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The Obama Deception

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  • The Obama Deception

    Well,.... It's out. Unfortunately the movie has a little bit of tinfoil hat material and Alex personal flamboyant style, but is a clear indication of alternative media becoming mainstream (Zeitgeist, Freedom to Fascism) as being the only ones at this stage willing to investigate the links between the corruption of the political sphere and the current disastes. Gerard Celente makes some interesting points in the movie.

  • #2
    Re: The Obama Deception

    $#* - You are one of the cleverest posters on these pages, and yet your thesis about "orchestrated events" remains deluded. Coercive financial manipulation on a planetary scale has the entropy of the world to contend with. Even the best laid plans have to deal constantly with multiplying unforseen events cropping up, which each compounds the effect of the next.

    Because you choose to ignore this simple point, about entropy rendering "global scale collection rackets" absurdly impracticable - your thesis remains naive.

    The thesis is more unwieldy than a paddle-wheel steamboat, resorting to such ungainly contraptions as a Bilderberger plan claimed to be so skillful that it can actually steer the "sheeple" in multiple countries, by the financial equivalent of blowing up sticks of dynamite - into "pre-planned debt traps", as an elaborate device to extract eternal peonage. :rolleyes:

    It's absurd, yet it sucks a great number of readers in by exciting their gothic imaginative fancies. It is about as plausible as a rider on a moped, steering and propelling his vehicle by setting off grenades in his wake, to "gain steerage", but this quality seems lost on many adherents who lap this stuff up.

    The plausibility quotient seems to fly right out the window, like a flapping pigeon - and gets itself into a notable wobble over the fact that these apparently super-rational Bilderbergers (including that crafty old Queen of England) had not the slightest concern that this elaborately rigged contraption to extract feudal rent from the sheeple might merely collapse everything instead. I doubt there could exist a more ham-handed plot.

    In fact, cooler heads today might note that this collapse is exactly what is occurring, but the apparent face-plant which this Bilderberger financial peonage plan is executing today is rescued by a little spin, which assures us that the current amplifying financial chaos worldwide is all "part of the plan" to secure a better grip on the financial peonage thingy.

    On the one hand in prior discussions about the predictability of market action, $#* has presented "rationalism", by insisting that ultimately markets are ruled by randomness, and on the other hand he quietly packs his rationalism off for an extended vacation, and proposes a world where we have a supernaturally bright club of billionaires deftly "steering" what is observably an unfolding market chaos of ever widening proportions.

    Anyone claiming this unfolding event is all about "control" is a spin-meister. And also, talk about brinkmanship. Who would ever have concluded that the stodgy old Queen of England or even old Dr. Kissinger who is getting up there in years, had a taste for this much seat-of-the-pants daredevil maneouvering. What an amazingly daring old girl our Lizzie of Windsor is, eh?

    To my view, the last scrap of rationalism flies out the window with the flapping pigeon, when it's claimed that Bilderbergers, with the Queen of England as their presiding figurehead presumably kept informed and ratifying their resolutions, plus the inimitable Kissinger, and the apparently astoundingly skillful Federal Reserve Bank with that evil and profoundly crafty former university professor Bernanke at it's helm [ :p ], are ensuring that the widening echo of increasingly chaotic current events is all running "according to plan".

    I think this new world order thingy needs urgently to take a rest before it winds itself up into a nervous breakdown.

    It sounds increasingly fatigued, as the world begins to slide into such chaos that a cray supercomputer assigned to figure out alternative outcomes could spit out twenty different end-game scenarios, all of which Queen Elizabeth has presumably figured out in advance and neatly tabulated in her game book.

    Of course the money center banks have played a huge role in creating the derivatives crisis. But it's not irrelevant to notice that in order for them to do so in a conspiratorial way, where they were guiding some sort of predictable result, they needed to enlist the assistance of John Q. Public, consistently across many years, when lots of other events happened which could have derailed their complex plan at many different steps.

    To suggest that the public has no capacity to make it's own decisions as to whether to trap themselves in debt or not is either naive, or patronizing.

    And here's another thought - to envision the current rapid swirl around the toilet bowl of the British economy, and simultaneously the staid and cautious Queen of England having presumably presided at Bilderberger meetings, while this deathly moribund British economic outcome had all been "part of the devilish plan" stretches one's credulity out into the realm of comic-books. This is just more of the "Bilderberger Plot" bullshit which leaves me agape at the credulousness of those who are captivated by this thesis.

    What this all requires, is a firm conviction in the sheep-like quality of the populations of a dozen major countries in the world, to the sheeplike docility of their entreprenurial classes, their judiciary, to the inevitable confidantes of these many crafty Bilderbergers - that none of these actors will ever at any juncture have thrown a spanner in the works of this playbook.

