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What have you observed about yourself during your time on this board?

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  • #31
    Re: What have you observed about yourself during your time on this board?

    Originally posted by karim0028 View Post
    About myself, i sensed that i was grateful to be able to look fear in the eye with the education and information i find here.... I've never been one to run and hide. IF the SHTF, i want to know about it, better to be informed and act than sit like a sheep waiting at the slaughter...

    I like others here also noticed that people actually WANT to have fair weather friends (you really do get what you ask for)... People prefer to hear good news and dont want to hear it when its bad.... I have had people literally tell me to stop telling them the economic info as they just dont want to be depressed... I really feel bad bc there are going to be alot of people severely financially impaired by this crisis yet they dont want to hear it when i attempt to provide some information...

    When i hear that, i just shrug my shoulders and walk away.... If it were me, i would want to know and i went out and sought info and have been seeking info for the last 2 years...

    I agree people would rather hear good news. I notice that as soon as I see something good on this board, I email it to a bunch of friends. Who proabably wonder why I'm reading the Times of London, and Reuters so much. Why do we want to share with people who already know how we feel about these things? All my friends certainly know how I feel and they must be sick of seeing my name in their in box. I think we do as a confirmation. See I was right. It's all going to fall apart.


    • #32
      Re: What have you observed about yourself during your time on this board?

      Originally posted by Spartacus View Post
      never telling you that joke again

      You have no idea how long it took me to get what you were saying. Mr. Art Van De Leigh.

      you do realize, this is a finance board populated by gun-toting, bunker-building survivalists who no doubt have pickup trucks with gun racks (not that there's anything wrong with that).


      • #33
        Re: What have you observed about yourself during your time on this board?

        As someone who is absolutely not one of the big dogs - but is the nameless dirty guy wearing 'The End of the World is Nigh' sandwich board standing on the street corner - don't be afraid to ask, to clarify, or to put forward your own thoughts/observations.

        Even our grouchy metaldude only reserves his most biting remarks for those who 'might' know better - not for those genuinely trying to learn.


        • #34
          Re: What have you observed about yourself during your time on this board?

          Originally posted by c1ue View Post
          As someone who is absolutely not one of the big dogs - but is the nameless dirty guy wearing 'The End of the World is Nigh' sandwich board standing on the street corner - don't be afraid to ask, to clarify, or to put forward your own thoughts/observations.

          Even our grouchy metaldude only reserves his most biting remarks for those who 'might' know better - not for those genuinely trying to learn.

          Which reminds me. Metalman you said this:
          pls start a new thread on this. not sure where.i'd like to participate.

          Metalman What have you observed about yourself during your time on this board?


          • #35
            Re: What have you observed about yourself during your time on this board?

            Originally posted by cjppjc View Post
            Which reminds me. Metalman you said this:
            pls start a new thread on this. not sure where.i'd like to participate.

            Metalman What have you observed about yourself during your time on this board?
            itulip is a refuge. what ej says is happening and will happen... day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year... lines up close with reality. turn on the tv, radio, hear the msm reporting, or talk to friends, business associates, etc., and the cognative dissonance makes my head hurt... no! no! no! stocks are not safe! no! no! no! a huge mortgage on a house is crazy! stop telling them that! (me yelling at the tv and throwing beer cans at it)

            i return here for sanity. been like that for years now. but that's changed.

            on this long trip... my mental state progressed over the years...





            my friends who didn't listen are now 100% screwed. they are figuring that out right about now. they staying the stock market and 1/2 the $$$ is gone. they didn't save. they have piles of debt. they are losing their jobs... everything itulip warned me about, and i then warned them about.

            i only have enough $$$ for myself & family to rise this out. there's nothing i can do for my friends who didn't listen. they don't say it but i know they resent me.

            no fun to be resented by your friends!

            now i add to the list...



            • #36
              Re: What have you observed about yourself during your time on this board?

              Originally posted by metalman View Post

              I offer my services as a professional friend for the low, low price of $6.55 per hour. :cool:


              • #37
                Re: What have you observed about yourself during your time on this board?

                Originally posted by metalman View Post
                itulip is a refuge. what ej says is happening and will happen... day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year... lines up close with reality. turn on the tv, radio, hear the msm reporting, or talk to friends, business associates, etc., and the cognative dissonance makes my head hurt... no! no! no! stocks are not safe! no! no! no! a huge mortgage on a house is crazy! stop telling them that! (me yelling at the tv and throwing beer cans at it)

                i return here for sanity. been like that for years now. but that's changed.

                on this long trip... my mental state progressed over the years...





                my friends who didn't listen are now 100% screwed. they are figuring that out right about now. they staying the stock market and 1/2 the $$$ is gone. they didn't save. they have piles of debt. they are losing their jobs... everything itulip warned me about, and i then warned them about.

                i only have enough $$$ for myself & family to rise this out. there's nothing i can do for my friends who didn't listen. they don't say it but i know they resent me.

                no fun to be resented by your friends!

                now i add to the list...

