upwards." (Bukhari and note two other hadith below this one).

    A dinar, a word taken from the Roman denarius, was not a small sum, but not exorbitant either, yet one-fourth of a dinar merits the loss of a hand in Muhammad’s view.
    Ibn Umar said the Prophet had a thief’s hand cut off for a shield worth three dirhams. (Bukhari and note the three hadith below this one)
    The shield was fairly expensive. The poor in Muhammad’s armies could not afford one. But is a shield equal to a hand?
    Abu Huraira reported the Prophet as saying, "God curse a thief who steals an egg and has his hand cut off, and steals a rope and has his hand cut off!" (Bukhari, see this parallel hadith here)

    Some commentators are quick to say that an "egg" is really a helmet, and the rope is a ship’s rope, which is sizable and costly. However, the translation above is usually accepted, and this means that the penalty could be imposed for trivial thefts. But even if the more expensive items are in view here, they still do not measure up to a hand.

    For more information on this gruesome practice and its historical context, consult this article, which answers Muslim apologists who seek to defend this practice and which also contrasts Christ with Muhammad. Suffice it to say here, Christ never endorsed this. And Paul the Apostle says that thieves should work with their hands in order to share with those in need, not get their hand cut off (Ephesians 4:28). So Paul excels Muhammad.
    Thus, harsh and excessive punitive violence sits at the heart of early Islam—in Muhammad’s life and in the Quran. Islam is therefore not the religion of peace.

    6. Muhammad assassinates poets and poetesses.

    These two poets represent others in early Islam.
    March 624: Uqba bin Abu Muayt

    Uqba mocked Muhammad in Mecca and wrote derogatory verses about him. He was captured during the Battle of Badr, and Muhammad ordered him to be executed. "But who will look after my children, O Muhammad?" Uqba cried with anguish. "Hell," retorted the prophet coldly. Then the sword of one of his followers cut through Uqba’s neck.
    March 624: Asma bint Marwan

    Asma was a poetess who belonged to a tribe of Medinan pagans, and whose husband was named Yazid b. Zayd. She composed a poem blaming the Medinan pagans for obeying a stranger (Muhammad) and for not taking the initiative to attack him by surprise. When the prophet heard what she had said, he asked, "Who will rid me of Marwan’s daughter?" A member of her husband’s tribe volunteered and crept into her house that night. She had five children, and the youngest was sleeping at her breast. The assassin gently removed the child, drew his sword, and plunged it into her, killing her in her sleep.

    The following morning, the assassin defied anyone to take revenge. No one took him up on his challenge, not even her husband. In fact, Islam became powerful among his tribe. Previously, some members who had kept their conversion secret now became Muslims openly, "because they saw the power of Islam," so conjectures an early Muslim source that reports the assassination. In addition to the sources that recount these and other assassinations, the Quran also supports harsh punishments for mockers and insulters (Suras 3:186; 33:57; 33:59-61; and 9:61-63).
    However, even if Muslims reject the early non-Quranic sources where these assassinations are found, they still must answer these questions: Why would such a tradition grow up around Muhammad in friendly Islamic sources? What was it about Muhammad that produced such reports? Why are these friendly sources eager to present their prophet in a "positive" way?

    For an in-depth analysis of Muhammad’s assassinations of poets and how they justify assassinations of artists today, like the one of Theo van Gogh, the Dutch filmmaker, refer to this article, which also answers the Muslim apologists who try to justify Muhammad’s deadly policy, and which contrasts early Christianity with early Islam—Jesus assassinated no one, neither did he order this in the Gospels.

    Go here, here, here, and here for more information on three of the assassinations of poets, along with other assassinations of non-poets. This page has some links to articles about how Muhammad dealt with his personal enemies. Thus, bullying and murderous violence sits at the heart of early Islam—in Muhammad’s life and in the Quran. Islam is therefore not the religion of peace.

