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Ghetto's are not only nescessary but Essential

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  • #16
    Re: Ghetto's are not only nescessary but Essential

    Two things:

    1.) Can we please keep the profanity to a minimum?

    There are times where I often speak in a way to make a drunk sailor blush, but I think of iTulip as a bit different from most online communities. It's tempting to whip out the salty language, but is it necessary? I think if we head down that track then I think we will ultimately regret the shift to a lower common denominator. And it is a forum rule.

    2.) How are people looking at these examples of welfare fraud/abuse?

    Are people viewing it as an Orwellian 1984 "Two Minute Hate" JUST to vent?

    OR are people truly getting sucked into the distraction and social division created by mass media perception shaping?

    I'm no fan of Chavs, Chavettes, Ghetto Queens with 4 baby daddies, and uneducated/unemployed youth who have nothing better to do that procreate more failures.
    While this stuff IS a problem, to me it seems akin to complaining about the meal being served in the 5th class steerage compartment was too flash and subsidized by the 1st and 2nd class passengers.

    Meanwhile, the special interests got in the lifeboats an hour ago.


    I don't know about you guys, but even though I share a lot of people's concerns in this thread......I also think the fate of my family is far more intertwined with the poor and working class than it is with the apex predator special interests at the top of the heap.

    We've taken every precaution we can, and made substantial sacrifices to weather this storm, but the deck could still be stacked too heavily the other way.

    I can't help but feel we are being pitted against each other...and what scares me the most is that there are MANY people I know who I would have thought immune to the mass media indoctrination, aren't.

    It's a proven fact that marketing and advertising works...and can work exceptionally well.

    The same rules apply when it comes shaping the hate.

