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The crash of '09, the collapse of '10

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  • The crash of '09, the collapse of '10

    Well here is a doomsayer if there is one, linking into a second one!

    The crash of '09, the collapse of '10

    To my son

    My dear Muhammad Ali:

    I told you that it's a funny world getting funnier. Many American analysts are saying that America's real economic collapse could come by the end of this year. "It will come to be known as 'The Crash of 09', they say. Others, especially a Russian political analyst, are predicting its physical collapse too. There's no doubt that the country is up the dirtiest of imaginable creeks without a paddle. But what's amazing is that America remains mired in stunning denial, continuing to make bad situations worse with useless bailout plans and messing around with the world instead of facing up to the reality that its time as a hyper-power is up, that's its economic system has failed and that its only recourse is to end its adversarial doctrine and get out of its lost wars as painlessly and honourably as possible. There's no point in going on flogging dead horses. The only sensible thing that survival demands is to craft a new moral economic and financial system and a moral foreign policy.
    The deep recession verging on depression that we have seen so far was caused by the crash in the US housing market. Since other developed industrialised nations, especially of Europe, were aping the shenanigans of unchecked and poorly regulated American bankers and financiers, the collapse of their markets, banks and economies followed like dominoes. Iceland was the first to officially declare bankruptcy. Its GDP is only about $6.5 billion but its banks had lent something like $65 billion while its regulators were asleep on the wheel. Britain has not declared bankruptcy officially but we all know that it is bankrupt for all intents and purposes and none of its banks and financial institutions has any legs left.

    However, this is only the aperitif. Wait for the crash of US commercial real estate, which analysts think will happen by autumn this year. Shops are closing down and there's no one to rent them. Companies are retrenching and freeing up a lot of office space or closing down entirely and vacating even more precious office space with no one to rent it again. Huge skyscrapers are becoming ghost-scrapers. All this expensive commercial real estate is mortgaged to the hilt. With no rental income coming in, the loans against them will become difficult to service and there will be fearsome default. There's insurance and re-insurance here also and the amounts involved are mind-boggling. No bailout plan would come even close to coping. When the commercial real estate collapse comes, all hell will break loose. And if multinationals like General Motors and Ford call it a day, it won't just be thousands upon thousands of people unemployed (though its heartless to use the word 'just' here). Two entire towns will be become ghost towns. That's terrible. If you count the number of people - wives, children and parents - who are dependent on those incomes, it becomes worse than terrible. It becomes absolutely and totally unconscionable, while corrupt and greedy bankers and the likes of Bernie Madoff have made off with billions - perhaps trillions - of dollars and are still doing so because "our contracts say so."

    Then there is Professor Igor Nikolavich Panarin whom I came across in a December 2008 article by Andrew Osborne of the Wall Street Journal no less, not some fly-by-night rag. If he has got it right, next year will come to be known as 'The Collapse of 2010' for that is when the USA will disintegrate into six separate entities. Those six entities, says Prof Panarin, are The California Republic, The Central North American Republic, Atlantic America, The Texas Republic, Hawaii and Alaska going back to Russia.

    With millions of Chinese living on America's eastern seaboard (The People's Daily's circulation there alone is over five million) The California Republic, Prof Panarin thinks, will either be part of China or come under Chinese influence. The Central North American Republic will be part of Canada or under Canadian influence, Atlantic America may join the European Union, The Texas Republic will be part of Mexico or under Mexican influence and Hawaii will go either to Japan or China.

    Prof Panarin is a former KGB analyst and a Russian professor of political science, Dean of the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs Diplomatic Academy in Moscow and author of several books on geopolitics. Thus one can hardly call him a fruitcake. Actually, he first made this prediction not after the economic meltdown that started last year but in Linz, Austria, in September 1998 in front of 400 delegates at a conference devoted to information warfare and the use of data to get an edge over a rival. Of course it was received with consternation. "When I pushed the button on my computer and the map of the United States disintegrated, hundreds of people cried out in surprise," he says. Later, many delegates asked him to sign copies of the map. Its like when the French political scientist Emmanuel Todd made his famous forecast in 1976 about the collapse of the Soviet Union 15 years before it actually did and many people laughed. But Todd had the last laugh.
    And consider what old Igor has to say
    Last edited by Rajiv; April 05, 2009, 11:08 PM. Reason: Put in Frankenstein video clip instead

  • #2
    Re: The crash of '09, the collapse of '10

    The California Republic, Prof Panarin thinks, will either be part of China or come under Chinese influence. The Central North American Republic will be part of Canada or under Canadian influence, Atlantic America may join the European Union, The Texas Republic will be part of Mexico or under Mexican influence and Hawaii will go either to Japan or China.
    Well...huh. No.

    Sorry next time.


    • #3
      Re: The crash of '09, the collapse of '10

      I think I should have added some smileys -- but I thought my "Frankenstein" picture should have been sufficient!


      • #4
        Re: The crash of '09, the collapse of '10

        Sorry, Rajiv. This guy's a nutcase. Moving to Rant and Rave.


        • #5
          Re: The crash of '09, the collapse of '10

          I thought the Igor video clip would have been a giveaway -- but I guess not!


          • #6
            Re: The crash of '09, the collapse of '10

            No worries Rajiv. The avalanche of superb articles you dig up and post to iTulip is much appreciated by many iTulipers. Few other posters here collect such a volume of excellent references. Meanwhile, Professor Igor Panarin is orbiting the planet, and spinning rapidly on his own axis just for good measure also, somewhere out in the Kuiper asteroid belt.


            • #7
              Re: The crash of '09, the collapse of '10

              Originally posted by Lukester View Post
              The avalanche of superb articles you dig up and post to iTulip is much appreciated by many iTulipers. Few other posters here collect such a volume of excellent references.
              I could not agree with that statement more. Keep up the awesome work Sir Rajiv!

              BTW: I do think this is a useful post - obviously I do not agree with the author -, but it actually helps demonstrate that some people will dream up anything during severe crisis...


              • #8
                Re: The crash of '09, the collapse of '10

                The primary reason I posted it was because this was published in the premier English language daily of Pakistan, which has a broad circulation among the Pakistani intelligensia. The fact that Igor Panarin is from the KGB, and has moved up the Soviet heirarchy will carry weight in those circles. This is likely to have implications not only in Pakistan, but also in Afghanistan, and even broadly across South Asia.


                • #9
                  Re: The crash of '09, the collapse of '10

                  The Central North American Republic will be part of Canada
                  Hockey? Fried Beaver Tails?, Maybe we shouldn't be so critical Eh?


                  • #10
                    Re: The crash of '09, the collapse of '10

                    Originally posted by we_are_toast View Post
                    Hockey? Fried Beaver Tails?, Maybe we shouldn't be so critical Eh?
                    We have a much vested interest in the US remaining stable believe me.

                    The good thing is, is that it will.

                    BTW: You already have hockey and better one at that...simply look at the Maple Leafs and Canadians abysmal performance. As for Fried Beaver Tails, can we exchange that for "Philly SteakCheese" (or similar can't remember).


                    • #11
                      Re: The crash of '09, the collapse of '10

                      Originally posted by Rajiv View Post
                      this was published in the premier English language daily of Pakistan, ... is likely to have implications not only in Pakistan, but also in Afghanistan, and even broadly across South Asia.
                      An understatement. More like throwing white phosphorus mixed with petroleum jelly onto an already blazing inferno.

