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Shut up!

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  • Shut up!

    Sure, they can always find a bleeding heart story to why MEGA shouldn't get his money robbed.

    I say F U C K Them, F*ck them with nobs on!........i want a CAYMAN!


  • #2
    Re: Shut the F*ck up!

    Originally posted by Mega View Post

    Sure, they can always find a bleeding heart story to why MEGA shouldn't get his money robbed.
    must say mike that some of this stuff is quite unbelievable - not that i dont believe it, just cant fathom how big the welfare benefits have got over there - methinks we're on same track here and its only a matter of time before the tipping point....

    altho i do agree with the POV that its a function of lopsided wealth distribution thats occurred over the past couple generations and some peoples perceptions of what constitutes welfare/gov handouts

    the real issue/problem is HOW DID WE GET HERE?

    and i blame the liberals (US definition) politix/policies for having caused most of it.... and for their attitude of "all we need is just a few more laws and just a little bit more in taxes and we can fix all the problems" (that all their previous 'fixes' have caused)

    their most recent 'fixes' of the bank bailouts, the auto/municipal union bailouts, 'healthcare reform' and most significantly: 'banking system reforms' are EXHIBIT A for "how to f__k the working class and get re-elected doing it"


    • #3
      Re: Shut the F*ck up!

      Getting out the WELFARE VOTE


      • #4
        Re: Shut the F*ck up!

        I don't understand why you keep pinning the blame on liberals for everything. I don't know if you've noticed or not, but this country has shared its power between two parties that are rather conservative by world standards for a long time now. Both sides have had equal chances to fix the problems we have and neither one has done it because they are both immeasurably corrupt.


        • #5
          Re: Shut the F*ck up!

          Originally posted by BadJuju View Post
          I don't understand why you keep pinning the blame on liberals for everything. I don't know if you've noticed or not, but this country has shared its power between two parties that are rather conservative by world standards for a long time now. Both sides have had equal chances to fix the problems we have and neither one has done it because they are both immeasurably corrupt.

          DING, DING, DING!!!
          B I N G O
          WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!

          see - we can agree on at least 1 thing.

          cept for one eeensy weensy little diff, mr juju...

          while some of us can see that the political aristocracy in The US has sold The Rest of US down the river for their own re-elections, its the liberals (US definition = mostly dems, by definition, along with a few repubs wearing donkey suits) that have convinced both themselves and their constituencies (read: their campaign contributors aka the big ny banks, the auto unions, the gov unions, the welfare-industrial complex, the edu-industrial complex and the global/climate/warming/change-complex, with its associated cast of crony capitalist fraudsters ) - that "all we need is a few more laws and a few more trillion" and they know how to fix all the problems (that their policies have created) and we should all be thankful that THEY KNOW HOW TO SPEND OUR MONEY BETTER THAN WE DO ???

          uh huh....
          hows that one go?


          • #6
            Re: Shut the F*ck up!

            The Democrats are at least honest about wanting more laws. The Republicans preach all about small government, but when in office, they do everything in their power to increase it. Both are without a doubt bad institutions that have grown above serving the interests of America.


            • #7
              Re: Shut the F*ck up!

              Originally posted by BadJuju View Post
              The Democrats are (the) least honest about wanting more laws. The Republicans preach all about small government, but when in office, they do everything in their power to increase it. Both are without a doubt bad institutions that have grown above serving the interests of America.
              there, i fixed that one for ya - and i'll agree that _some_ repubs do the same - those would be the 'liberal' repubs or 'moderates' as they like to call themselves - read: the typical politician who - no matter what side of the aisle - sez whatevah they have to, to appease/patronize whatevah audience they happen to be in front of.

              why this movie clip is my fave metophor for these types, on BOTH SIDES of the aisle

              the main problem, as i've said on several occasions, with the lib/dems is that they seem to think the world revolves around them and their worship of .gov 'solutions' for every percieved problem that some razor thin sliver of the electorate happens to be agitating about - meanwhile the lamestream media focuses ONLY on what they deem 'the most important issue' of the day - while ignoring anything that doesnt make their team look good - if ya know what i mean...
              Last edited by lektrode; February 25, 2013, 03:47 PM.

