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9-11 Conspiracy Theories

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  • #46
    Re: 9-11 Conspiracy Theories

    Originally posted by Master Shake View Post
    I was reading the thermite thread and was a bit shocked to see iTulipers buying into the Truther nonsense. However, there is certainly a large amount of those folks around. In a recent poll on the Kitco forum, about 75% of those responding believed in some form of Truther conspiracy nonsense.

    For those interested, here's a large number of debunker links.

    Personally, I prefer Maddox's response


    I'm surprised how many buy into it also. I spent a little while studying this until it bored me to tears. Anyone ever see what's involved in setting up a controlled demolition in a building like that??? You don't do it with a few pounds of C4. You cut steel beams, you have massive wiring involved. Are we to believe the established maintenance people in these buildings all turned a blind eye to what was going on? "Sure buddy, go ahead and cut half that main support out, the people upstairs said for me not to worry about it."

    And why blow it up AFTER the planes hit? I suppose planes hitting wouldn't be enough grounds to go to war? The buildings had to actually collapse or Bush would have simply continued sending cruise missle strikes, right?

    Some people need to realize that a lot of these conspiracy "experts" are making money off this. Some are simply misguided, but others know they stand to make money selling this stuff to people. Keep that in mind.

    Someone mentioned the chain of evidence. No shit.

    Another post mentioned the skill the pilots would need to hit those buildings. Huh? They could be seen from miles away. Any 11 year old who's played Microsoft's flight simulator could pull that off.


    • #47
      Re: 9-11 Conspiracy Theories

      Originally posted by flintlock View Post
      I'm surprised how many buy into it also. I spent a little while studying this until it bored me to tears. Anyone ever see what's involved in setting up a controlled demolition in a building like that??? You don't do it with a few pounds of C4. You cut steel beams, you have massive wiring involved. Are we to believe the established maintenance people in these buildings all turned a blind eye to what was going on? "Sure buddy, go ahead and cut half that main support out, the people upstairs said for me not to worry about it."

      And why blow it up AFTER the planes hit? I suppose planes hitting wouldn't be enough grounds to go to war? The buildings had to actually collapse or Bush would have simply continued sending cruise missle strikes, right?

      Some people need to realize that a lot of these conspiracy "experts" are making money off this. Some are simply misguided, but others know they stand to make money selling this stuff to people. Keep that in mind.

      Someone mentioned the chain of evidence. No shit.

      Another post mentioned the skill the pilots would need to hit those buildings. Huh? They could be seen from miles away. Any 11 year old who's played Microsoft's flight simulator could pull that off.
      What about WTC building 7 being pre-wired with explosives? It housed all kinds of secret services; wouldn't it make sense to destroy it if you don't want anything inside to come into the wrong hands (mind you, not necessarily for the scenario that actually occurred)? I know they love contingency planning there.

      As for not informing the public about this afterwards; if they did (and if they only blew up #7), people would immediately suspect the government for carrying out a false flag operation on both towers.
      engineer with little (or even no) economic insight


      • #48
        Re: 9-11 Conspiracy Theories

        I always thought the elevators were the key to the core columns

        Engineer Gordon Ross MEng. at the Indian YMCA, London on the 8th June 2007 analyses the destruction of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center on September 11th 2001

        I haven't read all of it, but there are some interesting tidbits
        Port Authority of NY/NJ: Records For Reported WTC Renovation Work Destroyed On 9/11

        Turner Construction, who supervised the 2000 demolition of the Seattle Kingdome, participated in the post-9/11 Ground Zero clean-up and performed extensive renovations within the World Trade Center towers just prior to 9/11, was in fact performing unspecified renovation work throughout the WTC complex until the very morning of September 11, 2001. The Port Authority of NY/NJ now claims that records describing such work or other projects were destroyed on September 11, 2001. A December 2000 WTC property assessment described required renovation work to be completed within one year, upon steel columns within elevator shafts of both WTC towers that was immediately pending or already underway.

        Terror devastates A/E/C firms

        12 employees of Turner Construction were located in an office in the third subbasement of Tower 1, the north tower. Turner had been performing renovation work in various parts of the center and had occupied various office spaces.


        Previous work performed by Turner Construction at the WTC included fireproofing of the only floors that were struck by United and American airlines flights on September 11, 2001 and that later burned and "failed".

        A December 2000 WTC property assessment recommended immediate renovation work upon steel columns contained within elevator shafts of both WTC towers:


        Terror devastates A/E/C firms.(World Trade Center attack)(Brief Article)
        Article from:Building Design & Construction Article date:October 1, 2001 | Copyright information

        The attack on the World Trade Center left the nation numb and heartbroken, but for several A/E/C firms, the damage wrought on Sept. 11 was much more personal and devastating. Of the more than 400 employees from companies involved in building construction in or near the towers on that morning, 13 are missing, all from The Washington Group, which had offices on the 91st floor in Tower 2, the south tower.

        The Washington Group, formerly Raytheon Infrastructure Inc., employed 190 people in those offices when two hijacked commercial airliners struck the center's towers. More than 6,000 people are listed as missing or killed following the towers' ensuing collapse.

