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So, where this collaspe then?

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  • So, where this collaspe then?

    Well into 2014 & sign............

  • #2
    Re: So, where this collaspe then?

    Q4 2014 -> Q1 2015 = Next EJ predicted recession as per previous article. Peak 40% correction, and this is still not "the big one". After this correction, Fed will QE like a maniac again for one last hurrah until a few years later (2016-2019?) Fed finally loses control, and markets go ka-poom. Not sure if it is this one or the next one, but the correction is triggered by an external shock/surprise, likely related to unsustainably high oil prices.

    This is the 2 liner summary as far as what I can recall. Feel free to correct this. In short, go find a good hobby, we'll be waiting quite a while yet.
    Warning: Network Engineer talking economics!


    • #3
      Re: So, where this collaspe then?

      Yes, but i would have expected some troubles by now.............Jim Rickards sez late Summer Yellen wil PRINT once again....


      • #4
        Re: So, where this collaspe then?


        • #5
          Re: So, where this collaspe then?

          Originally posted by Mega View Post
          Well into 2014 & sign............
          Mike, there are signs...think of every domino we see being added to the long and winding road of other dominoes that were set up by the 1971 'Powers That Be' for lots of credit access back in Nixon's term when America went all the way off the gold standard.

          Every week, there is another one set into place, but they are all country by country, and country to country. There are missing domino's all over the place, and some places, like the UK And America, are making a point of making fancier and fancier designs in order to keep stretching out the setting up of all the domino pieces.

          They will be ready soon (next week to 2020, or there abouts). It won't take much to set it off know how touchy dominoes are.

          I am biding my time with watching all the dominoes get put in place. Either we stop watching for what is to come, or enjoy the creativity of the bad guys while grinding our teeth and trying not to swear too much, because this is what EJ meant when he said markets can stay crazier longer than you can think...or stay solvent and sane in!

          It's worth a try anyway, to watch how they are doing it, particularly since we cannot stop them from doing it.

          At any rate, it keeps the frustration level down.

          Perhaps you could invent a new board game for people to while away the time with...Watch the Dominoes! Or not.

