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Mega's dispatch from England

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  • Mega's dispatch from England

    Been awhile, so i thought i take time off my fav ex-stream porn websites (Don't worry,No kids) to share with you the view from Liverpool. 1st of all i am delighted to report major improvements all round, like a super tanker its taken time to change direction, but it has.

    The welfare scum whom were housed in buy-2-let homes around the nice(er) areas of Liverpool & beyond have mostly gone. This is due to two major changes, 1st the so called "Bedroom tax" or as i call it the "F*ck you am not paying for you to live alone in a big house for free tax". In short the Welfare payments will NOT cover the rents......& i see many houses either to rent or (once the owner gives up) For SALE signs.

    The other KILLER blow is the change to how the Welfare payment is made. In the "good old days" the Buy-2-let scum would have the goverment pay him directly. This was brill because it allowed him to "recruit" any form of low life, be it drug user or just out of jail or just TRASH person. No matter what scumbags they were, no matter what harm they did the local people whom had worked Bloody hard to move away from these sh1ts..........just so long as they could "Sit off the house for them".

    Well, "Sadly" (Snigger) the rules changed.........the payment is now made DIRECTLY to the scumbag....thus he suddenly get a payment of £500-£800 a month....he "Forget" to pay the rent......that is a real cash flow killer!

    Gangs of them would take it in turns to set up a house, then keep the cash, then move to their mates house while he did the same. .....& there is NO Blacklist so the buy-2-let(er) has no idea if he is about to give 3-6 months FREE rent out.

    This forced the B2L crew to try to rent to honest folk, but the market is FULL of homes & honest people can now force DOWN the rents by jumping from site to site.

    All of the above has "Very sadly" taken it toll of said B2L scum. Even now they simply shocked at what happened to them...the banks now say NO, not Yes....they discovered what "Margin call" means & that those houses they bought up in 2005-2008 are 25-30% LESS in value. The one way bet turned out to be two way & they got nailed!

    On a personal note ......"my heart goes out" to a local B2L(er) that was "kind enough" to place scum with walking distance of my elderly Mum/Dad a few years ago. I recall getting the frightend phone call 6.20 am from Mum to tell me that the house had been broken into & Dad's car gone along with the lap top i bought him for xmas.............Well sad news my friends.........the bank called in his loan book!

    I counted 8 houses now for sale, most without anyone in them......& HIS HOUSE which he had to leave. The V8 Audi suv is gone, replaced with a 15 year old Ford Focus......i recall the sh1tty look he gave us all when swan-ing about.........delighted to say i caught HIS eye this week with an "I know your F*CKED ASH*LE" look...........he looked back with rage & dis-pear, he is not alone.

    Over the last few months i seen the BMW count fall, sure older ones are about & there are a few new small engined ones.........but the day of wall to wall new lease-hire BMW 3 series 320d or 320i looks past.

    Bit by bit its turning, long way to go but the course is set.

    Warp Speed Zulu !

  • #2
    Re: Mega's dispatch from England

    Liverpool may be bankrupt in three years says Mayor

    4 Oct 2013 11:16 Joe Anderson outlines stark financial situation after government cuts

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    Mayor of Liverpool Joe Anderson
    A Liverpool council cabinet meeting this morning heard that unless the city cut all non-essential services back the authority would be bankrupt within the next three years.

    Mayor of Liverpool Joe Anderson outlined the dire financial situation facing the council as a result of massive Government cutbacks.

    He said: "Everything we do in discretionary services would have to stop. No libraries, no maintaining of parks or regeneration or events. Everything stops.

    "Even if we take out those discretionary services we will still by £17m short (by 2016."
    The meeting, at the town hall, was attended by local MPs, police commissioner Jane Kennedy and representatives of trade unions.

    They put questions to the cabinet about how the council intended to protect communities from the potential rise in anti-social behaviour that could come from cutting the non mandatory services that deal with those problems.
    Trade union leaders asked how the council intended to protect its workforce from the cuts.
    Mayor Anderson warned that there was no doubt that more jobs, on top of the 1,600 already cut in the last three years, would be lost.


    • #3
      Re: Mega's dispatch from England

      Oh Dear Motherf**kers.............did you run OUT of Mega's money?
      So, what you are saying Joe, is that you are NOT going to be able to piss Mega's (& others) money away on sh!tty little scams that gave VASTLY over paid jobs to your mates & the worthless?

      "They put questions to the cabinet about how the council intended to protect communities from the potential rise in anti-social behaviour that could come from cutting the non mandatory services that deal with those problems."

      Joe, heres a clue:-


      • #4
        Re: Mega's dispatch from England

        Mike, I don't think that would be considered politically correct behavior.

        It would be an interesting way of handling things, but not the politically correct way of solving problems. I think that anyone who gets in a tizzy about something is supposed to go to the corner of the room for a time-out or something. That's so much more kind and gentle, you know.


        • #5
          Re: Mega's dispatch from England

          I want Collaspe & i want it NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!


          • #6
            Re: Mega's dispatch from England

            Blackout risk this winter highest in a decade, warns National Grid

            Britain's electricity safety buffer is at the lowest since 2007 and a cold winter could see an energy supply crunch.

            The National Grid is one firm who has issued retail bonds and then traded them on the London Stock Exchange Photo: Alamy

            By Steve Hawkes, Consumer Affairs Editor

            1:08PM BST 07 Oct 2013


            The risk of blackouts this winter will be higher than it has been for almost a decade, National Grid warned on Monday.

            The Grid said reserve supplies of electricity will be wafer thin after a dramatic fall in the amount of coal-based power plants operating across the UK. And it warned it may have to issue NISMs – warnings to industry to bring mothballed plant into action or increase generation to cope.

            National Grid expert Chris Train said that in a cold winter, the UK's electricity "margin" or safety buffer will be just 5 per cent, almost half last year's level and the lowest since early in 2007.

            He told an industry conference this morning: "Things will be tighter than they have been historically."

            He insisted it was wrong to say Britain faced blackouts and that he was confident extra energy would flow from the Continent if the country risked a supply shortage. He would not comment on the likelihood manufacturers may be forced to cut back on their electricity or gas use at times of peak demand.

            Related Articles

            But the forecast will only heighten fears of the supply crunch Britain faces as older power plant reach the end of their life before a fleet of new more environmentally friendly capacity can be built.

            The Grid's own analysis shows the availability of coal fired plant has fallen almost 20pc since last winter to 20.3Gw. This fall comes at a time coal prices are dropping, making the fuel far cheaper to use.

            In June, industry regulator Ofgem warned there could be energy shortages in the middle of the decade as the Uk had failed to build enough new wind farms and power stations. It said the risk of future blackouts had trebled.


            • #7
              Re: Mega's dispatch from England

              Don't you just love all that climate change stuff? Instant austerity. Better buy an extra sweater...and maybe a hat, and some gloves!

              I love green, and so cold and damp.


              • #8
                Re: Mega's dispatch from England

                Its 71 at night here right now, i wear a "T" shirt to walk the dog!
                Nomally its 63 & wet !


                • #9
                  Re: Mega's dispatch from England

                  Uh Oh! Then there really is climate change!!!!

                  But it is usually green and cool and damp...unlike desertish Southern California. On the other hand, it the reason I've always taken my vacations there...I love green, and damp and cool, not to mention history, used book shops, and theatres.


                  • #10
                    Re: Mega's dispatch from England

                    Madonna "Loves" it here she sez........talked about Englands class system & getting raped at knife point in New York in the late 70's.........

