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What's really happening in USA is finally sinking in

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  • #61
    Re: What's really happening in USA is finally sinking in

    Originally posted by nero3 View Post
    ...semi-retarded southern culture.
    hey, nero. first you insult our intelligence by ignoring our investment thesis, now half our country with a depiction of them as semi-retarded? you're a real charmer.


    • #62
      Re: gun sales skyrocketing in US

      Originally posted by Mn_Mark View Post
      And there were some Indians who fought with the cavalry. And some jews helped the nazis. So what? If your position is that islam poses no threat to traditional America then you've been living in a cave for the last 30 years. I speak as someone who has recently had a whole lot of Somali muslims move into his community, at least one of whom has gone back and died in Somalia committing terrorism. Anyplace you get a significant population of muslims, you get a sub-population of islamic fundamentalists who want to make the country muslim.

      Yep, I'm a 100% dyed-in-the-wool, anti-muslim bigot. Live with it, "dumass".

      And proud of it!


      • #63
        Re: gun sales skyrocketing in US

        Originally posted by metalman View Post
        that's nero's hallmark.

        vote a new custom title for nero3!

        - fact-free
        - nordic caveman
        - waste of time
        - net zero
        - other?
        noway ;)

        Just jesting, all in good fun!


        • #64
          Re: gun sales skyrocketing in US

          Originally posted by CharlesTMungerFan View Post

          Because the existence of a gun has absolutely nothing to do with being shot by it.
          Great stuff! Confirms what I was thinking.


          • #65
            Re: What's really happening in USA is finally sinking in

            Civility rules reminder:

            No name calling.

            No disparaging of members by race, religion, age, sex, or nationality.

            One warning.


            • #66
              Re: What's really happening in USA is finally sinking in

              Originally posted by krakknisse View Post
              "Snälla staten, takk for maten"

              My maternal grandfather was 100% swede. I am going to memorize that in his honor.

              Nero (should volunteer to) have that tattoo'ed on his forehead.
              My educational website is linked below.



              • #67
                Re: gun sales skyrocketing in US

                Originally posted by Mn_Mark View Post
                This is a good illustration of the European view of human beings:

                * that we are basically stupid, irresponsible children who are not to be trusted with too much independence or power. We must not be allowed to own guns because they are too dangerous for us...only the government should have guns, because the government is wise and kind and made up of people who have studied the proper courses at the proper universities.

                * that we are selfish and greedy and would not give the proper amount to charity if it was left up to us, so our money should be taken away from us and given to the proper causes.

                * that we will buy the wrong products or offer the wrong services or invest in the wrong investments, so wise government officials should decide what we are allowed to buy, sell, and invest in.

                * that we are too stupid to be able to tell whether an idea is true or not, so we must only be exposed to proper ideas, and the rest will be banned as "hate speech".

                Traditional Americans believe that the only proper role of government is to protect our freedom. We are responsible for our lives beyond that, and we like it that way. We don't want to live in a society that's been turned into a gigantic kindergarten where Mommy Government decides for us how to think and live so we don't hurt our itty-bitty selves.

                Americans from the Pilgrims to the Founders to the Western settlers to the modern day have kept firearms for defense and we will to the day we die. Take your paternalistic European views and keep them over there. Oh, and see how well they serve you when the rest of Norway, like Oslo, becomes increasingly muslim. I'm sure the muslims will be very happy that you are all unarmed.
                You should really read some Hobbes. Maybe you should just realize that people are stupid, and democracy are tyranny.


                • #68
                  Re: What's really happening in USA is finally sinking in

                  Originally posted by The Bouncer View Post
                  Civility rules reminder:

                  No name calling.

                  No disparaging of members by race, religion, age, sex, or nationality.

                  One warning.
                  i agree fully! I was just called semi retarded because i grew up in North Carolina and my crazy southern heritage is spreading a gun crazed mind set across the nation! I recommend a book called "Deer Hunting With Jesus" This book is all about this issue!

                  Something no one has said yet is that anyone here could produce a wellspring of statistical information proving no correlation with the amount of guns in a populace and the amount of homicides! A lot of studies have come back saying that the more armed a populace is the less violent crime occurs in that area! Food for thought!

                  Oh and please do a better job at your blanket statements nero3, it doesnt serve your argument well!


                  • #69
                    Re: gun sales skyrocketing in US

                    Originally posted by nero3 View Post
                    You should really read some Hobbes. Maybe you should just realize that people are stupid, and democracy are tyranny.
                    Huh? You must be just name-dropping dead philosophers now. How could you read Hobbes, accept his view of the state of nature, and not think it wise to defend yourself agianst the depredations of all those stupid (your words) people?

                    Oh, that's right, "Snälla staten, takk for maten"

                    Your leviathan state will do it for you.
                    My educational website is linked below.



                    • #70
                      Re: What's really happening in USA is finally sinking in

                      Originally posted by j4f2h0 View Post
                      i agree fully! I was just called semi retarded because i grew up in North Carolina and my crazy southern heritage is spreading a gun crazed mind set across the nation! I recommend a book called "Deer Hunting With Jesus" This book is all about this issue!

                      Something no one has said yet is that anyone here could produce a wellspring of statistical information proving no correlation with the amount of guns in a populace and the amount of homicides! A lot of studies have come back saying that the more armed a populace is the less violent crime occurs in that area! Food for thought!

