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What's really happening in USA is finally sinking in

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  • Re: What's really happening in USA is finally sinking in

    Yes, "peace" may prove an expensive commodity soon.

    Much appreciate your staightforward response Raz. Maybe six months down the road, in a transport of surrealistic effort, we have all gone on a "charm offensive" and Nero3 will be utterly captivated with our country?

    Originally posted by Raz View Post
    Yes, Lukester, I read you "lowd an cleah, down heah" in the Sunny South.
    I apologize for the remark about you "hanging on his words". It was unnecessary at best, unfair at worst.

    And I know that Norway is a beautiful and prosperous country with no monopoly on foolishness.
    America appears to have taken a wide lead over the past ten years or so.

    Last edited by Contemptuous; April 17, 2009, 12:42 AM.


    • Re: What's really happening in USA is finally sinking in

      Originally posted by Raz View Post
      And I know that Norway is a beautiful and prosperous country with no monopoly on foolishness.
      America appears to have taken a wide lead over the past ten years or so.

      I think I finish this discussion got out of hand. The culture I referred to as the southern culture, it should really be limited to a smaller group than the whole population of the southern states. However in a discussion like this I think it's typical that what you write will get interpreted in the worst possible way, and in a way that benefits the arguments of whoever you are arguing against, so what you intend to write is not what necessary is perceived, as things get interpreted in the most worst case concrete, and not in the transferred meaning, pretty much like in a political debate. On common sense: I'm not a down to earth kind of guy, and I despite stupid mass opinion. If the mass opinion was to decide at all times, I think this world would go to hell. The politic groups in Norway, that mostly resemble US republican politics is a party called FRP. In general both democratic and republicans are to the far right, and rather extreme from a Norwegian view.
      Last edited by nero3; April 17, 2009, 11:58 AM.


      • Re: What's really happening in USA is finally sinking in

        Originally posted by Lukester View Post
        Yes, "peace" may prove an expensive commodity soon.

        Much appreciate your staightforward response Raz. Maybe six months down the road, in a transport of surrealistic effort, we have all gone on a "charm offensive" and Nero3 will be utterly captivated with our country?
        I love the US as a country. Just not the development that I think started with George Bush Junior. I love old western movies. I have dreams about renting a car, and just drive across the route 66, see some ghost town, stop at a few motels on the way, I certainly feel the need to go to Las Vegas, and see some of the big cities in the US. I think that must be a pretty standard dream. There is a scene from the movie Rainman, where they just drive off into the desert, that's just beautiful.


        • Re: What's really happening in USA is finally sinking in

          Originally posted by nero3 View Post
          The politic groups in Norway, that mostly resemble US republican politics is a party called FRP. In general both democratic and republicans are to the far right, and rather extreme from a Norwegian view.

          I'm trying to stay away from this inflammatory thread. But I have to say that not all Norwegians have such limited insight into the US as shown by Nero3. I often cite Montesquieu: "If anything is likely to be true about America, the opposite is equally likely to be true".

          Democrats and Republicans are much broader parties, covering the whole political spectrum. Even the most limited high-school student of political systems know that this is a near inevitable consequence of a first-past-the-post voting system (as in the UK, US) vs. the multitude of parties inevitable under a preferential voting scheme.

          I'm sad to say that there is a substantial gulf (nay, chasm) between Europe and North America, to the detriment of both.

          I've lived on 3 continents. I recommend having lived on at least two continents before broad-ranging characterizations of people and political systems are given any weight (especially if they are inflammatory). Please don't be baited (too much) by a simpleton.

          There's a reason I call myself "nisse". A nisse is a simple mythical creature, generally solitary and most of the times nice. I nominate nero3 as my companion "nisse", as a gentle reproach.

          For the record, I really like Americans in general. I loved the American Republic. There are quite a few good things to learn from the US- still the most successful, longest lived, politically stable, federation founded on small government. (Not withstanding the fact that it is now not so small government, not so stable, and not so succesfull).


          • Re: What's really happening in USA is finally sinking in

            I nominate both the Norwegian guys above with the funny red hats "smart cookies". I've enjoyed Krakke's posts here for a long time, and the new arrival Nero3 is a smart cookie too, with a few rougher edges. I think Krakke is under-estimating him. Meanwhile, it's not as though iTulip had no other posters who have made harsh remarks before, is it?

            So what if Americans have felt insulted by a few comments? Big freaking deal. Our society regularly insults others the world over with impunity. The average American does not know where nine tenths of the capitals of the world are, cannot even tell the difference between a Dutchman and a German (to many Americans I've asked this question, they remember "deutsche" and confuse the two). Then we bluster and talk big bruiser talk with everyone abroad (we saved your asses in WWII you ungrateful little shits) and bla bla bla.

            I'm not an American basher. I have a long record of posts on this website defending the US against kneejerk anti-Americanism, but we certainly have big fat feet and have trampled a lot of other nations sensibilities here. How many times have you read jeering puns here on this forum about Mexico's Peso? Not a single American stops to think of the open insults they casually offer to other nations on these pages with their remarks (the spaghetti bender Italians, who must gain all their technology by knocking off Swiss and German, etc.).

            It is everywhere in American society. USA # 1!! Don't fu#$k with the USA! And so forth. Therefore the unholy stink raised on this thread because someone offered a similar stereotypical quip about Americans shows only one thing - we can dish out the casual disrespects about other countries with bravado and mock toughness, but if someone gives us a sting or two we are up in arms, howling at the insults. Meanwhile, I am fully on board with Raz on the insult to the southern US, and I'm offering those guys my understanding and solidarity.

