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Fancy a cheap home in Spain?

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  • Fancy a cheap home in Spain?

    THINK AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!

    I don't think either UK or US people will face this at home, those whom have a printing press need not do much more than hit the PRINT button & watch the "Sheep" go to sleep, once "America got talent" or a "Big" game is on.

    However once you lost that option, things can turn nasty & unjust VERY quickly.

  • #2
    Re: Fancy a cheap home in Spain?

    That is really ugly! Spain will lose a lot of business to countries that don't pull something so stupid.

    Arizona gets a lot of Canadian winter visitors. Many of them own little vacation homes homes here. They aren't allowed to be outside of Canada more than 6 months out of the year or they will lose their Canadian health care benefits. A lot of them put off their returns this spring as long as possible but still had to go home to raging blizzards...

    Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


    • #3
      Re: Fancy a cheap home in Spain?

      Listerning to Jim Rickards today, he thinks that this is Europe putting its house in order, once done MASSIVE investment from China will arrive..............Oh Gold to move sideways for the rest of the Year.


      • #4
        Re: Fancy a cheap home in Spain?

        That would be swell.


        • #5
          Re: Fancy a cheap home in Spain?

          My dream of retiring to southern Spain on the cheap is getting closer and closer all the time!


          • #6
            Re: Fancy a cheap home in Spain?

            Make sure you hidden your cash!!!!


            • #7
              Re: Fancy a cheap home in Spain?

              Nah, I'll just live there less than half the year.

              I figure in about two years they straighten this mess out, right at the point of maximum damage.