    5. Muhammad in his Quran commands death or the cutting off of hands and feet for fighting and corrupting the land.

    5:33 Indeed, the punishment of those who fight Allah and His Messenger and who go around corrupting the land is to be killed, crucified, have their hands and feet cut off on opposite sides, or to be banished from the land. That is a disgrace for them in this life, and in the life to come theirs will be a terrible punishment. 34 Except for those who repent before you overpower them. Know, then, that Allah is All-Forgiving, Merciful. (Majid Fakhry, An Interpretation of the Quran, New York: NYUP, 2000, 2004)
    According to the hadith, the historical context of these verses runs as follows and clarifies "fighting" and "corrupting" the land.
    Some Arab tribesmen visited the prophet, but fell sick in the uncongenial climate of Medina, so he recommended an old folk belief: drinking the milk and urine of a camel. Subsequently, they are reported to have felt better. However, for some reason, after departing from Medina, they killed some of Muhammad’s shepherds, turned apostate, and drove off the prophet’s camels.

    This news reached him, and he ordered them to be hunted down and brought before him. He decreed that their hands and feet should be cut off, their eyes gouged out, and their bodies thrown upon stony ground until they died. For more information on this policy that punishes people today based on Sura 5:33, even on ambiguous charges like colonialism, racism, and the disintegration of family relationships see here, and for a reply to Muslim apologists, refer to this article, which also contrasts Christ with Muhammad. This shorter article explains the background of these verses and this gruesome law. Muhammad tortured people.
    Thus, gruesome violence sits at the heart of early Islam—in Muhammad’s life and in the Quran. Islam is therefore not the religion of peace.

    4. Muhammad aggressively attacks Meccan caravans.

    A year or so after Muhammad’s Hijrah from Mecca to Medina in 622, he attacks Meccan caravans six times, and sent out a punitive expedition three-days away against an Arab tribe that stole some Medinan grazing camels (or cattle), totaling seven raids. W. Montgomery Watt, a highly reputable Western Islamologist who writes in favor of Muhammad and whose two-volume history of early Islam (Muhammad at Mecca (1953) and Muhammad at Medina (1956)) has won wide acceptance, tells us why geography matters:

    The chief point to notice is that the Muslims took the offensive. With one exception the seven expeditions were directed against Meccan caravans. The geographical situation lent itself to this. Caravans from Mecca to Syria had to pass between Medina and the coast. Even if they kept as close to the Red Sea as possible, they had to pass within about eighty miles of Medina, and, while at this distance from the enemy base, would be twice as far from their own base. (Muhammad at Medina, emphasis added, p. 2)

    It must be emphatically stated that the Meccans never sent a force up to the doorstep of Medina at this time—they did later on when they were fed up with Muhammad’s aggressions. It is true that the Meccans gathered forces to protect their caravans, but when Muhammad confronted them, they were many days’ journeys away from Medina, often more than eighty miles. (Medina and Mecca are around 200-250 miles from each other, taking seven to eleven days of travel by foot, horse, or camel.)
    Hence, two Muslim scholar-apologists are misleading when they assert that the caravans "passed through" Medina, adding that the Muslims haphazardly sought for whatever spoils they could get, whereas the Meccans mobilized for war (Isma’il R. al-Faruqi and Lois Lamya’al Faruqi, The Cultural Atlas of Islam, New York: Macmillan, 1986, 134). Rather, it is more accurate to say that the Muslims were aggressively harassing the Meccans.

    To complete the picture of expeditions, raids and wars in Muhammad’s life from 622 to 632, Watt totals up the number that Muhammad either sent out or went out on: seventy-four (Muhammad at Medina, pp. 2; 339-43). They range from negotiations (only a few compared to the violent expeditions), to small assassination hit squads, to the conquest of Mecca with 10,000 jihadists, and to the confrontation of Byzantine Christians (who never showed up), with 30,000 holy warriors to Tabuk (see below).

    For a fuller account of these six early aggressive attacks against Meccan caravans, go to this article, which explains more thoroughly why these attacks are not defensive.
    Thus, aggressive military violence sits at the heart of early Islam—in Muhammad’s life and in the Quran. Islam is therefore not the religion of peace.

