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The Robbery begins

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  • The Robbery begins

    Inheritance 'stealth tax' to fund care for the elderly

    The Government will fund plans to assist pensioners with care bills by imposing a £95,000 “stealth tax” on inheritance.

    Ministers will claim that the new social care funding system will offer 'unprecedented' financial support for elderly people. Photo: GETTY

    By Peter Dominiczak, Political Correspondent

    9:22AM GMT 10 Feb 2013


    The Treasury is set to freeze the amount that people can inherit free of tax instead of increasing it in line with inflation.

    The allowance will be frozen at £325,000 despite George Osborne, the Chancellor, just eight weeks ago saying that he would increase the amount in two years.

    The rate will now not go up until at least 2019, according to The Sunday Times, meaning that thousands of families will be £95,000 worse off than if the allowance had risen.

    The measures would see 5,000 more people paying inheritance tax and are expected to contribute about £1 billion over the next five years towards the cost of care home bills for the elderly.

    Under those plans pensioners with savings of up to £123,000 are to receive state support with their care costs under Government plans.

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    In a long-awaited coalition announcement, Jeremy Hunt, the Health Secretary, will say that the assets threshold will rise from £23,250 to £123,000, with a sliding scale of support.

    The means-tested threshold is higher than the £100,000 assets limit recommended by the independent Dilnot Commission appointed by David Cameron to make recommendations on the highly-fraught issue.

    But the cap on costs that people have to pay for care is expected to be set at £75,000 – more than double the £35,000 economist Andrew Dilnot suggested.

    The £75,000 figure is based on 2017 prices – when the reform will come in – meaning that in today's money it will be about £61,000.

    Pensioners will still be required to meet accommodation costs for care home stays, which will be limited to £12,500 a year.

    The package is expected to cost the Treasury £1 billion a year by 2020, significantly less than the £1.7 billion figure raised by the Dilnot Commission and resisted by Mr Osborne.

    Up to 40,000 people a year currently face having to sell their homes to afford care bills, such as help with washing, dressing and feeding themselves – a situation repeatedly condemned by the Prime Minister when he was in opposition.

    Ministers will claim that the new social care funding system will offer “unprecedented” financial support for elderly people and that it is being set at the right level given the continuing pressures on the public finances.

    The £75,000 cap will apply to every pensioner. If both husband and wife end up moving into residential care, it could mean they will have to pay up to £150,000 before the state steps in.
    Based on an average care home stay of two years, this means a couple could still spend £200,000 on fees for a basic care home.

    Under the new system, once a care home resident has spent £75,000 on fees, the state will step in and pay the basic rate for any more care required.
    Before that point, it will also protect some assets and savings.

    When a pensioner’s assets are drained down to £123,000, the state will meet some of the costs of care. Just the last £14,000 of savings are expected to be fully protected, as in the current system.
    Once the state steps in, it will only pay for basic care, which will not necessarily meet the standards that the resident was previously paying for.

    If pensioners are paying bills for care homes which are higher than the rates that councils will pay, they could be forced to move to cheaper institutions or to seek family help to pay “top-up” fees.
    Ministers will also claim nobody will be forced to sell their home in their lifetime – with everyone given the right to defer paying until after their death.

  • #2
    Re: The Robbery begins

    Now, Forget the care home stuff........what is the REAL headline here?

    Death Tax limt set at £325,000 (average house stuff)......will NOT move with inflation, frozen till 2019.

    Now the next goverment will cut the threshold & INFLATE like hell........



    • #3
      Re: The Robbery begins

      How do your kings and queens, and barons, or whatever manage to pass down fortunes to their children if you have laws in place like this?


      • #4
        Re: The Robbery begins

        If you have enough money you can afford to put it into a trust. If you only have a small amount of money the trust fees and administration costs are more than you would save.

        The other point to note about this are there are now two strategies to follow in the UK

        Save money
        buy house
        pay mortgage
        save for financial security
        pay for your own care home fees from your savings and by selling house
        die with little savings - potentially none

        maybe work or survive on state benefits
        Spend every penny you get on holidays, consumer goods etc
        Have no savings
        rely on the state to subsidies your accommodation - don't buy
        State pays your care home fees

        A and B could do the same jobs and have the same income but B chooses not to save.

        In the end A pays for A's care costs and also for B's (through taxes). B has expensive cars and holidays. A makes do with older cars and less expensive holidays.

        Conclusion: unless you are very rich it makes no sense to save any money (where the government can see it) in the UK


        • #5
          Re: The Robbery begins

          Originally posted by bungee View Post
          If you have enough money you can afford to put it into a trust. If you only have a small amount of money the trust fees and administration costs are more than you would save.

          The other point to note about this are there are now two strategies to follow in the UK

          Save money
          buy house
          pay mortgage
          save for financial security
          pay for your own care home fees from your savings and by selling house
          die with little savings - potentially none

          maybe work or survive on state benefits
          Spend every penny you get on holidays, consumer goods etc
          Have no savings
          rely on the state to subsidies your accommodation - don't buy
          State pays your care home fees

          A and B could do the same jobs and have the same income but B chooses not to save.

          In the end A pays for A's care costs and also for B's (through taxes). B has expensive cars and holidays. A makes do with older cars and less expensive holidays.

          Conclusion: unless you are very rich it makes no sense to save any money (where the government can see it) in the UK
          Savings is discouraged in the United States as well. We are supposed to CONSUME. It creates jobs, you see. It is virtuous. And debt is how money is created, so it is also good to expand the money supply.