                      Oh and please do a better job at your blanket statements nero3, it doesnt serve your argument well!
                      Every time I have seen some American on TV, maybe teaching their son to use weapon at some weapon learning center. My thought have been that person is crazy, one of those idiots that think the US actually have something to do in Iraq, and probably have a fat, fat wife, overweight children, vote conservative republican, think he have the full right to kill intruders (because paranoia is part of the mindset of someone like that, how could they even judge who to kill) and drive a big car with low mpg stealing all that oil we have in the north sea, with the worthless dollars. Worst is that he might think he represents common sense, while in reality live in a very narrow bubble. Reminds me of the Simpson episode Homer joined some weapon organization. They sure knew how to put it
                      Last edited by nero3; April 15, 2009, 12:27 PM.


                      • #71
                        Re: What's really happening in USA is finally sinking in

                        Originally posted by nero3 View Post
                        Every time I have seen some American on TV, maybe teaching their son to use weapon at some weapon learning center. My thought have been that person is crazy, one of those idiots that think the US actually have something to do in Iraq, and probably have a fat, fat wife, overweight children, vote conservative republican, think he have the full right to kill intruders (because paranoia is part of the mindset of someone like that, how could they even judge who to kill) and drive a big car with low mpg stealing all that oil we have in the north sea, with the worthless dollars. Worst is that he might think he represents common sense, while in reality live in a very narrow bubble. Reminds me of the Simpson episode Homer joined some weapon organization. They sure knew how to put it
                        Yes, your mind is indeed a sophisticated left-wing cartoon by Matt Groening.

                        I am starting to suspect that you are plant hired by EJ to keep us entertained while he writes his book.
                        My educational website is linked below.



                        • #72
                          Re: What's really happening in USA is finally sinking in

                          Originally posted by nero3 View Post
                          Every time I have seen some American on TV, maybe teaching their son to use weapon at some weapon learning center. My thought have been that person is crazy, one of those idiots that think the US actually have something to do in Iraq, and probably have a fat, fat wife, overweight children, vote conservative republican, think he have the full right to kill intruders (because paranoia is part of the mindset of someone like that, how could they even judge who to kill) and drive a big car with low mpg stealing all that oil we have in the north sea, with the worthless dollars. Worst is that he might think he represents common sense, while in reality live in a very narrow bubble. Reminds me of the Simpson episode Homer joined some weapon organization. They sure knew how to put it
                          Everyone in America is a fat, worthless, lazy, SUV driving, environment destroying, consuming parasite? Is this the theme of your statements nero3? If i am missing something please let me know, i would hate to make judgements on incomplete information! Good game nero3 nice play!


                          • #73
                            Re: gun sales skyrocketing in US

                            Originally posted by nero3 View Post
                            You had this case with a TV celebrity that were apparently also a gun freak, he was having his apartment full of various gun's, and machine guns, all legal. Of course he was in the paranoid corner one day, and starting firing off, to scare of an imagined intruder. Did not hurt anyone, but that just shows what a mess it is with guns, when you get obsessed about it.

                            Even gun laws are liberal here, it's extremely rare to own a gun, and you need to go through a lot of training. Extremely rare. Of people between age 20-40, maybe 1 in 10000 , I'm really not sure on the numbers, but gun density is extremely low.

                            The thing is, if you have a gun and there is a criminal coming at you, and he also have a weapon, and act as a fired up idiot trying to defend his home and family, the risk is much better for a life going down. I consider the criminals life of equal worth. If only one have a gun, then it's much more likely, that the thing will just blow over on itself, as you won't attempt something stupid.

                            This is a perfect example of Humanism at its worst. Only a mind which rejects any moral absolutes and has lost its powers of deductive reasoning could make such a statement. "War is peace, and lies are truth". It's obvious that you have never faced an armed criminal, nor have you had a friend or neighbor callously murdered by one of these "equal worth" criminals.

                            You are living proof that Liberalism of the Hard-Leftist persuasion is not so much a political philosophy as a mental disorder.


                            • #74
                              Re: gun sales skyrocketing in US

                              Originally posted by Mn_Mark View Post
                              And there were some Indians who fought with the cavalry. And some jews helped the nazis. So what? If your position is that islam poses no threat to traditional America then you've been living in a cave for the last 30 years. I speak as someone who has recently had a whole lot of Somali muslims move into his community, at least one of whom has gone back and died in Somalia committing terrorism. Anyplace you get a significant population of muslims, you get a sub-population of islamic fundamentalists who want to make the country muslim.

                              Yep, I'm a 100% dyed-in-the-wool, anti-muslim bigot. Live with it, "dumass".
                              Go back to your neo-nazi compound, you accidently wondered into the real world.

                              Tell you what, why don't you go die (or at least get wounded) for our country, you know, to prove how "patriotic" you are and all. All you have to do is visit your local recuiter, if you are man enough that is. That way you can go "fight the good fight" and kill THEM before the come over here and say join the airforce and become pilots and such!

                              P.S. look up! no HIGHER, that's me flipping you off from 35,000ft;)


                              • #75
                                Re: gun sales skyrocketing in US

                                Originally posted by nero3 View Post
                                Great stuff! Confirms what I was thinking.
                                Yeah, NO SAMPLING error there or anything. You know comparing populations with hundreds of millions to you know, hundreds.

                                Great chart, I see you failed statistics in high school, non?

