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GOP Saturday Address - Senator Judd Gregg - Bizarro World

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  • #31
    Re: GOP Saturday Address - Senator Judd Gregg - Bizarro World

    You just keep 'mooo-ving' him down the line of logic and consequences, and he just keeps a comin' back for more...


    • #32
      Re: GOP Saturday Address - Senator Judd Gregg - Bizarro World

      Originally posted by doom&gloom View Post
      You just keep 'mooo-ving' him down the line of logic and consequences, and he just keeps a comin' back for more...
      Yeah - we have a word for this on the Linux Kernel Mailing List (LKML) - "plonk".

      That's the sound of some poor guys email address being added to your list of ignored addresses, causing all further correspondence from said person to be dropped on the floor.

      Most folks are good; a few aren't.


      • #33
        Re: GOP Saturday Address - Senator Judd Gregg - Bizarro World

        Originally posted by doom&gloom View Post
        Absolutely none of the above.

        But I am gonna take a guess here that you are a supporter of the Left
        (correct me if I am wrong).

        What I fail to understand about the Left nowadays is they way they
        attempt to justify the outrageous spending proposed under Obama
        Admin by whining about the ridiculous spending of the Bush Admin.

        They are BOTH equally bad, though Obama may end up making the
        Bush spending look like chump change when he is done.

        So what is it you are so incensed about? That a Republican is calling
        for fiscal conservancy again? Certainly no one on the Democrat side
        is calling for it at this time. You think we should just try to spend our-
        selves into bankrupcy?
        You are completely misinterpreting his point and therefore don't realize that you're both making the same point. Both parties are F.U.B.A.R.! It's not a left right thing, it's a matter of this particular politician being extremely hypocritical, Babbitd is disgusted with the politics of the video not the content.


        • #34
          Re: GOP Saturday Address - Senator Judd Gregg - Bizarro World

          I faxed a letter to the office of Senator Gregg, apologizing for publicly badmouthing him (not just on this forum). It was shortsighted of me, not doing due diligence on this one.

          In fact, Senator Gregg has remained true to conservative principles. He was somewhat of a lone voice in the Senate during the period, 2000-2006.


          • #35
            Re: GOP Saturday Address - Senator Judd Gregg - Bizarro World

            Originally posted by tombat1913 View Post
            You are completely misinterpreting his point and therefore don't realize that you're both making the same point. Both parties are F.U.B.A.R.! It's not a left right thing, it's a matter of this particular politician being extremely hypocritical, Babbitd is disgusted with the politics of the video not the content.
            I was wrong about Senator Gregg in particular, but you characterized by viewpoint correctly.


            • #36
              Re: GOP Saturday Address - Senator Judd Gregg - Bizarro World

              Originally posted by babbittd View Post
              I was wrong about Senator Gregg in particular, but you characterized by viewpoint correctly.
              hmmm maybe not.

              For example, in opposition to the so-called financial reform bill he just said 5 minutes ago to Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC that derivatives are critical to creating jobs on main street.

              What the fuck, what did we do before derivatives?

