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From Black Jesus to Black Nixon

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  • From Black Jesus to Black Nixon

    From Black Jesus to Black Nixon

    America has been blessed with a number of very good Black leaders, MLK, Malcolm X, Huey P…… name but a few. They paid with their lives for what they believed in & I believe they made a vast improvement both inside America & in the wider World.

    “They” made it quite clear that while O J Simpson was fine, they were totally not going to have a Black Leader of the nation. I recall that nice Mr Hoover heading up the FBI (CO-PO-TEL) saying that he would NEVER allow a “Black Jesus” to come to be. (He then went out on the night wearing a wig & one of his mom’s dresses).

    So when Obama appeared many (Not i) had high hopes that we see “Change”. Having discovered that Obama’s 1st job leaving collage was working for a front company run by the CIA I was not fooled for a nanosecond. However I thought that after the “excesses” of Bush/Neo-con we have a cooler period…sure he was “uncle Tom”, but not Bush 2.0……I was wrong.

    I found it quite breathtaking that he could pull SO much sh1t ….& get away with it!

    “Black Jesus” was untouchable, he could do no wrong…as long as he could see his teleprompter everything was “Ok”. The press seem to love him more than JFK, they glossed over EVERY infrishment on the bill of rights. Tuesday morning DEATH lists where “BJ” choices whom was going to get killed….along with their friends & family was FINE.

    Then as is with these people they over reach themselves, then try to lie their way out. Benghazi is Obama’s Watergate, with the USS Liberty mixed in! Not totally sure what was going down but you can’t get away with WACKING a diplomat!

    With the sh1tstorm coming towards him Obama & co made a number of awesomely bad mistakes. They built lies on top of lies, then in a none too clever move tried to threaten the press with both the DOJ & IRS. If this was meant to make the press back off it didn’t work…in fact it did the opposite!

    The Press & “Others” decide that like HELL they were going to wait for this mother f*cker or some other to have them arrested on BS charges. Like Israel in 67 they struck 1st & struck HARD.

    I think the dam will burst, all the sh1t that’s been held back will now get dumped on him & the press will as a pack turn on him. Like Watergate its not the crime but the lies told afterwards that’s the killer……