            But America as a whole? Pathetic to watch the unbridled flaring of tempers when the USA is "insulted" while 50% of Americans don't stop for a second to even wonder if they are insulting other nations when they regularly quip about "campesinos", "wetbacks", "ragheads", "spaghetti benders with no technology", "cheese eating French surrender-monkeys" and on and on. My perspective is that the Americans can dish it out, but they sure are tender about taking any jeering (what? you insulting our country?). :rolleyes:

            I have a thick skin. I can take any amount of jeering and smile and still think it's a sunny day. But may I suggest, that a lot of Americans on these pages have a slightly overstated patriotism constantly at the ready in their pockets, ready to yank out and start waving around at the mildest insult? Americans need to understand that they would be so much more endearing and culturally interesting from a foreign point of view, if they could take the insults and slander with a grain more humor and little less self-importance.

            Other nations get insulted and heavily patronized all the time in America, it's just so casually a part of the conversation that no-one even notices.


            • Re: What's really happening in USA is finally sinking in

              Originally posted by Lukester View Post
              I nominate both the Norwegian guys above with the funny red hats "smart cookies".

              Americans need to understand that they would be so much more endearing and culturally interesting from a foreign point of view, if they could take the insults and slander with a grain more humor and little less self-importance.

              Other nations get insulted and heavily patronized all the time in America, it's just so casually a part of the conversation that no-one even notices.
              Thanks a lot for a very insightful post. It made me wonder if perhaps most countries have the same attitudes towards each other - increasing with geographic distance. I'm not going to defend Norwegians too much in that respect. There is too much ignorance around. But "Ignorance is bliss". This ignorance about others makes it easier - or perhaps inevitable - that it will be used as a political tool. Politicians are not one to dismiss an easily available tool in their tool belt.

              I have a vague uneasyness about the geopolitical setup, sort of a "dark clouds over the horizon" cranky old rheumatic knee pain thing (Iran, Pakistan, N Korea, WTFDIK). It may be useful to consciously avoid fanning the flames of national stereotypes, especially
              in case international tensions increase. The blogosphere is already increasing in standing over the sewer of lies streaming from the main stream media. Perhaps in our own little way we can make ITulip stand out from the crowd.

              I suggest that the participants end this (almost) gentlemanly fencing contest by a metaphorical salute. We've done the "en-garde", our lunges and parries. Thanks for the learning opportunity!


              • Re: What's really happening in USA is finally sinking in

                Thank you Oncle Krakke. ;)


                • Re: What's really happening in USA is finally sinking in

                  I have known a few "nero3s" in my lifetime. I could care less what he thinks. I came to this website to get the economic and investment opinions of Eric Janszen, not to be admitted to some "club" or debating society. I only responded to him out of incredulity, thinking that he couldn't really be serious. Now that I know he is I don't intend to waste any more time. [/quote]

                  I revisited this post just to see what it became. I did not expect this length and breadth. Days ago, in this thread's infancy, I had given up all hope in certain participants and came to the same conclusion as you did, Raz. I have to say that this revisit was not a waste, I did laugh a little.



                  • Re: What's really happening in USA is finally sinking in

                    Originally posted by rogermexico View Post
                    Yes, your mind is indeed a sophisticated left-wing cartoon by Matt Groening.

                    I am starting to suspect that you are plant hired by EJ to keep us entertained while he writes his book.
                    I've suspected Nero might be putting us on for quite a while. Either that or he's 15 years old, I haven't decided yet. He reminds me of a buddy in high school that just loved to stir things up. He'd say anything if he thought it would provoke a response.

                    Castle doctrine laws were meant as a DETERRENT to home invasions. Short of the threat of being shot, not much else works. Our "law enforcement" hasn't exactly been too effective in stopping armed robbery in homes in this country. I don't see how a disarmed populace would help that situation.

                    I have personally been involved in a situation that this Castle doctrine would apply to. Someone entered my home while I was asleep. According to Nero I wouldn't be able to control myself with fear and I'd wet myself trying to handle my weapon!
                    Who on earth could handle that kind of stress? Surely only trained police. Well, he turned tail and I didn't shoot anybody, so I guess I'm just that one in a million American who wasn't a caveman redneck killer. The police showed up 30 minutes later by the way?:eek:

                    We have a violent society, no doubt. The reasons are complex. Someone else posted on here, Krakknisse I think, that apparently Norwegians own plenty of firearms. If guns cause gun violence then why only 8 deaths a year by firearms????

                    I'll agree there is a bit of gun mania in the US, sometimes by people who are a little scary. ( I have a 03FFL and CC permit , so I'm not anti gun by any means). But for the most part, gun owners are harmless. A huge country like the US is going to have some incidents like we've had lately involving legally owned firearms. And I do find those disturbing. But people mix the statistics involving illegal gun ownership with legal owners in whatever way suits there needs best.


                    • Re: gun sales skyrocketing in US

                      Originally posted by Munger View Post
                      Because the existence of a gun has absolutely nothing to do with being shot by it.
                      cum hoc ergo propter hoc

                      Because banning the existence of guns is (part of) the solution.


                      • Re: What's really happening in USA is finally sinking in

                        Pbbttppttppttt!! (Sorry, but that is the most intelligent response these comments deserve.)

