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There is NO hypocrisy like British Hypocrisy!

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  • There is NO hypocrisy like British Hypocrisy!

    I didn't like Jimmy & his sexual advances towards you......while you "Danced" about in see though scimppy clothes doing your cheap titty bar act & jigglying your t1ts on national tv every Thursday night?

    You..."Sort of" never discussed Jimmy even after you got dropped for the (Much better) Legs & co dance troop. May be you were a little too busy attacking each other in the British press & bitching about "Men".......or was it the fact that a number of you were caught up in that little Vice ring scandel....oh & the "Coke" on a plane problem.....?

    Now you old,fat & thus totally unf*ckable so you just want so attension?

    Piss off

  • #2
    Re: There is NO hypocrisy like British Hypocrisy!

    For me the problem goes much deeper..........the British a scared sh1tless by sex. Remember all those teen horror films, where if a group of young (uaslly played by 35 year olds!) boys & girls go off somewhere to "enjoy" themselves...SEX will follow!.............& if you have SEX, you going to DIE...............

    Sex is used in Britan as a weapon, our beloved poltico's love to link Sex & children (thats anyone young, even OVER 16)...they use it rather like Capt Kirk users sheilds in Star Trek.......i wish they lisen to "Pat".


    • #3
      Re: There is NO hypocrisy like British Hypocrisy!

      Oh...........Yet MORE!

      High street chains accused of profiting from sale of pornographic e-books

      WHSmith and others are accused of making money from the sale of books that glorify sexual violence

      WHSmith is at the centre of the row over pornographic ebooks. Photo: DANIEL JONES

      By Ben Bryant

      12:53PM BST 13 Oct 2013

      WHSmith has been accused of profiting from the sale of books that glorify rape and violent pornography.

      The high street chain is understood to have earned up 30 per cent of the sale of the explicit ebooks, which include graphic descriptions of incest and titles like Pregnant With Daddy.

      The titles were openly advertised next to children's books on the chain's website until "disgusted" executives took the site offline to remove them, reports The Mail on Sunday.

      On Sunday morning the website was unavailable as the high street chain scrambled to remove the titles, which are thought to number more than 60.

      Pornographic ebooks – the majority of which are self-published by their authors – are also available through other retailers such as Amazon.

      Related Articles

      Some of the books, such as Sleeping Virgin Seduction on Amazon, are available for free.
      Politicians, charities and campaigners condemned the sale.

      John Whittingdale, chairman of the Commons Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee said: "It is disgusting that WHSmith, one of the country’s most respected retailers, is selling hardcore pornography alongside children’s books.
      "Retailers have a responsibility to families and it is unacceptable that anyone could access this material within a click of a mouse."

      The National Crime Agency warned that material appearing to legitimise child abuse "might feed the fantasies of paedophiles and in some cases encourage child sexual abusers to commit contact offences."

      Justine Roberts of parenting site Mumsnet said the books "glorified" rape and incest, adding: "You would not expect to be able to access so easily hardcore pornography alongside children’s books."

      The market for ebooks has grown rapidly in recent years. In April this year WHSmith reported that its partnership with ebook company Kobo has been "a big driver" of its profits.

      Last week the company posted a 6pc rise in pre-tax profits to Ł108m for the year to August 31, better than the City expected, with like-for-like sales down 5pc.

      The WHSmith website allowed any author to sell their books at a price set by them via Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing service.

      WHSmith said: "We were made aware that a number of unacceptable titles were appearing on our website through the Kobo website that has an automated feed to ours. This is an industry-wide issue impacting retailers that sell self-published eBooks due to the explosion of self publishing.

      "We are disgusted by these particular titles, find this totally unacceptable and we in no way whatsoever condone them.
      "It is not our policy to feature titles like those highlighted and we have processes in place to screen them out. We are taking immediate steps to have them all removed. While we are doing this we have decided to take our website off-line to best protect our customers and the public.

      "We sincerely apologise for any offence caused."

      Amazon could not be reached for comment on Sunday morning.


      • #4
        Re: There is NO hypocrisy like British Hypocrisy!

        Not over joyed with "Pregga with Daddy".......but i think its just a crappy home written book. They used this as extream example......i don't think very many people would bother reading it.

        Mean while we have NASTY video games (good Drone trainning i guess).......its "Fine" to kill lots of people of ANY age....but er don't talk about sex.



        • #5
          Re: There is NO hypocrisy like British Hypocrisy!

          "Sex and Violence" are said to be offensive. The words get bound together in the same phrase like they're the same thing. Usually in the U.S., sex is censored on TV while violence runs amok. Isn't that odd? Probably because the sexually repressed Puritans settled over here after England evicted them.