                Worried, alarmed, angry, resigned. Yes I think if you had a poll up, that would proabably be the order most of us would vote on. Frustrated might come in there. There has been mention of the frustration we feel when we are not able to convince others of our belief in the way things will turn out. A small percentage of people I have noticed have listened to my predictions and made changes to their investments. But most listen, agree and then do nothing. You ended your post with the word lonely. It invokes a sadness that I observe in myself when I read some of the posts on this forum.
                I wonder if there is a way to galvanize that feeling to constructive action?


                • #38
                  Re: What have you observed about yourself during your time on this board?

                  Originally posted by cjppjc View Post
                  Worried, alarmed, angry, resigned. Yes I think if you had a poll up, that would proabably be the order most of us would vote on. Frustrated might come in there. There has been mention of the frustration we feel when we are not able to convince others of our belief in the way things will turn out. A small percentage of people I have noticed have listened to my predictions and made changes to their investments. But most listen, agree and then do nothing. You ended your post with the word lonely. It invokes a sadness that I observe in myself when I read some of the posts on this forum.
                  I wonder if there is a way to galvanize that feeling to constructive action?
                  well, we have each other! maybe organize local meet-ups?


                  • #39
                    Re: What have you observed about yourself during your time on this board?

                    Originally posted by cjppjc View Post
                    Worried, alarmed, angry, resigned. Yes I think if you had a poll up, that would proabably be the order most of us would vote on. Frustrated might come in there. There has been mention of the frustration we feel when we are not able to convince others of our belief in the way things will turn out. A small percentage of people I have noticed have listened to my predictions and made changes to their investments. But most listen, agree and then do nothing. You ended your post with the word lonely. It invokes a sadness that I observe in myself when I read some of the posts on this forum.
                    I wonder if there is a way to galvanize that feeling to constructive action?
                    It's funny, while most of my family still thinks I'm am off base (although this is changing, especially for my wife), over time I have found more and more people who have sympathetic views or those who's views are changing to incorporate at least some of the hard truth. Warning about the real estate bust and stock market bust has gotten more people to listen to me (and proper credit was given to itulip!) Two of my friends have reluctantly bought bullion. And I have three more who "get it," one who put everything in PM's before I met him, one who hasn't bought PM's but understands that magnitude of what is happening, another who's parents have been buying PM's for decades.
                    I don't feel lonely at all, just concerned for my parents and siblings, but they will be OK. In addition, this place offers plenty of community. I feel that there are lots of people out there who just need the underswell to get a bit bigger and they will be heard too. Many people know there is something wrong. With the right leadership Americans will regroup.


                    • #40
                      Re: What have you observed about yourself during your time on this board?

                      Originally posted by Jay View Post
                      It's funny, while most of my family still thinks I'm am off base (although this is changing, especially for my wife), over time I have found more and more people who have sympathetic views or those who's views are changing to incorporate at least some of the hard truth. Warning about the real estate bust and stock market bust has gotten more people to listen to me (and proper credit was given to itulip!) Two of my friends have reluctantly bought bullion. And I have three more who "get it," one who put everything in PM's before I met him, one who hasn't bought PM's but understands that magnitude of what is happening, another who's parents have been buying PM's for decades.
                      I don't feel lonely at all, just concerned for my parents and siblings, but they will be OK. In addition, this place offers plenty of community. I feel that there are lots of people out there who just need the underswell to get a bit bigger and they will be heard too. Many people know there is something wrong. With the right leadership Americans will regroup.
                      Yes. A feeling of community. Maybe people on other boards feel this as well. For me, that feeling is very strong here.


                      • #41
                        Re: What have you observed about yourself during your time on this board?

                        Originally posted by metalman View Post
                        itulip is a refuge. what ej says is happening and will happen... day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year... lines up close with reality. turn on the tv, radio, hear the msm reporting, or talk to friends, business associates, etc., and the cognative dissonance makes my head hurt... no! no! no! stocks are not safe! no! no! no! a huge mortgage on a house is crazy! stop telling them that! (me yelling at the tv and throwing beer cans at it)

                        i return here for sanity. been like that for years now. but that's changed.

