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There is going to be Riot

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  • There is going to be Riot

    So, let me see.............if some scumbag whom has now reached middleage & not EVER worked, not one day in his or her life is not given a 5 bedroom house in a nice area, good schools (for their kids to f*ck up) complete with pool & hot tub Oh & a new BMW on mobilty because one of his/her "bad back"....their going to riot?

    Mega's answer:-

    Eat Sh1t & DIE Mother F*ckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Riot?..........the effort would kill them!

  • #2
    Re: There is going to be Riot

    How you get to the conclusions to the articles you post boggles the mind.

    The British working population is the highest it's ever been, with a large slice on low wages. These and their dependants are the people whom need decent housing.


    • #3
      Re: There is going to be Riot

      Originally posted by Mega View Post

      So, let me see.............if some scumbag whom has now reached middle age & not EVER worked, not one day in his or her life is not given a 5 bedroom house in a nice area, good schools (for their kids to f*ck up) complete with pool & hot tub Oh & a new BMW on mobility because one of his/her "bad back"....their going to riot?

      Mega's answer:-

      Eat Sh1t & DIE Mother F*ckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Riot?..........the effort would kill them!
      Have you ever been poor Mike? What is your problem?


      • #4
        Re: There is going to be Riot

        In fairness, he did post this in Rant and Rave. You are not required to make sense here, no?


        • #5
          Re: There is going to be Riot

          Get Lost !
          I am talking about the "Professional poor"........those scumbags whom milk the system for every penny.

          When my Father was broken into & his car was taken i took him to dealership to look at a replacement car. While there he went to talk to the sales guy, i walked outside & there was a guy missing the lower part of one leg. I caught his eye & asked him what miss-for-tune had cost him his lower leg?

          "Crashed a bike mate"
          "Oh so sory to hear that, i take it the car driver didn't see you?"
          "Nah (as he drew on his cig) I lost it & got run over by a Taxi coming the other way".
          "Bloody Hell, did it take the Police long to reach you?"
          "Nah, they were chasing me, i robbed the bike see".

          So, I had to:-
          Pay the Police to chase this f*cker
          Pay the Medical bills for this f*cker.
          Pay The legal costs of the f*cker
          Pay to surport this f*cker for the rest of his life because he was now unable to "Work".
          Pay for him to have a FREE F*CKING Mobilty car every 3 F*cking years!

          I am DELIGHTED that the state is almost out of cash, roll on the end of the "City" & Northsea oil!!!!!!!!!!!!!



          • #6
            Re: There is going to be Riot

            That makes more sense, Mike.

            I was in line at the grocery store. Lady was buying smokes, junk food, and 2 cases of beer. This was the food for her husband and herself. Yes, these are the ones who we will be taking care of.


            • #7
              Re: There is going to be Riot

              Originally posted by Mega View Post
              Get Lost !
              I am talking about the "Professional poor"........those scumbags whom milk the system for every penny.

              When my Father was broken into & his car was taken i took him to dealership to look at a replacement car. While there he went to talk to the sales guy, i walked outside & there was a guy missing the lower part of one leg. I caught his eye & asked him what miss-for-tune had cost him his lower leg?

              "Crashed a bike mate"
              "Oh so sory to hear that, i take it the car driver didn't see you?"
              "Nah (as he drew on his cig) I lost it & got run over by a Taxi coming the other way".
              "Bloody Hell, did it take the Police long to reach you?"
              "Nah, they were chasing me, i robbed the bike see".

              So, I had to:-
              Pay the Police to chase this f*cker
              Pay the Medical bills for this f*cker.
              Pay The legal costs of the f*cker
              Pay to support this f*cker for the rest of his life because he was now unable to "Work".
              Pay for him to have a FREE F*CKING Mobility car every 3 F*cking years!

              I am DELIGHTED that the state is almost out of cash, roll on the end of the "City" & Northsea oil!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              I had unemployment a couple of times. The longest it lasted was 13 weeks ( in 2001 after the dot com crash, 9/11, etc.). It payed exactly $250/week. They told me it was a fortune and that I was getting the top rate. It literally did not cover my rent. Most of the long term unemployed got general assistance. I think this covered about $60/month( that is not a typo). I'm checking the web right now and it looks like G.A. is long gone. Some people are eligible for food stamps ( as I recall I was not). Other than that you could try a soup kitchen. That is the "support" network Mr. OneLeg has to look forward to.

              You should be thankful you have a functioning medical system there. You will need it someday. In the US it is common for people to lose their house and all their retirement to medical bills.


              • #8
                Re: There is going to be Riot

                What we need to do is "Rid" oursevles of these people........


                • #9
                  Re: There is going to be Riot

                  Yes thats the US..............But not in Blighty (Yet).


                  • #10
                    Re: There is going to be Riot

                    Originally posted by Mega View Post
                    Yes thats the US..............But not in Blighty (Yet).
                    The unemployment benefits in the U.S. are quite spartan relative to some of the other developed countries. Depending on which state one lives in, unemployment benefit payouts cap-out at about $450 per week, which is just a bit over $20,000 per year and benefits are only paid out for six months (the extended benefits paid out in the aftermath of the 2008 crash is something of an anomaly.)

                    I was rather astonished at an article you linked to reporting that members of Parliament were calling for a £500/week cap on welfare benefits. Being that they're debating a cap, I can only assume that some people manage to get even more than that. That's over $40,000/year for being on the dole!


                    • #11
                      Re: There is going to be Riot

                      I take issue with calling unemployment insurance "benefits". I have had to pay a whole heck of a lot in insurance payments over the years for a "benefit" that I will never see.
                      TBTF powers like unemployment insurance. it keeps the 99% from trying to eat them and they do not have to actually pay for it.


                      • #12
                        Re: There is going to be Riot

                        FREE BMW SIR?

                        Mobilty used to be wheelchair users, which is fine.......however it went up from a tens of thousands to over 500,000 !!!!!!!


                        • #13
                          Re: There is going to be Riot


