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Those octuplets in California?

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  • Those octuplets in California?

    In microcosm, why they (and we) are so fucked up.

    If you're curious about what we're up against as a nation with the previous Ticker "Here It Comes", particularly when it comes to California and its fiscal problems that threaten to turn into an all-on state-wide collapse, this ought to make it rather clear:
    LOS ANGELES - The woman who gave birth to octuplets this week conceived all 14 of her children through in vitro fertilization, is not married and has been obsessed with having children since she was a teenager, her mother said.

    Angela Suleman told The Associated Press she was not supportive when her daughter, Nadya Suleman, decided to have more embryos implanted last year.
    That's right.

    14 children, all conceived by artificial means, unmarried, and worse...
    "She told me that all of her kids were through in vitro, and I said 'Gosh, how can you afford that and go to school at the same time?"' she added. "And she said it's because she got paid for it."
    Uh, by whom was she being paid? That wouldn't be our wonderful "welfare" system, would it be? WIC, EIC, you know, "pay me to live and poop out kids"?

    Unknown. What is known is this from the LA Times:
    "Friends and family also reported that Nadya Suleman worked as a psychiatric technician until she was injured on the job. Then she began having children and enrolled in school.

    She graduated from Cal State Fullerton in 2006 with a bachelor of science degree in child and adolescent development, school officials said. She returned to pursue a master's in counseling, but last attended in the spring of 2008."
    So how did she get paid to have these kids? The timing suggests that she quit school when she became pregnant with the octuplets.
    Nor does it end there:
    "The eight babies — six boys and two girls — were delivered by Cesarean section weighing between 1 pound, 8 ounces and 3 pounds, 4 ounces. Forty-six physicians and staff assisted in the deliveries."
    Not one of those children could go to a normal nursery ward as all are critically under normal weight. Never mind the 46 physicians and staff (and the dozens more who will take care of these kids in neonatal until they reach a safe weight to remove from around-the-clock medical supervision) - who paid for them?

    14 children. No ability to cover the expenses of having or raising them by herself. Implanted by a medical system that was paid by you and I to perform these procedures, given "free" medical care which you and I paid for, born into a demand for extreme immediate medical care and expense and now, to raise those 14 children (each of which, by the way, has a cost of at least $100,000 - each - from birth to 18, assuming no complications post-discharge) you and I will pay for that too.

    And before someone says "what if she's not on welfare" let me point out that (1) even "private insurance" has lifetime limits on coverage which almost certainly will be exceeded by these kid's neonatal care, and (2) even if they're not this still constitutes a massive "money grab" from every other policyholder to her for an elective procedure (the choice to be IVF'd in the first place.)

    Oh, and it gets better. The Times in the UK is saying this:
    "Her family has told agents she needs cash from deals such as nappy sponsorship — she will get through 250 a week in the next few months — and the agents will gauge public reaction to her story.
    Nadya Suleman, who describes herself as a “professional student” living off education grants and parental money, broke up with her boyfriend before the birth of her first child seven years ago."
    Then there's this, from the same article:
    US public reaction has been mixed: many have asked how an unemployed single mother can raise 14 children, as her first six have already strained the family budget. Angela and Ed Suleman, Nadya’s parents,bought her a two-bedroom bungalow in the suburb of Whittier in March 2007, but soon after got into debt and had to leave their own home.

    They filed for bankruptcy and moved in with their daughter and grandchildren. Last week her father said he would return to his native Iraq to work as a translator and driver.
    Sounds like the family money has already run out.

    The epitomy of "I want, therefore I will have, and damn the consequences and costs."

    There is no chance of this woman being able to forward up the nearly $100,000 per year that such a family would cost to raise assuming, once again, not one of those kids requires special care.

    That's after we (not she) pay the $1,000,000+ in up-front costs for the neonatal and birth expenses for these eight - whether through Medicaid or private insurance, she did not pay that bill personally. A neonatal stay is an easy $150,000 (each), and that's if things don't go badly south.
    It didn't matter. She wanted an entire kindergarten class of her own and so by God she was entitled to access extraordinary medical procedures and to have one, irrespective of her personal ability to cover the cost both here and forward.

