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Town halls turning ugly

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  • #76
    Re: Town halls turning ugly

    Originally posted by Godozo View Post
    I don't remember these people objecting to the "hush it, rush it, shut down the opposition" activities of the Bush White House. Do you? Heck, I would have loved to have heard or seen something like this going on then.

    Acorn's just a bunch of PO'd people. The Right Wingers are better organized, have guns on their side and know how to shoot. When oil jumps, the repression comes.
    I didn't vote for George W. Bush, but I don't recall the "hush it, rush it, shut down the opposition activities" of the Bush White House. Could you refresh my memory?

    ACORN is a criminal organization that engages in fraudulent voter "registration". If "right wingers" were better organized they wouldn't have allowed the Republican Party to become "Democrat Light".

    And the Left is also heavily armed with their own militias: they're called gangs.
    Last edited by Raz; August 09, 2009, 03:09 PM.


    • #77
      Re: Town halls turning ugly

      Originally posted by nitroglycol View Post
      Yeah, I did miss it. Is it linked above?

      Update: I think I found a link to what you're talking about... kind of ambiguous though. This article is certainly skeptical. That said, I wouldn't be particularly surprised to see some violence on both sides.
      I'm not surprised the article is skeptical.

      If MediaMatters told me our planet was a sphere I would consider joining the Flat Earth Society.


      • #78
        Re: Town halls turning ugly

        Raz, if you'd like me to post many dozens of blatantly racist posters, photos, quotes and etc from the Tea Baggers, Birthers and Deathers you just let me know. They aren't hard to find - you could use Teh Google yourself if you like.

        And I'm sure I'd have hated the Berkley crowd as much had I been alive to see it. Just about the only people on the planet I want to punch as a reflexive action are the Trust Fund Stoners.

        I also don't object to protest. I do object to death threats to Congressmen and calls to violence to shut down the debate.

        To be clear... you don't have to look any further than the 9/11 whackjobs to find loons on the left, but when an entire party, including its brightest stars and entire official establishment, has come so unmoored from sanity and reality that its most recent Vice Presidential candidate is saying stark raving mad things as...

        The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's "death panel" so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their "level of productivity in society," whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil.
        ...I see no reason to take that party seriously, or to even pretend that good faith negotiation is possible. They can only be opposed and defeated.


        • #79
          Re: Town halls turning ugly

          Originally posted by WDCRob View Post
          Raz, if you'd like me to post many dozens of blatantly racist posters, photos, quotes and etc from the Tea Baggers, Birthers and Deathers you just let me know. They aren't hard to find - you could use Teh Google yourself if you like.

          And I'm sure I'd have hated the Berkley crowd as much had I been alive to see it. Just about the only people on the planet I want to punch as a reflexive action are the Trust Fund Stoners.

          I also don't object to protest. I do object to death threats to Congressmen and calls to violence to shut down the debate.

          To be clear... you don't have to look any further than the 9/11 whackjobs to find loons on the left, but when an entire party, including its brightest stars and entire official establishment, has come so unmoored from sanity and reality that its most recent Vice Presidential candidate is saying stark raving mad things as...

          ...I see no reason to take that party seriously, or to even pretend that good faith negotiation is possible. They can only be opposed and defeated.
          agree with you... now pls fred move to political abyss before a mild mannered passerby gets the idea we're the internet equivalent of fight club.


          • #80
            Re: Town halls turning ugly

            You know, after seeing some of the videos on this, I swear that half of the "angry" crowd are senior citizens. No offense to the retired crowd here, but that just makes me want to go to one of these functions and scream at the top of my lungs about how I'm not going to stand and let my country go down the socialist path with government run health care. In fact, we need to get rid of two of the biggest welfare programs in existence: Social Security and Medicare. Then I'd probably go on to say something along the lines of how I'm tired of supporting a bunch of whining blue hairs with government hand outs. I want my tax dollars back! Do you hear me!;):p;)

            I'm willing to bet that the silence would be deafening.:p This just goes to show how stupid this charade has become. Health care is broken whether you believe in a government run option or not. What we need is a real debate about this, not a bunch of stooges showing up to yell and shout at the instigation of Limbaugh and Hannity. As a conservative, I'll say that if you've got something constructive to add to the conversation, then by all means show up and participate. Otherwise, shut up and stay home.
            Last edited by bcassill; August 09, 2009, 08:22 PM.


            • #81
              Re: Town halls turning ugly

              Originally posted by bcassill View Post
              You know, after seeing some of the videos on this, I swear that half of the "angry" crowd are senior citizens. No offense to the retired crowd here, but that just makes me want to go to one of these functions and scream at the top of my lungs about how I'm not going to stand and let my country go down the socialist path with government run health care. In fact, we need to get rid of two of the biggest welfare programs in existence: Social Security and Medicare. Then I'd probably go on to say something along the lines of how I'm tired of supporting a bunch of whining blue hairs with government hand outs. I want my tax dollars back! Do you hear me!:mad:

              I'm willing to bet that the silence would be deafening.:p This just goes to show how stupid this charade has become. Health care is broken whether you believe in a government run option or not. What we need is a real debate about this, not a bunch of stooges showing up to yell and shout at the instigation of Limbaugh and Hannity. As a conservative, I'll say that if you've got something constructive to add to the conversation, then by all means show up and participate. Otherwise, shut up and stay home.


              • #82
                Re: Town halls turning ugly

                Originally posted by bcassill View Post
                As a conservative, I'll say that if you've got something constructive to add to the conversation, then by all means show up and participate. Otherwise, shut up and stay home.
                Is this just conservatives who should only speak up if bcassill considers their comments constructive, or should liberals obey the same constraints :rolleyes:?