    Then along with a notable suspension of critical faculties, it also requires a toweringly patronizing attitude towards the relative intellectual capacities of the Bilderberger few vs. the sheeple many.

    The fact is, neither the FED, nor the Bilderberger's fiendish cleverness, nor the well mannered and perennially cautious Queen of England have "created" this derivatives crisis for ulterior ends - *some* of these actors were involved, and even then they were only a part of creating it. The house of Windsor's involvement is the height of comicry to this reader, but maybe I'm just stupid and fail to see the plot.

    Try this instead for a dose of realism - It is we, the people, who have been free to either play a hand ramping it up, or not, which renders any "plotting towards a one world order" a quite remarkably seat-of-the-pants thesis.

    Every reader here can come to their own conclusions, and some will be drawn to your thesis because they find the idea of a Federal Reserve versed in all the black arts of entrapment of the public to be an irresistible lure. The gothic splendor of this tale will attract such minds like moths to a flame. I will restrict myself to pointing out that this sort of reasoning relies on a hidden form of heavy patronizing of the public as an actor, and becomes a little bit unmoored because of that.

    There is no question that when the entire thing started to disintegrate the primary money center and brokerage banks actively and successfully lobbied and frightened a clueless public to steer the bailout public money towards making their own bad bets good.

    But this is a far cry from having executed a masterful collusion - what is patently observable instead is that two thirds of their kin got blown up and the mangled detritus of arms and legs were left strewn about the financial landscape as a cautionary tale for the rest of these "masterminds" to contemplate.

    IMO you new world order proponents are floating a couple of inches off the ground. Take a look down at your own feet and scrutinize them closely - they may be drifting off the ground a little bit. $#* is to my eye showing an increasing resemblance to that wonderful fairy tale character known as the "pied piper". :p I regret that a good number of iTulipers are subscribers to this thesis.

    There used to be a lot fewer buying into that school of thought here, but they are accumulating - like moss (or maybe it's some kind of mold).
    Last edited by Contemptuous; March 14, 2009, 02:50 AM.


    • #3
      Re: The Obama Deception

      I didn't know Ron Paul had a brother who is active in the end the Fed protests.

      And it always surprises me that people who don't always agree can come together. Tarpley who is pro FDR, Social Security, pro Hamillton, against Andrew Jackson, and Alex Jones who is more of a libertarian but not exactly pro gold standard.

      but is a clear indication of alternative media becoming mainstream (Zeitgeist, Freedom to Fascism) as being the only ones at this stage willing to investigate the links between the corruption of the political sphere and the current disastes
      Funny you mention Zeitgeist and Freedom to Fascism, but the state seems to dislike those


      • #4
        Re: The Obama Deception

        Originally posted by Lukester View Post
        $#* - You are one of the cleverest posters on these pages, and yet your thesis about "orchestrated events" remains deluded. Coercive financial manipulation on a planetary scale has the entropy of the world to contend with. Even the best laid plans have to deal constantly with multiplying unforseen events cropping up, which each compounds the effect of the next.

        Because you choose to ignore this simple point, about entropy rendering "global scale collection rackets" absurdly impracticable - your thesis remains naive.

        The thesis is more unwieldy than a paddle-wheel steamboat, resorting to such ungainly contraptions as a Bilderberger plan claimed to be so skillful that it can actually steer the "sheeple" in multiple countries, by the financial equivalent of blowing up sticks of dynamite - into "pre-planned debt traps", as an elaborate device to extract eternal peonage. :rolleyes:

        It's absurd, yet it sucks a great number of readers in by exciting their gothic imaginative fancies. It is about as plausible as a rider on a moped, steering and propelling his vehicle by setting off grenades in his wake, to "gain steerage", but this quality seems lost on many adherents who lap this stuff up.

        The plausibility quotient seems to fly right out the window, like a flapping pigeon - and gets itself into a notable wobble over the fact that these apparently super-rational Bilderbergers (including that crafty old Queen of England) had not the slightest concern that this elaborately rigged contraption to extract feudal rent from the sheeple might merely collapse everything instead. I doubt there could exist a more ham-handed plot.

        In fact, cooler heads today might note that this collapse is exactly what is occurring, but the apparent face-plant which this Bilderberger financial peonage plan is executing today is rescued by a little spin, which assures us that the current amplifying financial chaos worldwide is all "part of the plan" to secure a better grip on the financial peonage thingy.

        On the one hand in prior discussions about the predictability of market action, $#* has presented "rationalism", by insisting that ultimately markets are ruled by randomness, and on the other hand he quietly packs his rationalism off for an extended vacation, and proposes a world where we have a supernaturally bright club of billionaires deftly "steering" what is observably an unfolding market chaos of ever widening proportions.