    However you slice it this is ridiculous. FOURTEEN children as a single parent? Assuming she has medical "insurance" from somewhere, exactly how does a desire to have as many kids as humanly possible entitle her to this sort of abuse of that insurance? If she doesn't have insurance, who's footing the bill? And how do you possibly go out and earn a living while raising fourteen kids?

    This is what the nation is up against.
    This is why California is broke.
    This is what we have created and allowed to fester in our country.
    This is what happens when demands are not tempered by ability to pay and the consequences of one's actions, but instead are allowed to be shoved off on other people. It is what happens when ethics fail and regulation is eschewed to enforce that which ethics refuses to.

    In the financial markets it was put this way by Jesse's Cafe:
    "You want leverage? Imagine a 20 billion dollar portfolio of mortgage backed securities with a capital base of $10k, literally 2 million-fold leverage. Imagine the shock of the inventor as he watches as his successors expand similar portfolios up to $900 billion.
    The guys initially putting these packages together had some sense that they were crazy, that they made no sense, but nobody said stop, and they didn't care. It was a good time to make money and then move along.
    Got it?

    It was a good time to do what we wanted, get what we want, take as much as we can (irrespective of the ethics or even the law involved), ignore the consequences and then move along, saddling someone else with the bill.

    This is not just a financial markets issue. It is an everything and everywhere issue.

    The problem is that there is no "someone else" and the bill is on the table. We will pay that check, and it will be paid through radical contraction in our standard of living and, if we do not stop rewarding these sorts of actions and instead try to bail them out we will suffer an all-on economic and social collapse.

    THAT is what has to change if we are to solve the problems we face, and WE as Americans must demand that it change.

    Buckle up.
    Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho

  • #2
    Re: Those octuplets in California?

    Our runaway Technologies should take a hit for this also.

    The news that the octuplets' mother already had six children sparked an ethical debate. Some medical experts were disturbed to hear that she was offered fertility treatment, and troubled by the possibility that she was implanted with so many embryos.

    "You should always shoot for one," said Dr. Marcelle Cedars, a professor and director of reproductive health at the University of California, San Francisco, Medical Center, who worried about the increased risk of potential health complications for the babies.
    So, without in vitro fertilization, no EIGHT KIDS. Was Dr. Frankenstein working on this?

    On the larger scale, how does Humanity control new Technologies? Obviously, in vitro fertilization is not properly controlled.

    What about Bio Research Labs and their uncontrolled proliferation?:

    Laboratories conducting research on lethal pathogens, often suitable for biological warfare, are springing up all over, according to a 2007 U.S. General Accounting Office report. Seattle already houses at least 10 such labs.

    The exact number is unknown because the law does not require public notice. Operated by universities, private corporations and government, those laboratories are intended to develop defenses against bioterrorism, pandemics such as a humanly transmissible avian flu, incurable diseases such as ebola and new treatments for existing diseases.

    Notwithstanding their laudatory purposes, the labs, which operate almost entirely without government regulation or public oversight, already have had scores of accidents. [my bold. Sure sounds like the same for in vitro]

    In 2004 at the privately operated Seattle Infectious Disease Research Institute, three employees were infected with potentially lethal aerosolized tuberculosis. Apparently, a containment vessel had leaked.

    In 2006 at Texas A&M University's bioresearch lab, a scientist was infected with brucella bacteria, which could cause serious heart and neurological damage. The lab had neglected to inform her that brucella required precautions in addition to those needed for work with other dangerous pathogens.

    Three years ago, at Boston University's biolab, three researchers working with tularemia, a potentially fatal pathogen suitable for biological warfare, became infected.

    Last fall, foot and mouth virus, which can devastate livestock herds, escaped from a U.S. laboratory in England. Several hundred cattle had to be killed as a precaution. The virus apparently escaped through faulty pipes. None of those accidents was made public by the lab operator.

    The 2007 GAO report indicated that the public safety risk posed by the labs is growing. It further noted "these labs represent a capability that can be misused by terrorists or people with malicious intent." Clearly, continued self-regulation by the labs is simply high-tech Russian roulette.