    3. Muhammad in his Quran promises sensuous Gardens for martyrs dying in a military holy war.

    Throughout the Quran, Muhammad promises the men in his fledgling Muslim community that if they die fighting for Allah and for him, Allah will reward them with a "virgin-rich" Garden (Suras 44:51-56; 52:17-29; 55:46-78). In the following Quranic passage, representing others (Suras 4:74, 9:111; 3:140-143), the Arabic word "jihad" (root is j-h-d) is the means or currency to trade in this life for the life to come in an economic bargain.

    61:10 You who believe, shall I show you a bargain that will save you from painful punishment? 11 Have faith in God and His Messenger and struggle [j-h-d] for His cause with your possessions and your persons—that is better for you, if only you knew—12 and He will forgive your sins, admit you into Gardens graced with flowing streams, into pleasant dwellings in the Gardens of Eternity. That is the supreme triumph. (Haleem)

    These verses are found in the historical context of the Battle of Uhud (625), in which Muhammad lost 70 of his fighters. Thus, he must make the loss of life appear worth the sacrifice, so he frames their deaths in an economic bargain (note the word in bold print). If his jihadists trade in or sell their lives down here, they will be granted Islamic heaven—it is a done deal.

    For an in-depth analysis of Islamic martyrdom and how Biblical martyrdom opposes it, consult this article. Christ’s "Martyrdom" on the cross opens the way to heaven so that Christians do not have to die in a holy war to reach heaven. Thus, deadly, ‘heavenly violence’ sits at the heart of early Islam—in Muhammad’s life and in the Quran.
    Islam is therefore not the religion of peace.

    2. Muhammad unjustly executes around 600 male Jews and enslaves the women and children.

    After the Battle of the Trench in March 627 (named after a trench that the Muslims dug around parts of Medina) against a large coalition of Meccans and their allies, Muhammad imposed the ultimate penalty on the men in the Jewish clan, Qurayzah, his third and final Jewish rivals (he banished the Qaynuqa tribe in April 624 and the Nadir tribe in August 625). The Qurayzah tribe was supposed to remain neutral in the Battle, but they seem to have intrigued with the Meccans and to have been on the verge of attacking Muhammad from the rear. They were judged guilty by one of their Medinan Muslim allies, though Muhammad could have shown mercy, exiled them (as indeed they requested), or executed only a few.

    The sentence: Death by decapitation for around 600 men (some Islamic sources say 900), and enslavement for the women and children (he took a beautiful Jewess as his own prize). Muhammad was wise enough to have six clans execute two Jews each in order to stop any blood-feuds. The rest of the executions were probably carried out by his fellow Emigrants from Mecca and lasted the whole night.

    The prophet says the following in Sura 33:25-26 about the Battle of the Trench and his treatment of Qurayzah:

    33:25 God sent back the disbelievers along with their rage—they gained no benefit—and spared the believers from fighting. He is strong and mighty. 26 He brought those People of the Book [Qurayza] who supported them down from their strongholds and put terror into their hearts. Some of them you [believers] killed and some you took captive. 27 He passed on to you their land, their homes, their possessions, and a land where you had not set foot. God has power over everything. (Haleem)

    Now this atrocity has been enshrined in the eternal word of Allah—and the Quran seems to celebrate it. But these questions must be answered: Is intriguing with the enemy equal to slaughtering 600 men and enslaving the women and children? Who decides? The Arab tribal chief with the most powerful army?

    Muhammad said around the time of his Hijrah in 622 the following:

    16:126 If you [people] have to respond to an attack, make your response proportionate, but it is better to be steadfast. (Haleem)
    Any reasonable and fair-minded person would judge that Muhammad was not making his response (execution) proportionate to the breach of the agreement. The Qurayzah tribe never attacked the Muslims, and even if a few were to have done so, the punishment does not fit the crime. Therefore, Muhammad was being excessive and disproportionate because he used an irreversible penalty to express his human wrath.

    For a fuller account of this atrocity, refer to this article. This one explores Muhammad’s relations with the Jews, answering the standard replies by Muslims for their prophet’s indefensible atrocity (scroll down to "Politics, Warfare, and Conquests," no. 5). See this series of articles for more information about Muhammad's atrocity against the Banu Qurayza. This online index provides other links.

