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Yellen, Mega's new Pin up girl..............

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  • Yellen, Mega's new Pin up girl..............

    Girl Power!

    Janet Yellen warns US economy is 'far short' of its potential

    Janet Yellen, President Barack Obama's nominee to become chairman of the Federal Reserve, says central bank has "more work to do"

    Janet Yellen would be the first woman to lead the US central bank if her nomination is confirmed by the Senate Photo: Rex Features

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    By Katherine Rushton, US Business Editor

    11:00PM GMT 13 Nov 2013


    The US economy is falling “far short” of its potential, according to the woman tipped to be the next head of the Federal Reserve.

    Janet Yellen, who has been nominated as chairman of the US central bank, said the Fed has “more work to do” to boost the weak labour market and economy, in a speech she will deliver to the Senate Banking Committee in Washington today.

    “I believe that supporting the recovery today is the surest path to returning to

    a more normal approach to monetary policy,” she will say.

    The speech will set the tone for Ms Yellen’s term as Fed chairman, provided the Senate confirms her in the post as expected. She is lined up to replace Ben Bernanke in January, and become the first woman ever to take the helm of the world’s largest central bank.

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    Her appearance in front of the committee today will bolster expectations America will keep injecting new money into the economy for a considerable time to come.

    The 67-year-old, who is currently the Fed’s deputy chairman, is well known for her dovish stance, and a strong advocate of its $85bn-a-month bond-buying scheme designed to prop up the economy.
    She was one of the key architects of the Fed’s resolution to keep the taps open on the so-called “quantitative easing” programme, until there was evidence of a sustained improvement in America’s employment situation.

    Even so, the dollar fell on speculation the US would keep its QE programme running at full tilt well into 2014.

    Ms Yellen has not detailed the Fed’s next move, but her explanation of the central bank’s recent behaviour made her dovish stance very clear nonetheless.

    “Inflation has been running below the Federal Reserve’s goal of 2pc and is expected to continue to do so for some time. Unemployment is down from a peak of 10pc, but at 7.3pc in October, it is still too high, reflecting a labour market and economy performing far short of their potential,” she said.
    “For these reasons, the Federal Reserve is using its monetary policy tools to promote a more robust recovery. A strong recovery will ultimately enable the Fed to reduce its monetary accommodation and reliance on unconventional policy tools such as asset purchases.”