    For starters, are any of these bioresearch labs insured for the potential damage they may cause to Humanity?

    The Financial Implosion is child's play compared to the havoc The Masters Of The Scientific Universe may cause.


    • #3
      Re: Those octuplets in California?

      An even more flagrant indicator of our f*ckedupness is that she will likely get paid for being a baby factory. And the masses will be distracted, at least momentarily, from American Idol and Bravo TV.

      Octuplets mum 'deluged by offers'

      Ms Joann Killeen said she was contacted by Ms Suleman to represent her and that hundreds of offers had been received. Many were for interviews but some have been to host TV shows or be a baby expert.
      "She's the most sought-after mom in the world right now," said her publicist.


      • #4
        Re: Those octuplets in California?

        Americans think there problems are only Financial when in fact they go through all Sectors of society. In this case, the Medical Profession has a lot to answer for:

        LOS ANGELES — The mother of octuplets was implanted with those embryos at a Beverly Hills fertility clinic run by a well-known _ and controversial _ specialist who pioneered a method of implantation. Dr. Michael Kamrava's name emerged Monday as a result of an interview aired Monday on NBC with Nadya Suleman, who gave birth to eight babies Jan. 26....

        Without identifying the doctor, the Medical Board of California said last week it was looking into the Suleman case to see if there was a "violation of the standard of care." The medical board said Monday it has not taken any disciplinary action against Kamrava in the past.

        In the NBC interview, Suleman did not identify her doctor by name, but said that she went to the West Coast IVF Clinic in Beverly Hills _ of which Kamrava is director _ and that all 14 of her children were conceived with help from the same doctor. In 2006, Los Angeles TV station KTLA ran a story on infertility that showed Kamrava treating Suleman and discussing embryo implantation....

        "He's tried some novel techniques and some of those methods have been controversial," said Dr. John Jain, founder of Santa Monica Fertility Specialists....

        An in-vitro procedure typically costs between $8,000 and $15,000. Asked on NBC how she was able to afford the treatments, Suleman said she had saved money and used some of the more than $165,000 in disability payments she received after being injured in a 1999 riot at a state mental hospital where she worked....

        So here we have Fertility Specialists (remember Mortgage Specialists?) inventing new and improved Fertility Products and having to find more and more Clients for their services.


        Luckily, in this case, this Dr. Frankenstein was not working on something a bit more lethal in one of the thousands of little regulated bioresearch labs around the World. But lots of other equally irresponsible and greedy "scientists" are.


        • #5
          Re: Those octuplets in California?

          Anybody ever wonder why the MSM decided to focus on this story? What are the chances that this guy really cares enough about the octuplets to stand outside their home and protest? Who is paying this guy to stand there? fficeffice" />


          • #6
            Re: Those octuplets in California?

            There is a new special Fertility Promotion at Dennys' Restaurants: if you are a fertility minded Mom, go into Denny's, order FOURTEEN EGGS, and the people at the next table will pay for them.


            • #7
              Re: Those octuplets in California?

              Receptionist: "Dr. Frankenstein, your next nine billable patients are here."
              The Fertility Bubble is upon us.



              • #8
                Re: Those octuplets in California?

                In her television interview she said the loans aren't "welfare" because she is going to "consolidate them and pay them back." Is this what EJ has in mind when he talks about debt forgiveness.


                • #9
                  Re: Those octuplets in California?

                  Originally posted by petertribo View Post

                  So, without in vitro fertilization, no EIGHT KIDS. Was Dr. Frankenstein working on this?
                  My understanding is that any number of children born at the same time above two is HIGHLY unlikely without medical intervention of some form. Four or more basically impossible.


                  • #10
                    Re: Those octuplets in California?

                    If you want to see what the future looks like take a look at the UK - they are one a day. Here's todays round up

                    Baby-faced boy Alfie Patten is father at 13


                    Top quote from the video,

                    Interviewer to Alfie: What will you do financially?
                    Alfie: What's financially?
                    Interviewer: What will you do for money?
                    Alfie: (Shrugs sholders) I don't know

                    “I didn’t think about how we would afford it. I don’t really get pocket money. My dad sometimes gives me £10.”

                    or try this one..