    Thus, anti-Semitic violence sits at the heart of early Islam—in Muhammad’s life and in his Quran. Islam is therefore not the religion of peace.

    1. Muhammad launches his own Crusades.

    In the following verse, Muhammad uses the Arabic word qital (root is q-t-l), which means warring, fighting, or killing:

    9:29 Fight [q-t-l] those among the people of the Book [Christians] who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day, do not forbid what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden and do not profess the true religion, till they pay the poll-tax out of hand and submissively. (Fakhry)

    The two most interesting clauses in this violent verse are (1) People of the Book (Christians in this verse late in Muhammad’s life) are to be attacked if they do not profess the true religion: Islam. This leaves the door wide open for terrorists today to attack and fight Christians because they do not adhere to Islam; (2) Christians must pay a tax for the "privilege" of living under the "protection" of Islam—submissively or in humiliation. (Dhimmitude)

    The historical context of Sura 9:29 finds Muhammad preparing for a military expedition against the Byzantine Empire in 630, two years before his ordinary death of a fever in 632. Indeed, some scholars regard Sura 9 as the last sura to be revealed from on high. Therefore, it sets many policies for Muslims today, and is often interpreted as abrogating or canceling previous verses, even peaceful ones.
    Muhammad heard a rumor that the Byzantines amassed an army some 700 miles to the north in Tabuk (northern Arabia today) in order to attack Islam, so he led an army of 30,000 holy warriors to counter-strike preemptively. However, the Byzantines failed to materialize, so Muhammad’s belief in the false rumor was misguided and his expedition was fruitless, except he managed to extract (extort) agreements from northern Christian Arab tribes that they would not attack him and his community. An army of 30,000 soldiers from the south must have deeply impressed the northern tribes, so they posed no real threat to Islam. They are the ones who paid the "protection" tax mentioned in Sura 9:29 (and so do tribes and cities after Muhammad’s death). Therefore, Muhammad’s forced tax was aggressive and hence unjust, not defensive and hence just.

    Muhammad’s military expedition qualifies as an Islamic Crusade long before the European ones. After all, in 638, only six years after Muhammad’s death, Muslim armies conquer Jerusalem. Today, Muslims should never again complain about European Crusades, unless they first come to grips with their own.

    For more information on the Muslim Crusades after Muhammad’s death and their atrocities and motives, refer to these articles (one, two).
    Thus, crusading violence sits at the heart of early Islam—in Muhammad’s life and in his Quran—and beyond, even reaching to today’s western world. Islam is therefore not the religion peace.

    What the ten reasons mean for us today
    These ten aspects of violence that have burrowed into the hemorrhaging heart of early Islam have eight implications for us today. The first three are theological; the rest are practical.

    The theological implications are as follows:

    First, as each reason in this article has hinted at and the links explain more thoroughly, Christ never, ever engaged in such violence. For example, he never assassinated opponents, whipped adulterers, cut off the hands of thieves, or launched his own Crusades (what the Medieval Europeans did is not foundational to Christianity).

    Christ expresses the love of God. Therefore, Christians and all fair-minded persons have the right to question whether the true God would reveal the Quran when it contains such violent verses that conveniently support Muhammad’s violence, whereas the New Testament does not have such violence.

    Second, Muslims believe that the New Testament is corrupted, whereas the Quran is inerrant. Even if we assume only for the sake of argument that these claims are true (but they actually are not), then why would reasonable seekers of the truth prefer the "pure" but violence-filled Quran over the "corrupted" but peaceful New Testament?

    Before Muhammad is allowed to throw around unsubstantiated charges about alleged New Testament corruption, he and his Quran must pass a down-to-earth test regarding his dubious, violent practices. But he and it fail the test badly, as this article demonstrates, whereas Christ and the New Testament pass with a perfect score. Therefore, if Muhammad is so wrong about down-to-earth matters like whipping adulterers and cutting off the hands of thieves and beating wives, then he is likely wrong about unresearched accusations of New Testament corruption—and factually he is wrong.

