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The Limeys just don't get it!

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  • The Limeys just don't get it!

    This week we had two prop-per-gander tails on the BBC.
    1st one was how British Shale gas was going to exported to Russia because it was going to be so cheap!
    Then half way though a live broacast, this happened:-
    The Anchor was bleating on about the huge number of Jobs & money that was to be coming in the next few months, then turned to a government Geologist...& got a bucket of VERY cold water thrown over him.

    BBC:- "So, its a great long do you think it will be before we see Gas prices fall?"

    GEO:- " Its hard to say, but i think i better put the record straight, this story is getting over Hyped some what".

    BBC:- " How do you mean?"

    GEO:- " Everyone seems to think America Shale & British Shale are the same, they not...America stuff is very porous & is heavy in gas, its light & brittle & easy to FRACK." "British Shale is as hard as nails, not very porous thus has a very low yield, they only drilled two test bores, either produced any gas & both failed".

    BBC:- (Now with jaw on the floor)......So these stories of massive amounts of gas are misleading?"

    GRO:-"We have to see, but if it does produce any meaningful gas it will be very expensive because of the amount of energy used to extract it".

    BBC:- "Er, Ok how long till we could bring this gas to market & effect the prices"

    GEO:-"8-12 years, 20 years before full production is going, assuming the shale is worth fracking."

    The BBC anchor then quickly finished this live interview (see how their propaganda story was now burnt!)........."Oh...hang on, we got breaking news....S&P has just downgraded the Uk........more on that shortly".

    This guy seems to think is bull as well.

    Then the next day we had the QUEEN walking about the Bank of England in what was without ANY doult a "PR" stunt to try to BLAG the World into thinking the BOE is full of GOLD. Yes it is, sadly very little of it is ours!

    We hear that there is a que at the door demanding the return of their Gold....NOW!

    Again Limey thinking blocks out what anyone can see, the British Scum are Bankupt, they are almost out of Northsea Oil/Gas & they can't service their debts........THEY HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO PRINT!!!

    As for Mr Carney, am sure he "help us" the way he "Helped" Russia in the late 90's!!!

  • #2
    Re: The Limeys just don't get it!

    Where do you see things going in the UK in the future, Mega? How do you see the Brits pulling themselves out of this mess? I know, despite all your invective, that you are committed to Limeydom, so I want your perspective.


    • #3
      Re: The Limeys just don't get it!

      They are in "De-nile" has not cross their minds will.

      Why will i stay?

      "In the land of the Blind the one eyed man is King".



      • #4
        Re: The Limeys just don't get it!

        Yeah, but what do you think is in store for the UK and how do you think they will overcome those obstacles?


        • #5
          Re: The Limeys just don't get it!

          Originally posted by BadJuju View Post
          Yeah, but what do you think is in store for the UK and how do you think they will overcome those obstacles?
          they still worship a king and queen. They will overcome their obstacles and land back in the 15th century. Mega will have a blast!


          • #6
            Re: The Limeys just don't get it!

            Not a chance, they sit there & wait for it to "Get Better"....they belive the bulsh1t from the goverment........."Boiling a frog"......Boiling a Limey more like!

            Personal i can't wait, to see their little faces when they start getting told "no" after 30 years of getting told "Yes".

            We have a TV program here in the UK on BBC "Panorama" it followed a number of famlies get throw out of their homes. I felt very sorry for the woman who lost her hubby then contracted Cancer.....she should have recieved more help.

            "Mark" the Ex-Wall street banker (he was thick, God knows what he did).....i felt less for, silly bloke but OK.

            The Bloke who was a Bus driver & owe more money than a 3rd World nation because of Pay Day loans etc i dis-liked. He was weak, married a FAT nasty wife (who NEVER worked a day). He had 4 nasty kids, in short a problem famliey.....Yes they got booted out of Hostel after Hostel because of their treatment of other people. The Bitch also had a brand new lates model I Phone which was pressed to her head EVERYTIME you saw her!

            The Ex-engineer was the worst, i don't think this guy knew much about the subject.....he ran an engineering comapny which i very doult ever made much money.......i suspect it was a way for moving debt about (Enron style). He bought a house in London 10 years ago for £500,000..........Nothing down, intrest the house gained "Value" he extracted it & spent it.......he was STILL driving a BIG SUV & his wife had lost her Merc & was forced to drive a 5 year old Toyota hatchback ! (The Horror, the horror!)

            He kept say " I lost everything!"...........You NEVER HAD ANYTHING MOTHERF*CKER!
            You ripped off Mega & the rest of the nation to swan about if a F8CKING big SUV..........F*CK YOU!



            • #7
              Re: The Limeys just don't get it!

              Its Amazing the shit you can get people to!


              • #8
                Re: The Limeys just don't get it!

                Mega: I watched this as well and have a slightly different view.

                The banker was in shock, however,he was getting his life sorted again. I would not call him thick, but he seemed like a believer in never never land like many people even today. He lost and other bankers should follow suit with luck.

                The engineer had made a fundemental basic beginners mistake in manufacturing. He relied almost exclusivelly on one client. Client fails and you are stuffed. I knew a very smart engineer/owner a few years ago who said that he never allowed one customer to have more than 15% of his manufacturing capacity to guard against over reliance. He did very well. I know of another engineering company who over relied on one client: he went bust!


                • #9
                  Re: The Limeys just don't get it!

                  Yes the "No one client" is the rule, i ran like that.
                  I knew the game was up when a bloke from Oz turned up looking for glass fittings.........i said i machine them over the weekend.........he was amaxed i didn't carry them on the shelf.

                  He gave me a brosure from Oz & i saw the far East was mass producing them at dirt cheap prices......i could see what was going to happen. This was 2002.........i guessed that by 2005 i be left with non-internet clients whom would keep using me & some bespoke stuff...........this turned out to be the case.

                  By 2007 i knew the company had months to run........i cut back my credit risk & awaited my clients to try to "extend & pretend"...which they tried. One by one they failed.....i lost my main customer in 2008 & that was that.

                  I spent 2009 running down, selling off machines etc..........had a few clients try to get me to give them invoices for jobs i never done. No sure if they were trying to imp-per-cate me in a job that had gone badly or fraud.......either way i didn't bite.

                  I closed the doors for the last time in 2010.........15 i have little to do.

