Re: War on Women: A Bridge Too Far?
AFAIK pretty much what you say here is what is driving the costs.
FWIW in theory Obamacare was supposed to fix or at least blunt the worst of this by mandating that insurance companies spend 80-85% of all the money they take in on actual medical coverage (aka medical loss ratio) rather than over head and profits. Which sounds pretty good at first but once you start digging around the point is largely moot: in 2008 (note table 15) the average medical loss ratio was already 87-82% depending on whose numbers you look at. This won't have hardly any effect at all on insurance companies profits or the insurance coverage cost to the end individual such as you or myself. I've read elsewhere, but can't find a good source so I'd understand if you disregard this, overseas the MLR is 90% or more. The Obamacare bill is loaded with stuff like this, in theory lots of it sounds good, in practice it really doesn't do much at all to improve the situation while still allowing health care costs to continue to climb.
But then that is what happens if you require every one to get insurance without also fixing the costs too. The worst of both worlds.
Doesn't surprise me. 62% of all bankruptcies are due to high health care costs, 75% of those who went bankrupt due to medical costs had insurance too. The awful truth is that as expensive as the insurance is half the time when you really do need it for something big they'll deny coverage in part or fully and you end up getting screwed.
Originally posted by lektrode
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FWIW in theory Obamacare was supposed to fix or at least blunt the worst of this by mandating that insurance companies spend 80-85% of all the money they take in on actual medical coverage (aka medical loss ratio) rather than over head and profits. Which sounds pretty good at first but once you start digging around the point is largely moot: in 2008 (note table 15) the average medical loss ratio was already 87-82% depending on whose numbers you look at. This won't have hardly any effect at all on insurance companies profits or the insurance coverage cost to the end individual such as you or myself. I've read elsewhere, but can't find a good source so I'd understand if you disregard this, overseas the MLR is 90% or more. The Obamacare bill is loaded with stuff like this, in theory lots of it sounds good, in practice it really doesn't do much at all to improve the situation while still allowing health care costs to continue to climb.
But then that is what happens if you require every one to get insurance without also fixing the costs too. The worst of both worlds.
Originally posted by lektrode
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