    Please refer to the articles listed on these pages for more information: [1], [2].

    Third, since Muhammad who claims divine guidance is so wrong about practical matters, why should we believe him about theoretical matters like the deity of Christ and the Trinity, both of which he denies? Clearly, he was not divinely guided in practical matters because the true God would not degrade religion by endorsing such gruesome violence six hundred years after Christ came—the historical span is critical. Christ and the New Testament do not have even one example of such violence. Again, if Muhammad first fails the down-to-earth test, then he likely fails the theological or theoretical test—we have no reason to believe him in such high doctrines, especially since he was no theologian and his revelations are now empirically suspect.

    The practical implications of the top ten reasons are as follows:

    Fourth, nominal Christians who no longer take their faith seriously, but who are tempted to convert to Islam, must stop to think a second time. Christ the Son of God demonstrates the love of God (Matt. 3:16-17), not the wrath of an ordinary, self-described human messenger (Sura 3:144). Why would they trade in the religion of God’s peace and love for Allah’s human religion of violence?

    Fifth, fanatical Muslims today are simply carrying on their prophet’s mission. Why should we be surprised if they want to conquer the West, in order to impose Allah’s will on non-Islamic societies? They are still working out Muhammad’s Crusades and trying to put a halt to the reality embodied in this simple logic:
    (1) If A, then B. If Allah endorses Islam, then it should expand endlessly.
    (2) Not-B. But it is not expanding endlessly (see
    this analysis).
    (3) Therefore, not-A. Therefore, Allah does not endorse Islam.

    This logic eats away at the heart of fanatics, especially premise two, even if they are not conscious of it in this logical form. What is stopping the endless expansion of Islam, according to the fanatics? Their answer: the US and even the very existence of the Jewish State of Israel in the heart of the Middle East. The fanatics have yet to uproot the Jews, despite three wars, which the Arabs lost. This tiny non-Islamic, Jewish State in their neighborhood slaps them in the face every day. How could Allah let this happen? Hence, premise two is the deepest reason that they have been launching attacks on the US and the West and Israel for the last two decades and why Osama bin Laden ignited 9/11. For more information on three Quranic verses that predict the worldwide dominance of Islam and that provide the motives for fanatics, refer to this article. And for more information on bin Laden’s motives specifically, go here.

    Sixth, as noted in the introduction to this article, Muslim apologists who have access to the national media and who constantly assert that Islam is the religion of peace must stop misleading unsuspecting Westerners. Factually, Islam is not the religion of peace. True, it had peaceful moments, but not for very long. Muhammad sent out or went out on seventy-four expeditions, raids, and wars in only ten years (622-632), most of which were violent.

    Seventh, western civilization must never accept the lie that Muhammad’s life, the Quran, and sharia (the law derived from the hadith and the Quran) are benefits to society. Rather, Islam represents many gigantic steps backwards, culturally and socially. One of the most tragic events in the western world in recent years—and one of the most underreported—is the existence of an Islamic court in Canada. Muslims are pushing for a sharia divorce court in Australia, as well. The Canadian government should promptly shut it down, and Australia should never allow one. And such a court must never be allowed to exist here in the US or elsewhere in the West. Sharia does not benefit society, bluntly stated.

    Eighth and finally, Islam should never be taught in our public schools, K through 11. Perhaps grade 12 is acceptable, but only on one condition. If school administrators insist on teaching it, Islamic violence must be included in the lesson plans because it is part and parcel of early Islam and Muhammad’s life.

    Of course, Muslim apologists assert that Christianity is filled with violence, citing the Roman Emperor Constantine and the Medieval Crusaders.
    However, to repeat,
    they are not foundational for Christianity—only Christ and the New Testament are. And He and the New Testament authors never practiced or endorsed such violence.

    On the other hand, Muhammad and his Quran are foundational for Islam, and violence fills his life and its pages.

