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Mega dispatch from Blighty

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  • Mega dispatch from Blighty

    Good Evening my friends……& Metalman

    Once again I feel its time to let my fingers dance upon the keyboard & express my thoughts ref the World in which we (are forced) to live. 1st of all I like to update you on the Jimmy Savile (Witch hunt) sex scandal. As some of you know the politically correct police unit has amassed a long list “victims”. While I do agree they must be heard & that there no smoke without fire, I do have some worrying questions.

    If he did RAPE 35 women from 1957-1998 ish……why didn’t ONE of them make a complaint?.....from what I can tell (& you bet facts/details are thin on the ground here) not one person went on the record, not one!

    The style of the reporting is also most unsettling, lots of hysteria ….little reminds me of the news paper reports of WMD’s in Iraq…..Saddam attacked America in 9/11…he is a madman & might attack AT ANY SECOND!

    Still, lots of BBC/NHS (Mega’s) money will now be paid to these poor souls….

    Max & Stacy
    I think they are now married, but the other day I saw Stacy in a strange dress….may be the light, but has Max knocked her up?

    Yep the Air forces of China & Japan are swarming around each other like angry hornets, France has begun to blunder about in Africa & Russia is to conduct “Training Navel Exercise” off Syria……with the now obvious collapse of the Bond market these would appear to be “interesting times” we are living.

    Still getting KILLED (Well going no where).

    Local news
    I noticed a reduction of “Bling” lease-hire cars of late, there is a public park that I can see from my apartment. The car park was stuffed FULL of SUV’s & BIG German cars in 2008…….today 80-90% of the bling has gone.

    While the full F*cking Bloodbath is yet to come, I feel we are getting close even if it is “Death by a thousand” cuts so far.


  • #2
    Re: Mega dispatch from Blighty

    Some balance:-

    16 years old, mature beyond her years young woman gets into bed with 33 year old bloke........Gosh they be up ALL nite trying to spin that!

