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A NEW war for 2013...............

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  • A NEW war for 2013...............

    Yes, Yes,Yes..........Just when you thought those INSANE F*CKS that run our goverments have had enough of getting Beat (Iraq/Afgan......Vietham/ get the picture).....they going to try their hand in ...

    Meantime here in Liverpool the white trash are being "Helped" into a new school for those whom find following the law a tad incoverant. This School is being run not by the local education service but by the British armed services (Cannon fodder recuitment). I guess it should work well, rather than trying to Mug Mega for his car, they try to Mug the natives for their Yellow cake & Gold.

    If it pans out well, Mega should see a nice return on his Cameo stock & the scumbag a return in a body bag. Even if he does make it back alive its going to rather hard to mug/rob/house break etc if your missing a few limbs & sh1t.

    Oh Well, i don't make the rules............

  • #2
    Re: A NEW war for 2013...............

    Originally posted by Mega View Post
    Yes, Yes,Yes..........Just when you thought those INSANE F*CKS that run our goverments have had enough of getting Beat (Iraq/Afgan......Vietham/ get the picture).....they going to try their hand in ...

    Meantime here in Liverpool the white trash are being "Helped" into a new school for those whom find following the law a tad incoverant. This School is being run not by the local education service but by the British armed services (Cannon fodder recuitment). I guess it should work well, rather than trying to Mug Mega for his car, they try to Mug the natives for their Yellow cake & Gold.

    If it pans out well, Mega should see a nice return on his Cameo stock & the scumbag a return in a body bag. Even if he does make it back alive its going to rather hard to mug/rob/house break etc if your missing a few limbs & sh1t.

    Oh Well, i don't make the rules............
    UK Forces force structure by 2020 is going to be an embarrassment......simply due to the fact the UK can ill afford to act the part of a regional power, let alone a former superpower(Trident force the last vestige of it).

    UK Force draw down is going to be quite significant over the remainder of this decade with FAR greater reliance on part time soldiers with an average of about 20 days service per year. The TA/Reserves are going to explode.....both is size(to partially make up for the draw down in full time professionals) and in the figurative/literal sense as capability problems are encountered in changing from full time professionals to part time amateurs.


    • #3
      Re: A NEW war for 2013...............

      The "Professionals" lost every battle in WW2 till the "Amuters" were forced in to there thinking, fresh idea's we started to WIN.



      • #4
        Re: A NEW war for 2013...............

        Originally posted by Mega View Post
        The "Professionals" lost every battle in WW2 till the "Amuters" were forced in to there thinking, fresh idea's we started to WIN.

        You must be reading different books than I am are mistaken.

        The vast majority of successful senior combat leaders(on all sides) in WWII were already serving when hostilities broke out.

        And from personal experience it takes up to several months minimum for reserve units to achieve a decent professional standard prior to deployment.......and the time/space/capability dimension of current/future conventional combat operations against a peer or near peer are such that the war will be over before the amateurs can be turned into temporary professionals.


        • #5
          Re: A NEW war for 2013...............

          They made f*ck up after f*ck up...........made worse by that drunk halfwit Churchill trying MAD, insane plans. Only "Ultra" kept us from collaspe. Then after we fired the "Cream" of the staff we began to turn the tide.

          Anyway, not to worry its FULL speed ahead:-

          I wonder where the money is coming from?


          • #6
            Re: A NEW war for 2013...............

            Originally posted by Mega View Post
            They made f*ck up after f*ck up...........made worse by that drunk halfwit Churchill trying MAD, insane plans. Only "Ultra" kept us from collaspe. Then after we fired the "Cream" of the staff we began to turn the tide.

            Anyway, not to worry its FULL speed ahead:-
            I wonder where the money is coming from?
            While I would quickly agree that some terrible mistakes were made at senior levels........the rest of it sounds like headlines of a British tabloid.