    Therefore, for ten clear and verifiable reasons, Islam is not the religion of peace.
    Last edited by Raz; August 13, 2012, 01:20 PM. Reason: spacing, and highlighting one sentence

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  • c1ue
    Re: Syria becoming a major disaster and potential terrorist hotbed.

    Originally posted by Raz
    Muslims have brought grief and suffering when they obeyed their prophet. Islam knows nothing of tolerance for unbelievers and recognizes no separation of their faith from the power and coercion of the state. Muhammad was "tolerant" when he lacked power, as witnessed by the early suras in the Quran. Once he had the numbers and the force at his disposal all tolerance went out the window. The early suras are interpreted by the later ones.
    This is true, but how is this different than the Crusades?

    Equally so, I do find it disturbing to harp on the notion that Islam is fundamentally violent

    The vast, vast majority of Muslims are neither violent nor jihadist/revolutionary. There are entire nations of tens and hundreds of millions that don't subscribe to al Qaeda and its brethren philosophies.

    From my view, the Bible also contains just as many references to terrible ways to treat unbelievers if one chooses to seek those out.

    I do agree that Islam needs a New Testament - unfortunately the relative poverty of Muslims is a barrier to this as is highly fragmented nature of Islam's religious leadership.

    However, equally to blame is the ways by which many Arabic nations (Read Saudi Arabia) redirect social discontent into outward facing religious fanaticism - a phenomenon in many ways similar to the Crusades as well.

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  • Raz
    Re: Syria becoming a major disaster and potential terrorist hotbed.

    Originally posted by BadJuju View Post
    I think that is a woefully narrow view of Islam. The Golden Age of Islam paved the way for multitudes of scientific achievements that made the modern world possible. And Christianity is responsible for just as many atrocities as Islam.
    Then your view of Islam is not based upon the Quran and the Hadith - or history.

    Christians - mostly the western clergy - have fallen into grave error and brought grief to the world when they failed to follow the teachings of Christ. He never told them to force the faith upon anyone, and plainly stated that His Kingdom was not of this world. Nor did he ever sanction killing those who fell into heresy.

    Muslims have brought grief and suffering when they obeyed their prophet. Islam knows nothing of tolerance for unbelievers and recognizes no separation of their faith from the power and coercion of the state. Muhammad was "tolerant" when he lacked power, as witnessed by the early suras in the Quran. Once he had the numbers and the force at his disposal all tolerance went out the window. The early suras are interpreted by the later ones.

    Perhaps you should spend a year doing in-depth reading before you attempt becoming an armchair theologian.

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  • BadJuju
    Re: Syria becoming a major disaster and potential terrorist hotbed.

    Originally posted by Raz View Post
    This is the clear, unadulterated truth. Islam has been at war (spiritually AND physically) with the world since the Seventh Century.

    Those in the United States and the rest of the Modern Western World who refuse to see this are not only ignorant, they are willfully blind fools.
    I think that is a woefully narrow view of Islam. The Golden Age of Islam paved the way for multitudes of scientific achievements that made the modern world possible. And Christianity is responsible for just as many atrocities as Islam.
    Last edited by BadJuju; August 11, 2012, 07:59 PM.

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  • aaron
    Re: Syria becoming a major disaster and potential terrorist hotbed.

    Originally posted by Raz View Post
    This is the clear, unadulterated truth. Islam has been at war (spiritually AND physically) with the world since the Seventh Century.

    Those in the United States and the rest of the Modern Western World who refuse to see this are not only ignorant, they are willfully blind fools.
    Are the Christians losing?
    Is Science winning?
    Will Islam triumph?

    Yes, these wars have been going on and on for thousands of years. Personally, I would like Science to win. It is putting up a good fight these days.

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  • Raz
    Re: Syria becoming a major disaster and potential terrorist hotbed.

    Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
    Al Qaeda does not recognize Syria as a nation. Or any of the others either.

    Al Qaeda's (or at least bin Laden's reason for creating Al Qaeda) overarching purpose is to restore the Sunni caliphate, the one unified Islamic state or ummah wahidah, that lasted for thirteen centuries until the fall of Constantinople, which marked the end of the Ottoman dynasty in 1918. bin Laden made very clear references to this in a number of his post-9/11 broadcast statements.

