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A Photo That Needs No Caption

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  • #16
    Re: A Photo That Needs No Caption

    Originally posted by fliped42 View Post
    Am I the only one that finds this thread anti-semetic I am actually considering canceling my membership.
    I don't understand why you find this thread anti-semetic.
    Most folks are good; a few aren't.


    • #17
      Re: A Photo That Needs No Caption

      So would criticizing the administration/government over its pro-Israeli stance put me in the anti-Semitic (not anti-semetic) corner?

      This "anti-Semitic" red herring is being flogged about just a bit too much in my opinion. How about US doing business with the Communists, no problem there. Did China become a democratic country suddenly? :confused:


      • #18
        Re: A Photo That Needs No Caption

        Originally posted by Shakespear View Post
        So would criticizing the administration/government over its pro-Israeli stance put me in the anti-Semitic (not anti-semetic) corner?

        This "anti-Semitic" red herring is being flogged about just a bit too much in my opinion. How about US doing business with the Communists, no problem there. Did China become a democratic country suddenly? :confused:
        I have no problem debating the aipac I would have no problem debating Israeli foreign policy
        I do have a problem with putting a star if david on a jewish senator. I think it demeans the debate. I post here because I thought it was a place to debate things in an intelligent fashion not insulting propaganda. If I wanted that I could have gone to any number of other sites I find undesirable who post anti semetic and anti american propaganda. It is one of these sites no doubt that Don got the picture from. By the way I am not even jewish and I find it insulting. So I chose not to post here or pay money to a site that condones this anymore.


        • #19
          Re: A Photo That Needs No Caption

          If they had just put the pope's hat on Kennedy it would be more even handed...

          And I sent the pic to one of my good Jewish buds last night without even thinking about the tie... duh. He'll forgive me.

          You know you can make out a star of david on Obama's tie to. Hmmm.


          • #20
            Re: A Photo That Needs No Caption

            Originally posted by fliped42 View Post
            Am I the only one that finds this thread anti-semetic I am actually considering canceling my membership.


            • #21
              Re: A Photo That Needs No Caption

              Maybe I'm slow, but I didn't notice the tie on Leiberman until you pointed it out.


              • #22
                Re: A Photo That Needs No Caption

                Originally posted by hayfield View Post
                Maybe I'm slow, but I didn't notice the tie on Leiberman until you pointed it out.
                Neither did I.

                I don't think Dees is anti-semitic but I have no way to be sure of that.
                From reading his explanation of Rabbinic vs. Talmudic Judaism he makes an effective argument
                that Zionism is really a first cousin to Imperialism.
                And he obviously sees the U.S. Government as an enabler and practiser of both.

                Fits right in with the concept of American Empire.


                • #23
                  Re: A Photo That Needs No Caption

                  I admit I hadn't noticed the tie either, and I started this thread! I think the picture does a great job of evoking the behind the scenes solidarity of the financial oligarchy. Too bad the artist went further afield in his agitprop, compromising its impact on the 'tulip. (and thanks for pointing it out. I sent this to a number of friends)


                  • #24
                    Re: A Photo That Needs No Caption

                    In 1980 and before them, the push button label was Communist. In that time frame to the best of my recollection anti-sematism was hardly spoke of. From the 1990's and on, anti-sematism is the push button and communism has completely disappeared. Namely no one seems to have a problem with it.

                    We are trading and owe money to a Communist Country. Country that give a fiddle about human rights, freedom of speech etc. Where is the outrage?

                    So for me , antisemitism is a none topic once I find myself in Texas, New Orleans and hear how they talk about the blacks and Mexican. Sorry, that picture does not earn very much outrage in comparison. It simply in caricature expressing the policy of United States.

                    Do you recall the cartoons in Denmark with Mohamed? Were many "sensitive" people in the US outraged with that? Not many, and probable none on Fox News. The argument was Freedom of Expression would be violated if they were to be removed.

                    So lets give this picture a rest. It is tame compared to what the Arab World has to serve in this form of expression.

                    PS: Without putting the Star of David I suspect many would not understand the connection. I would venture to say that HIGH percentage of Americans does not know what the flag of Israel even looks like.


                    • #25
                      Re: A Photo That Needs No Caption

                      You may also not have noticed the star of david flag pin on Obama and the (subtle) star of david pattern on Obama's tie.


                      • #26
                        Re: A Photo That Needs No Caption

                        Seems to be a subtle theme running through this guys work.....


                        • #27
                          Re: A Photo That Needs No Caption

                          This sort of makes the point

                          The price of freedom of religion, or of speech, or of the press, is that we must put up with a good deal of rubbish.

                          Robert Jackson
                          Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population.

                          Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)


                          • #28
                            Re: A Photo That Needs No Caption

                            You know, I'm not anti jewish in the least. I love jewish people and I think the holocaust was a terrible terrible event. I also think Judaism is one of the best religions going around.

                            However - you spend any time looking at the history of Palistine and I think it's pretty trivial to see that what happened there was tragic and our support for it even more so. Two wrongs do not make a right.

                            The world needs a way to fairly deal with ancient wrongs (eg: long term back in forth in israel) - the current methods are clearly failing.


                            • #29
                              Re: A Photo That Needs No Caption

                              better vetting....

                              thanks to Jesse's Cafe Americain


                              • #30
                                Re: A Photo That Needs No Caption

                                Originally posted by fliped42 View Post
                                Am I the only one that finds this thread anti-semetic I am actually considering canceling my membership.
                                do what i do... complain to fred. it's borderline at best. belongs in rant & rave with the rest of the offensive garbage... some if it is my own.