                In other words, sir, your evaluation of whether what I say is constructive or not does not control my right to say it.
                Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                • #83
                  Re: Town halls turning ugly

                  Originally posted by WDCRob View Post
                  Raz, if you'd like me to post many dozens of blatantly racist posters, photos, quotes and etc from the Tea Baggers, Birthers and Deathers you just let me know. They aren't hard to find - you could use Teh Google yourself if you like.

                  And I'm sure I'd have hated the Berkley crowd as much had I been alive to see it. Just about the only people on the planet I want to punch as a reflexive action are the Trust Fund Stoners.

                  I also don't object to protest. I do object to death threats to Congressmen and calls to violence to shut down the debate.

                  To be clear... you don't have to look any further than the 9/11 whackjobs to find loons on the left, but when an entire party, including its brightest stars and entire official establishment, has come so unmoored from sanity and reality that its most recent Vice Presidential candidate is saying stark raving mad things as...

                  ...I see no reason to take that party seriously, or to even pretend that good faith negotiation is possible. They can only be opposed and defeated.
                  I agree with most of what you just said, so I'm not looking for a fight, WDC. With that preface outfront where it belongs, I will now state my agreement with Sarah Palin. (Heavens! Did I really say that?)

                  President Obama has no problem with infanticide. Not just procured abortion, but infanticide. To me, (and I'm entitled to my opinion - at least at the present time), he is a moral reprobate. I don't want anyone of his world view making any "health" decisions for me. Period.

                  The Left can talk about the poor, global warming, health care as a "right", Halliburton & Cheney, and a hundred other things, but as long as they hold to this manifest evil in the mass murder of the most innocent and helpless of all Americans, as a core idealogical position, no less, then I have little regard for their opinions in other areas. I'm not opposed to health care reform per se, and I'm certainly no friend of the insurance industry. But when it comes to the rationing of care according to the guidelines laid out by the likes of Obama, then to loosly quote you, "I won't even pretend that good-faith negotiation is possible, but I see them only as a force to be opposed and defeated".

                  I don't believe Palin should be Vice-President, much less President. But I share her fears about life and death decisions concerning medical care coming from the people placed in positions of authority by this president.
                  And I take no comfort in the possibility that their successors in those positions might be appointed by Republicans - they haven't shown themselves trustworthy either.

                  About fifteen years ago Joseph Sobran said that "...most of the people who work for the United States government would be willing to work for any government. Had they worked for the Vichy French they would have dutifully helped the Germans round up the Jews, and had they worked for the Romans they would have politely walked in step down to the colliseum to watch the Christians be thrown to the lions".

                  I believe that Sobran was a perceptive observer not only of history, but of fallen human nature as well. And I not only agree with him, but I believe the moral and social climate of today is worse than when he wrote those words.

                  Last edited by Raz; August 09, 2009, 07:39 PM. Reason: grammar editing


                  • #84
                    Re: Town halls turning ugly

                    Too much name calling and other non-iTulip like behavior.


                    • #85
                      Re: Town halls turning ugly

                      Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                      Is this just conservatives who should only speak up if bcassill considers their comments constructive, or should liberals obey the same constraints :rolleyes:?

                      In other words, sir, your evaluation of whether what I say is constructive or not does not control my right to say it.

                      No, all opinions are welcome. Just make the dialogue constructive, whatever your political affiliation. Shouting each other down is not in good form if you truly intend on finding common ground.


                      • #86
                        Re: Town halls turning ugly

                        Originally posted by metalman View Post
                        My apologies if I came across a little strong. It's just that if you really mean to fix a problem you really need to be grown up about and debate the pros and cons. Don't grand stand. Don't shout down your opponent. There are just better ways to handle this. Not to be misconstrued, I'm just being a little sarcastic with my opening.


                        • #87
                          Re: Town halls turning ugly

                          Maybe USA citizens should be banned from posting?


                          • #88
                            Re: Town halls turning ugly

                            Originally posted by bcassill View Post
                            No, all opinions are welcome. Just make the dialogue constructive, whatever your political affiliation. Shouting each other down is not in good form if you truly intend on finding common ground.
                            Shifting gears are we now?

                            When I object to your assuming the right to decide whether I can speak, you lapse to just offering fatherly advice on how I might best speak constructively.

                            Sorry, no dice. You still don't get to determine if I can speak.
                            Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                            • #89
                              Re: Town halls turning ugly

                              Originally posted by a warren View Post
                              Maybe USA citizens should be banned from posting?
                              I take it good sir (good sheep?) that you're from New Zealand?

                              I also take it you are observing that us Americans are being a tad bit more rude on this thread than others?

                              Probably so. Perhaps this is an example of power corrupting. Americans have ruled the roost for about a century now, depending on how you count. We're getting a tad big for our britches, if I do say so. Most politicians (except of course which ever one I favor at the moment :rolleyes are corrupt lying thieves. Political discourse has become vulgar.

                              This might be ok, however. Perhaps it's like a bottom in the market, in this case a bottom in political morality. Just when things look darkest, they slowly start climbing back up, in fits and starts.

                              Or sometimes one calls it wrong, and the bottom is nowhere yet in sight.
                              Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                              • #90
                                Re: Town halls turning ugly

                                Originally posted by Rantly McTirade View Post
                                'Wacist'? No corporate patron, flack, or poobah would be anywhere near anything that wouldn't pass muster with the NAACP, La Raza,any crapversity consultant, etc., so you're clearly confused on your conspiracies.
                                Unless you mean Al Sharpton and Jeremiah Wright? Doubtful.
                                precisely why three large corporations moved their advertisements on the Fox News channel off of the Glenn Beck show

                                Last edited by Slimprofits; August 10, 2009, 12:17 AM. Reason: repair article url

