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India latest Idea

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  • India latest Idea

    They must have drank a Tin of "RED BULL" & got the wrong idea!

  • #2
    Re: India latest Idea

    May all the nationalists of India or any country, anywhere, drink all the urine they want. Here is another example of junk science and morons in action. They don't call it "the turd world" without reason, but there are nationalists everywhere on Earth, unfortunately.


    • #3
      Re: India latest Idea

      India has hell a lot of problems, but why only such shit gets published in foreign media I don't know. I am pretty sure that Hindus in cities don't even bother about it, and people in rural areas will have no need to pay for it (they will have it plenty for free any way). Any way, RSS gained popularity among Hindus because they fought a lot against Christian churches attempts to convert many to Christianity. I am pretty sure that Westerners call it as 'religious freedom' but the reality is that many were given freebies for this conversion. The people volunteering for this conversion may believe that they were getting something for nothing, and westerners probably thought they were increasing world's christian population with very low cost.

      I remind again, RSS never protested against Christians. It only protested against conversions.


      • #4
        Re: India latest Idea

        When I look at the bloody fued between Isreal and Palestine, the battle seems to boil down to intolerance fueled by nationalism and religious fundamentalism on both sides. The dispute between Isreal and Palestine to me seems simple to solve except for the trouble and lack of co-operation by the nationalists on both sides.

        When I think about the curse of nationalism in the Isreali-Palestine dispute and in all other disputes worldwide, nationalism seems to have an ally with intolerance--- the latter usually religious but often cultural, lingual, or racial.

        May nationalists drink their urine and be happy everywhere.:rolleyes:


        • #5
          Re: India latest Idea

          Somehow, I don't think 'cowpee cola' is going to take off in India or elsewhere, people have basic common sense, don't they? I do hope though that the nationalists lose their shirts promoting it..

          The picture of the 'vending machine' was hilarious..