          For the most part I don't have a problem with sex in books, movies and TV when it's done with respect for the characters and the audience. I do have disgust for what I call "shock porn sex" e.g. Miley Cyrus' display on that awards show, and I take strong issue with extreme, gratuitous violence. This includes the violent shooter games you speak of. They are densitizing video simulator training for killing.

          But I would not place rape and incest in the "sex" category. Rape and incest are actions of physical and/or psychological violence against women and children.

          Basically, we become coarsened and desensitized when we are exposed to a great deal of crude and violent behavior. With enough repeated exposure, that behavior becomes the social norm.

          Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


          • #6
            Re: There is NO hypocrisy like British Hypocrisy!

            I hate attacks of anyone.....women & children sicken me...........rape disgusts me......true rape that is.

            What sickens me the most is the tidal-wave of Higher Moral Authority of the West (UK/US) that is usally followed by a wave of drone's, Hell fire missles, Napham, Phosphorus/White Phosphorus, Cluster-bombs, DU & any other "Nice" things we can rain down on some poor bastard & his children....



            • #7
              Re: There is NO hypocrisy like British Hypocrisy!

              Shiny, read this!


              • #8
                Re: There is NO hypocrisy like British Hypocrisy!

                Oh, so she's 31......ish....... & your over the Hill at 30 in that game......thus having past her "sell by date" this bitch now wants to get even on the younger girls that have displaced her on the magazine racks......


                • #9
                  Re: There is NO hypocrisy like British Hypocrisy!

                  well here's a couple clues:

                  And regardless of any hypocrisy she might be accused of, Miss Garai declared defiantly: ‘I’m a feminist, and saying I am feminist has only ever helped me and helped my life.

                  ‘I would encourage anybody to say they are a feminist because I don’t think it should exclude people.
                  'All it ever says is that we want everyone to be treated the same. How can you not sign up to that?’

                  Miss Garai, who was born in Hong Kong to English parents, gave birth to a daughter by actor boyfriend Sam Hoare in March this year.

                  Soon afterwards she raised eyebrows when she gave a graphic speech at the Bafta awards about the stitches she required on the maternity ward.

                  And despite her stand against the sexism of lads’ magazines, she recognises that the figure-hugging dresses she wore for 50s newsroom drama The Hour, in which she starred with Dominic West, were largely chosen not for historical accuracy, but to add sex appeal.

                  Miss Garai could not be contacted last night, and her agents did not respond to questions about her past.

                  Tomorrow, campaign members are holding a meeting in Parliament to call for an outright promise from Tesco that they will no longer stock the two lads’ magazines.
                  altho i would say she was 'over the hill' at 31..ish - it is kinda funny how things do change for this type, when they become mommies, eh mr mike?

                  but its just more of the same from the 'activist' crowd - when THEY dont like something, The Rest of US have to conform....


                  • #10
                    Re: There is NO hypocrisy like British Hypocrisy!

                    Yes, very much..........let her have her 15 mins........then drop her. One must beware NOT to all into the "Madonna" trap.


                    • #11
                      Re: There is NO hypocrisy like British Hypocrisy!

                      Originally posted by Mega View Post
                      Yes, very much..........let her have her 15 mins........then drop her. One must beware NOT to all into the "Madonna" trap.
                      altho i had meant to type that i _didnt_ think she was OTH at 31..ish.. (since at 55..ish, i wouldnt kick her out of the rack, not the 1st nite anyway ;)

                      a +1 to not (f)all into the - not so much 'madonna trap' - as the lindsey lohan trap - eh, mr mike?


                      • #12
                        Re: There is NO hypocrisy like British Hypocrisy!

                        Oh she F*ckable ...........thats not the point, the point is she is no longer a rising star & is now:-
                        A. Trying to get even on the younger women whom have displaced her
                        B. Trying to get attension



                        • #13
                          Re: There is NO hypocrisy like British Hypocrisy!

                          Originally posted by Mega View Post
                          .....the point is she is no longer a rising star & is now:-
                          A. Trying to get even on the younger women whom have displaced her
                          B. Trying to get attension
                          well... isnt that the usual trajectory of the celebrity class?
                          they become 'activists' when they arent 'in demand'
                          not that i'm disagreeing with ya...


                          • #14
                            Re: There is NO hypocrisy like British Hypocrisy!

                            Oh sure Lek, we on "the same page" with this one..........when i say she fu*kable BTW i mean if she was free or limted payment......if she was on the "market" @ grade 1 prices, well i have to say no.



                            • #15
                              Re: There is NO hypocrisy like British Hypocrisy!

                              uh huh, grade1 she aint, mate.
                              likely why she's all 'activated' all of a sudden....
                              hows that one go?
                              those that can, do.
                              those that cant, go into 'management'
                              or politix...

