When times get tough, the tough go off the deep end.
A few random predictions for later in 2009 [after my second cup of coffee this am]...
Have a good one...;)
A few random predictions for later in 2009 [after my second cup of coffee this am]...
- At the first faint hints of the second half economic recovery [currently scheduled to make an appearance on July 1] Nouriel Roubini will turn into a raving bull. He will quit his job at Stern School and convert RGE Monitor into a long-only investment fund.
- Amid falling poll numbers, President Obama will fire Larry Summers..."Larry Summers came to Washington to help me save 4 million jobs" the President will explain. "Unfortunately he seems to have forgotten that one of those was supposed to be mine". The President's parting words to Summers will be "...and take that boy wonder Treasury Secretary with you..."
- Paul Krugman will renounce his Nobel Prize. "A life filled with inane television interviews is no life at all" Krugman will write in his letter to the Nobel Committee. "All this partying with European royalty is killing me". When asked what his future holds Krugman's response will be "I look forward to returning to obscurity. Another little-known Princeton economist, Ben Bernanke, and I have plans to research policy options to completely eliminate the role of the private sector in developed economies".
- President Obama will nominate Michael Jackson as his new Treasury Secretary. "We brothers got-ta stick tooo-gethaa..." will be the President's only comment.
- Charles O. "Chuck" Prince, III will appear as a contestant on Dancing With The Stars. When asked to describe his experience Prince will claim "I still can't stop..."
- Unable to find employment in the financial sector, John Thain will open an interior decorating boutique in Lower Manhattan.
- Hank Paulson will join the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as a vaccine consultant. Paulson will tell the press "Who could possibly know more about contagions than me?"
- In an updated version of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Laura will present W with a new Stihl as a retirement present. Interviewed at Crawford, the former President will tell the press "Running the US economy is just like clearing brush. You chop it into little bits, pull out all the roots, and set FIRE to the pile."
- The NRA will reject Dick Cheney's application to become its next President. When pressed, NRA officials will admit that Cheney wanted to re-enact the opening sequence from the Beverly Hillbillies, with himself in the starring role..."Although we hold the former Veep in high regard for his exceptional firearms handling skills, we felt that promoting the NRA as an organization that can help the USA become energy self-sufficient, by finding oil with a gun, detracted from our core message".
Have a good one...;)