    We in the politically correct west persist in the fantasy that this is a "war against terrorism"; our politicians repeating over and over that this is "not a war against Arabs" or "not a war against Islam".

    But Al Qaeda, and the many sympathetic of its objectives (far, far more among mainstream Sunni Muslims than you folks might wish to believe), very much see this as a religious war. A war of Muslims against the non-believer infidels, represented by the descendants of the British and French imperialists who partitioned their land into the artificial entities of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and so many more. A war against today's sole foreign imperialist superpower, the USA, that has supported and sustained the "secular modernist" dictators and democrats (like the Turks) that directly block the path to their ambition of a single reunified Islamic nation.
    This is the clear, unadulterated truth. Islam has been at war (spiritually AND physically) with the world since the Seventh Century.

    Those in the United States and the rest of the Modern Western World who refuse to see this are not only ignorant, they are willfully blind fools.

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  • GRG55
    Re: Syria becoming a major disaster and potential terrorist hotbed.

    Originally posted by touchring View Post
    Al Qaeda won't run the country, but Syria justifies that Al Qaeda has a purpose of helping to overthrow secular dictatorships...
    Al Qaeda does not recognize Syria as a nation. Or any of the others either.

    Al Qaeda's (or at least bin Laden's reason for creating Al Qaeda) overarching purpose is to restore the Sunni caliphate, the one unified Islamic state or ummah wahidah, that lasted for thirteen centuries until the fall of Constantinople, which marked the end of the Ottoman dynasty in 1918. bin Laden made very clear references to this in a number of his post-9/11 broadcast statements.

    We in the politically correct west persist in the fantasy that this is a "war against terrorism"; our politicians repeating over and over that this is "not a war against Arabs" or "not a war against Islam".

    But Al Qaeda, and the many sympathetic of its objectives (far, far more among mainstream Sunni Muslims than you folks might wish to believe), very much see this as a religious war. A war of Muslims against the non-believer infidels, represented by the descendants of the British and French imperialists who partitioned their land into the artificial entities of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and so many more. A war against today's sole foreign imperialist superpower, the USA, that has supported and sustained the "secular modernist" dictators and democrats (like the Turks) that directly block the path to their ambition of a single reunified Islamic nation.

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  • touchring
    Re: Syria becoming a major disaster and potential terrorist hotbed.

    Originally posted by raja View Post
    As for the long run, it's hard to say what will happen.
    I doubt that the people would tolerate an Al Qaeda run country . . . .

    Al Qaeda won't run the country, but Syria justifies that Al Qaeda has a purpose of helping to overthrow secular dictatorships.

    Already, Syria is attract adrenalin seeking young Brits to join Al Qaeda. These Brits will return to the UK after having learnt how to make homemake bombs, severe heads using knives. Can't be a good thing? Some may even proceed to the USA to further their adventure.

    LONDON -- A British photojournalist has described the terrifying week he was held captive by radical Islamist militants in Syria, where he and another photographer constantly feared for their lives at the hands of "disenchanted" young Britons.

    Writing in The Sunday Times newspaper (site operates behind a pay wall), seasoned conflict photographer John Cantlie said he and Dutch photographer Jeroen Oerlemans were repeatedly told to prepare to die and at one point "we heard the worst noise we will hear in our lives: the sharpening of knives for a beheading."
    Last edited by touchring; August 09, 2012, 10:29 PM.

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  • raja
    Re: Syria becoming a major disaster and potential terrorist hotbed.

    Originally posted by touchring View Post
    Since NATO is out of it, unlike the case of Libya, I bet that the civil war will drag on for years and eventually, Al Qaeda and other extremists are going to be involved in the defeat of Assad.

    This can't be a good situation for the world.
    Syria is a bad actor in the Middle East.
    To have them tied up in self-destructive activity for a number of years would be a good thing.

    As for the long run, it's hard to say what will happen.
    I doubt that the people would tolerate an Al Qaeda run country . . . .

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