        Anyone claiming this unfolding event is all about "control" is a spin-meister. And also, talk about brinkmanship. Who would ever have concluded that the stodgy old Queen of England or even old Dr. Kissinger who is getting up there in years, had a taste for this much seat-of-the-pants daredevil maneouvering. What an amazingly daring old girl our Lizzie of Windsor is, eh?

        To my view, the last scrap of rationalism flies out the window with the flapping pigeon, when it's claimed that Bilderbergers, with the Queen of England as their presiding figurehead presumably kept informed and ratifying their resolutions, plus the inimitable Kissinger, and the apparently astoundingly skillful Federal Reserve Bank with that evil and profoundly crafty former university professor Bernanke at it's helm [ :p ], are ensuring that the widening echo of increasingly chaotic current events is all running "according to plan".

        I think this new world order thingy needs urgently to take a rest before it winds itself up into a nervous breakdown.

        It sounds increasingly fatigued, as the world begins to slide into such chaos that a cray supercomputer assigned to figure out alternative outcomes could spit out twenty different end-game scenarios, all of which Queen Elizabeth has presumably figured out in advance and neatly tabulated in her game book.

        Of course the money center banks have played a huge role in creating the derivatives crisis. But it's not irrelevant to notice that in order for them to do so in a conspiratorial way, where they were guiding some sort of predictable result, they needed to enlist the assistance of John Q. Public, consistently across many years, when lots of other events happened which could have derailed their complex plan at many different steps.

        To suggest that the public has no capacity to make it's own decisions as to whether to trap themselves in debt or not is either naive, or patronizing.

        And here's another thought - to envision the current rapid swirl around the toilet bowl of the British economy, and simultaneously the staid and cautious Queen of England having presumably presided at Bilderberger meetings, while this deathly moribund British economic outcome had all been "part of the devilish plan" stretches one's credulity out into the realm of comic-books. This is just more of the "Bilderberger Plot" bullshit which leaves me agape at the credulousness of those who are captivated by this thesis.

        What this all requires, is a firm conviction in the sheep-like quality of the populations of a dozen major countries in the world, to the sheeplike docility of their entreprenurial classes, their judiciary, to the inevitable confidantes of these many crafty Bilderbergers - that none of these actors will ever at any juncture have thrown a spanner in the works of this playbook.

        Then along with a notable suspension of critical faculties, it also requires a toweringly patronizing attitude towards the relative intellectual capacities of the Bilderberger few vs. the sheeple many.

        The fact is, neither the FED, nor the Bilderberger's fiendish cleverness, nor the well mannered and perennially cautious Queen of England have "created" this derivatives crisis for ulterior ends - *some* of these actors were involved, and even then they were only a part of creating it. The house of Windsor's involvement is the height of comicry to this reader, but maybe I'm just stupid and fail to see the plot.

        Try this instead for a dose of realism - It is we, the people, who have been free to either play a hand ramping it up, or not, which renders any "plotting towards a one world order" a quite remarkably seat-of-the-pants thesis.

        Every reader here can come to their own conclusions, and some will be drawn to your thesis because they find the idea of a Federal Reserve versed in all the black arts of entrapment of the public to be an irresistible lure. The gothic splendor of this tale will attract such minds like moths to a flame. I will restrict myself to pointing out that this sort of reasoning relies on a hidden form of heavy patronizing of the public as an actor, and becomes a little bit unmoored because of that.

        There is no question that when the entire thing started to disintegrate the primary money center and brokerage banks actively and successfully lobbied and frightened a clueless public to steer the bailout public money towards making their own bad bets good.

        But this is a far cry from having executed a masterful collusion - what is patently observable instead is that two thirds of their kin got blown up and the mangled detritus of arms and legs were left strewn about the financial landscape as a cautionary tale for the rest of these "masterminds" to contemplate.

        IMO you new world order proponents are floating a couple of inches off the ground. Take a look down at your own feet and scrutinize them closely - they may be drifting off the ground a little bit. $#* is to my eye showing an increasing resemblance to that wonderful fairy tale character known as the "pied piper". :p I regret that a good number of iTulipers are subscribers to this thesis.

        There used to be a lot fewer buying into that school of thought here, but they are accumulating - like moss (or maybe it's some kind of mold).

        I don't think one can conclude that everything is going according to a plan. In my opinion powerful people decided to change the system and they knew it could fall apart.

        What the powerful men grouped around Bilderberg had evidently decided that May was to launch a colossal assault against industrial growth in the world, in order to tilt the balance of power back to the advantage of Anglo-American financial interests and the dollar. In order to do this, they determined to use their most prized weapon - control of the world's oil flows. Bilderberg policy was to trigger a global oil embargo, in order to force a dramatic increase in world oil prices. Since 1945, world oil had by international custom been priced in dollars, since American oil companies dominated the post-war market. A sudden sharp increase in the world price of oil, therefore, meant an equally dramatic increase in world demand for US dollars to pay for that necessary oil.
        Task Force Report #8

        Trilateral Commission © 1975, New York University Press
        Michel Crozier, Samuel P. Huntington and Joji Watanuki


        In recent years, acute observers on all three continents have seen a bleak future for democratic government. Before leaving office, Willy Brandt was reported to believe that "Western Europe has only 20 or 30 more years of democracy left in it; after that it will slide, engineless and rudderless, under the surrounding sea of dictatorship, and whether the dictation comes from a politburo or a junta will not make that much difference." If Britain continues to be unable to resolve the seemingly unresolvable problems of inflation-cum-prospective depression, observed one senior British official, "parliamentary democracy would ultimately be replaced by a dictatorship." "Japanese democracy will collapse," warned Takeo Miki in his first days in office, unless major reforms can be carried out and "the people's confidence in politics" be restored.1 The image which recurs in these and other statements is one of the disintegration of civil order, the breakdown of social discipline, the debility of leaders, and the alienation of citizens. Even what have been thought to be the most civic of industrialized societies have been held to be prey to these disabilities, as observers speak of the Vietnamization of America and the Italianization of Britain.


        • #5
          Re: The Obama Deception

          I put some of these theories in the same category as religion:

          It takes a lot of faith to believe some of the theories but that doesn't mean they are wrong.

          ...jury is still out for me.


          • #6
            Re: The Obama Deception

            Originally posted by sn1p3r View Post
            I put some of these theories in the same category as religion:

            It takes a lot of faith to believe some of the theories but that doesn't mean they are wrong.

            ...jury is still out for me.
            Well, actually it takes a lot of faith to believe a lot of mainstream media 'truths' such as the 'fact' that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

            The clear sign something is wrong is when Jon Stewart becomes the voice of responsibility and reason, fringe guys like Alex Jones become become responsible journalists trying to find the truth, and the only clear explanation of what really happens in a financial scandal comes from Sesame Street...

            Things get even more surreal when you have for example the global warming debate carried out live between Alex Jones and David Mayer de Rothschild. Here is Part 1 ( The whole interview (all 5 parts) is absolutely surreal.

            It is interesting that in his long rebuttal. Lukester has brought only his personal opinions and to question my credibility. Incidentally I was not a member of the production team of that movie. The same happened last summer when he presented the same kind of 'arguments' for the "Peak Oil driving up prices" fairy tales and dismissing without any kind of counterarguments the theory that futures manipulations had a major role in achieving $147/bbl.

            It is also very interesting to note that not even now, Lukester has acknowledged he was flat wrong about his oil stance.

            I put the "Obama Deception" link because it expresses a different point of view and raises serious questions. Moreover it pinpoints the moment when an anti-Bush minority, became formally an anti-Obama minority. Actually I'm not even a big Alex Jones fan. But in order to insinuate a technocratic-socialist deception in Zeitgeist 2 (Zeitgeist Addendum), one has to make first a good Zeigeist 1 (Zeitgeist The Movie) for baiting people with a real message. Nevertheless Zeitgeist 1 still remains a good movie IMHO regardless of where the Venus Project is now headed (diverted). I beleive there is a possibility the same will apply to Alex Jones. There is a quote I put here before:

            Don't get caught up in the crowd of people that follows the leader, people who think that they are rebels because they denounce authority simply because its the latest fashion. Don't march the streets claiming that you are the enlightened one, because you read a book or saw a film that gave you a glimpse into an uncommon knowledge.

            Don't scream phrases into a megaphone that you borrowed from another persons wisdom. And don't proclaim yourself an original thinker because you belong to a group that represents an unpopular belief.

            Those are all examples of the other side of the coin of "group think" : leading a false rebellion. False rebellion is dangerous because it gives an illusion that you are free and thinking for yourself.

            A TRUE REBELLION, a true revolution begins when you quit following, AND START LEADING. And those that end up following you, should be taught by you to quit following you and start leading. And the only way to lead successfully is by fully understanding your rights as a human being in this world.


            • #7
              Re: The Obama Deception

              Same flavor; different package:

              Note: As per always, this clip does not represent my personal views and/or beliefs.

    </param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="295">

    </param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="295">


              • #8
                Re: The Obama Deception

                Originally posted by LargoWinch View Post
                Same flavor; different package:

                Note: As per always, this clip does not represent my personal views and/or beliefs.

      </param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="295">

      </param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="295">
                Well, Tarpley is in both videos....

                I don't agree with him 100%, but he has some valid points.

                I first read his 1999 book "Surviving the Cataclysm" a few years ago