                        on this long trip... my mental state progressed over the years...





                        my friends who didn't listen are now 100% screwed. they are figuring that out right about now. they staying the stock market and 1/2 the $$$ is gone. they didn't save. they have piles of debt. they are losing their jobs... everything itulip warned me about, and i then warned them about.

                        i only have enough $$$ for myself & family to rise this out. there's nothing i can do for my friends who didn't listen. they don't say it but i know they resent me.

                        no fun to be resented by your friends!

                        now i add to the list...


                        yes they may resent (themselves) but they will be a listening. it's not your job to try to be someones personal banker in all this (and you implied nothing of the sort) but i seem to recall a good EJ quote a while back:

                        When we restarted in March 2006, we warned about housing, the stock market, and a coming deep recession. We didn't focus heavily on the housing bubble because we knew that once it was over, who'll need a site about a housing bubble? Warning readers about a coming collapse in housing and stock prices was helpful from early 2006 to the end of 2007. In 2009, after the collapse, who will want to read about the resulting depression?

                        When Americans are neck deep in water, they won't need a lecture about floods, they'll need swimming instructions. What will Roubini et al do for their second act? What in their backgrounds gives them credibility or the tools to be helpful in the process of reconstruction?

                        The time is fast arriving for solutions, and doomers are not qualified to offer them.

                        This economy will be rebuilt by entrepreneurs together with investors, academics, and politicians who understand them. It will not be by dramatic action but slow and steady progress that we will recover. In parallel with all of the bad news will be good news you will not hear. We'll bring it to you.


                        • #42
                          Re: What have you observed about yourself during your time on this board?

                          Originally posted by strittmatter View Post

                          yes they may resent (themselves) but they will be a listening. it's not your job to try to be someones personal banker in all this (and you implied nothing of the sort) but i seem to recall a good EJ quote a while back:
                          No it's certainly not his job. I think Metalman feels he could have tried a little better to convert his friends. Better is wrong. Maybe tried to show his ernestness. But Strittmatter you are not imune.

                          What have you observed about yourself during your time on this board?


                          • #43
                            Re: What have you observed about yourself during your time on this board?

                            Life gets worser when you

                            1. expect people to behave rationally

                            2. take things personally (99.99% of the time it really is more about their own issues than you)

                            Originally posted by metalman View Post
                            my friends who didn't listen are now 100% screwed. they are figuring that out right about now. they staying the stock market and 1/2 the $$$ is gone. they didn't save. they have piles of debt. they are losing their jobs... everything itulip warned me about, and i then warned them about.


                            • #44
                              Re: What have you observed about yourself during your time on this board?

                              Yeah Metalguy. I can offer my services as a professional "frand" too! Same rate as BadJuju (no credit cards accepted though, only USD cash or money orders). With one or two professional "frands" lined up, and an 800 number, you can chat and vent and whinge and confide, and generally feel a whole lot better. None of us have day-jobs anyway so there's all the time in the world. "We're here to help" (and earn some scraps of easy income!).

                              [ Hon, you've been on the phone for three quarters of an hour! Come on dinner's ready! - Yeah I know, but it's Metalman on the phone from New Hampshire, and he's pouring his heart out again at $6.55 an hour! What are ya gonna do when the guy's babbling on non-stop? Can ya bring me a BLT sandiwch and a cold beer maybe? Yeesh. I've been saying "uh-huh" for fifteen minutes straight to the guy and he's still talking! ]

                              Originally posted by metalman View Post
                              ... turn on the tv, radio, hear the msm reporting, or talk to friends, business associates, etc., and the cognative dissonance makes my head hurt... ... (me yelling at the tv and throwing beer cans at it) ... my mental state progressed over the years... worried / alarmed / angry / resigned. ... no fun to be resented by your friends! ... now i add to the list ... lonely.
                              Originally posted by BadJuju View Post
                              I offer my services as a professional friend for the low, low price of $6.55 per hour. :cool:
                              Last edited by Contemptuous; February 26, 2009, 10:07 PM.


                              • #45
                                Re: What have you observed about yourself during your time on this board?

                                you're right in that the metaldude is doing some mind reading (he can't know what they think)


                                from my recollection of what little psych I took, cognitive dissonance does say that people come to resent those who gave correct, but rejected, advice.

                                Originally posted by strittmatter View Post
                                yes they may resent (themselves) but they will be a listening. it's not your job to try to be someones personal banker in all this (and you implied nothing of the sort) but i seem to recall a good EJ quote a while back:

