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Dmitry Orlov:- America will collaspe

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  • Dmitry Orlov:- America will collaspe

    Heres hoping!

  • #2
    Re: Dmitry Orlov:- America will collaspe

    I didn't even care to watch the whole thing. I typically enjoy the articles and such that you find and post, but please keep your source material credible and worth our time. This one was rubbish and not up to your normal standards.
    "...the western financial system has already failed. The failure has just not yet been realized, while the system remains confident that it is still alive." Jesse


    • #3
      Re: Dmitry Orlov:- America will collaspe

      No one wants to see America go Cold Turkey, but sadly you (& UK) is going to have to!



      • #4
        Re: Dmitry Orlov:- America will collaspe

        Originally posted by rjwjr View Post
        I didn't even care to watch the whole thing. I typically enjoy the articles and such that you find and post, but please keep your source material credible and worth our time. This one was rubbish and not up to your normal standards.
        Is it Orlov you find objectionable? Or what he is saying?
        It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


        • #5
          Re: Dmitry Orlov:- America will collaspe

          Why does this keep coming up? If it does happen I hope we get Chuck Norris as President of the Republic of Texas.


          • #6
            Re: Dmitry Orlov:- America will collaspe

            Originally posted by rjwjr View Post
            I didn't even care to watch the whole thing. I typically enjoy the articles and such that you find and post, but please keep your source material credible and worth our time. This one was rubbish and not up to your normal standards.
            Have you actually read Dmitry Orlov's book? It is much less rubbish than most of the things you read in the main stream media. One of the few places you will actually hear the truth today, in main stream media, is in satire and comedy. Surely you must be familiar with EJ's take on the mainstream economic media as salestrumpets of FIRE. Otherwise, you're confined to alternative outlets such as Al-Jazeera, ITulip, Calculated Risk, and yes - even Russia Today. While I find a Russian style collapse of the US not that likely, the parallells are in fact uncanny (declining domestic oil production, swamped in debt, unstable empire, an unwinnable war in Afghanistan, a dysfunctional political system that just continues the looting).

            A blanket reply of "not credible" simply doesn't cut it in my book. These types of "what if" scenarios may just be the alternative insight that you can tuck away and that save your ass if the time comes. But by all means, go hitch your fortune to the "credible sources" in the main stream media or strictly economic blogs. If there's one thing people need to wrap their heads around, it is that this is no longer just economics. This is deeply political, and you need to have a wider view of history to understand the possible future paths. Witness the "Gosbank"ing of US banks - another uncanny Russian parallel (which I called before EJ did).


            • #7
              Re: Dmitry Orlov:- America will collaspe

              Originally posted by krakknisse View Post
              Have you actually read Dmitry Orlov's book? It is much less rubbish than most of the things you read in the main stream media. One of the few places you will actually hear the truth today, in main stream media, is in satire and comedy. Surely you must be familiar with EJ's take on the mainstream economic media as salestrumpets of FIRE. Otherwise, you're confined to alternative outlets such as Al-Jazeera, ITulip, Calculated Risk, and yes - even Russia Today. While I find a Russian style collapse of the US not that likely, the parallells are in fact uncanny (declining domestic oil production, swamped in debt, unstable empire, an unwinnable war in Afghanistan, a dysfunctional political system that just continues the looting).

              A blanket reply of "not credible" simply doesn't cut it in my book. These types of "what if" scenarios may just be the alternative insight that you can tuck away and that save your ass if the time comes. But by all means, go hitch your fortune to the "credible sources" in the main stream media or strictly economic blogs. If there's one thing people need to wrap their heads around, it is that this is no longer just economics. This is deeply political, and you need to have a wider view of history to understand the possible future paths. Witness the "Gosbank"ing of US banks - another uncanny Russian parallel (which I called before EJ did).

              The idea that the United States will break up into several smaller countrys or fall captive to an invasion by China and Mexico is laughable at best. You are calling the kettle black when you are your self a burnt frying pan.

              One needs to weed out the rubbish from both sides of the political spectrum to get a clear veiw. Are we adopting some socialist social agendas? Of course. And it is about time. For too long we have allowed the elite rich to run roughshod over the working poor.
              Are we turning into a mini Russia? Please. Perhaps a pre 1950's America. A modern version of 17th century Russia? No.


              • #8
                Re: Dmitry Orlov:- America will collaspe

                Originally posted by krakknisse View Post
                Have you actually read Dmitry Orlov's book? It is much less rubbish than most of the things you read in the main stream media. One of the few places you will actually hear the truth today, in main stream media, is in satire and comedy. Surely you must be familiar with EJ's take on the mainstream economic media as salestrumpets of FIRE. Otherwise, you're confined to alternative outlets such as Al-Jazeera, ITulip, Calculated Risk, and yes - even Russia Today. While I find a Russian style collapse of the US not that likely, the parallells are in fact uncanny (declining domestic oil production, swamped in debt, unstable empire, an unwinnable war in Afghanistan, a dysfunctional political system that just continues the looting).

                A blanket reply of "not credible" simply doesn't cut it in my book. These types of "what if" scenarios may just be the alternative insight that you can tuck away and that save your ass if the time comes. But by all means, go hitch your fortune to the "credible sources" in the main stream media or strictly economic blogs. If there's one thing people need to wrap their heads around, it is that this is no longer just economics. This is deeply political, and you need to have a wider view of history to understand the possible future paths. Witness the "Gosbank"ing of US banks - another uncanny Russian parallel (which I called before EJ did).
                I've read that paper and listened to him talk. I prefer to imagine an America
                in which the German's control the U.S. up to the Rockies and Japan controls the Pacific Northwest and California. Sure a lot of stuff is possible.


                • #9
                  Re: Dmitry Orlov:- America will collaspe

                  I think he meant the collapse of the "American empire" if America loses the world reserve currency status for the dollar.


                  • #10
                    Re: Dmitry Orlov:- America will collaspe

                    iTulip predicts that Dmitry Orlov will collapse before the US does. Moving to Rant and Rave.


                    • #11
                      Re: Dmitry Orlov:- America will collaspe

                      Krakke - appreciate your points. Another discussion on this same topic was posted in VIDEO, with the publisher of Harper's Magazine, Rick MacArthur (who actually published EJ"s own article on the current debacle) actually being the one voice in that panel discussion who agreed that this thesis has at least some merit. Appreciate Fred's no-nonsense style a lot of the time, but maybe Fred should listen in on that panel discussion before summarily dumping this thread as being a discussion of a specious theme? Orlov may or may not be a credible voice. The theme itself is not so easily dismissed IMO.


                      Originally posted by krakknisse View Post
                      Have you actually read Dmitry Orlov's book? It is much less rubbish than most of the things you read in the main stream media. One of the few places you will actually hear the truth today, in main stream media, is in satire and comedy. Surely you must be familiar with EJ's take on the mainstream economic media as salestrumpets of FIRE. Otherwise, you're confined to alternative outlets such as Al-Jazeera, ITulip, Calculated Risk, and yes - even Russia Today. While I find a Russian style collapse of the US not that likely, the parallells are in fact uncanny (declining domestic oil production, swamped in debt, unstable empire, an unwinnable war in Afghanistan, a dysfunctional political system that just continues the looting).

                      A blanket reply of "not credible" simply doesn't cut it in my book. These types of "what if" scenarios may just be the alternative insight that you can tuck away and that save your ass if the time comes. But by all means, go hitch your fortune to the "credible sources" in the main stream media or strictly economic blogs. If there's one thing people need to wrap their heads around, it is that this is no longer just economics. This is deeply political, and you need to have a wider view of history to understand the possible future paths. Witness the "Gosbank"ing of US banks - another uncanny Russian parallel (which I called before EJ did).


                      • #12
                        Re: Dmitry Orlov:- America will collaspe

                        Originally posted by Lukester View Post
                        Krakke - appreciate your points. Another discussion on this same topic was posted in VIDEO, with the publisher of Harper's Magazine, Rick MacArthur (who actually published EJ"s own article on the current debacle) actually being the one voice in that panel discussion who agreed that this thesis has at least some merit. Appreciate Fred's no-nonsense style a lot of the time, but maybe Fred should listen in on that panel discussion before summarily dumping this thread as being a discussion of a specious theme? Orlov may or may not be a credible voice. The theme itself is not so easily dismissed IMO.

                        Just because Rick MacArthur is on a panel doesn't mean he agrees with everyone on it. Has Rick MacArthur published Orlov?

                        The US is not going to split up into little countries.


                        • #13
                          Re: Dmitry Orlov:- America will collaspe

                          Originally posted by FRED View Post
                          The US is not going to split up into little countries.
                          Got to agree on that.


                          • #14
                            Re: Dmitry Orlov:- America will collaspe

                            Do you imagine this, apparently you've read The Man in the High Castle....


                            • #15
                              Re: Dmitry Orlov:- America will collaspe

                              My Great Grannie could rant better than Orlov in his steady MONOTONE!!!!!

                              I would throw the FLAG us football style on this one and request an instant review by the REFEREE!!!!! He blew this call big time.

                              Orlov expressed well thought out opinions. Since when are Opinions banished to the Penalty Box?

                              If it is because he is WRONG, then let's have no more of Greenspan, Bernanke, Geithner, Obama, and all the other cronies, phonies and assorted expert dregs who brought this Disaster on and do not have a CLUE!!!!!

                              Americans have been living in a Dreamworld for the last thirty years. The shock of waking up leads to denial, incredulity and a desire to shut down the opinions of those who have known all along that the Dreamworld was a massive Fraud.

                              Turn off the TV, MSM, read some books about your history and the real America and get ready for Change, it ain't gonna get ready for you!