                    Triplets at 17


                    A TEENAGE mum on benefits who had a baby son at 15 is expecting triplets — at 17.

                    Callum, who is not the dad of Sian’s son Jaden, two, said yesterday he plans to keep signing on for benefits until the babies are older because Sian “wants me at home”.

                    Sian’s mum Rachel Briggs, 40 — who has six kids — admitted she was “gutted” to learn her daughter was expecting again, but has vowed to stand by her.
                    Sian will not be Britain’s youngest mum of triplets.
                    Natalie Scanlan, 16, from Stalybridge, Greater Manchester had identical triplets in 2006.
                    And Amy Smith, 16, of Middlesbrough, had non-identical triplets last December.

                    It's quite a simple system,

                    Babies = Benefits = £££££
                    More babies = More benefits = More £££££££££

                    1 baby = (free*) flat
                    3 babies = (free*) house

                    It won't be long until kids actually knowing and meetings their great great grandparents is the norm. We already have grandmothers by 30!

                    * free the them - paid for by tax payers.


                    • #11
                      Re: Those octuplets in California?

                      If someone had written all this 100 years ago who would have believed it?

                      I cry for the future.


                      • #12
                        Re: Those octuplets in California?

                        Great post Master Shake and I second much of the sentiment, but someone should point out to you or the original author of that assertion, unequivocally, that this is NOT "why California is broke". That assertion descends into absurd hyperbole and is also misleading because it diverts conclusions from some fiscal factors at work that are much larger. You might seek to distance yourself from this type of hyperbole just in order to maintain "good housekeeping" rules?

                        Originally posted by Master Shake View Post
                        This is what the nation is up against.
                        This is why California is broke. This is what we have created and allowed to fester in our country.


                        • #13
                          Re: Those octuplets in California?

                          Originally posted by bungee View Post
                          If you want to see what the future looks like take a look at the UK - they are one a day. Here's todays round up

                          Baby-faced boy Alfie Patten is father at 13


                          Top quote from the video,

                          Interviewer to Alfie: What will you do financially?
                          Alfie: What's financially?
                          Interviewer: What will you do for money?
                          Alfie: (Shrugs sholders) I don't know

                          “I didn’t think about how we would afford it. I don’t really get pocket money. My dad sometimes gives me £10.”

                          or try this one..

                          Triplets at 17


                          A TEENAGE mum on benefits who had a baby son at 15 is expecting triplets — at 17.

                          Callum, who is not the dad of Sian’s son Jaden, two, said yesterday he plans to keep signing on for benefits until the babies are older because Sian “wants me at home”.

                          Sian’s mum Rachel Briggs, 40 — who has six kids — admitted she was “gutted” to learn her daughter was expecting again, but has vowed to stand by her.
                          Sian will not be Britain’s youngest mum of triplets.
                          Natalie Scanlan, 16, from Stalybridge, Greater Manchester had identical triplets in 2006.
                          And Amy Smith, 16, of Middlesbrough, had non-identical triplets last December.

                          It's quite a simple system,

                          Babies = Benefits = £££££
                          More babies = More benefits = More £££££££££

                          1 baby = (free*) flat
                          3 babies = (free*) house

                          It won't be long until kids actually knowing and meetings their great great grandparents is the norm. We already have grandmothers by 30!

                          * free the them - paid for by tax payers.
                          I dont understand how welfare supporters can never admit the huge moral hazard welfare refuse and how it subsidies irresponsible behavior. I remember reading on figures after welfare for single mothers was introduced in the US. Just a couple of years before it 80% of African American children (if not more) were born into 2 parent households 5 years after welfare was introduced that number had gone down by more than 10%...


                          • #14
                            Re: Those octuplets in California?

                            Originally posted by tsetsefly View Post
                            I dont understand how welfare supporters can never admit the huge moral hazard welfare refuse and how it subsidies irresponsible behavior. I remember reading on figures after welfare for single mothers was introduced in the US. Just a couple of years before it 80% of African American children (if not more) were born into 2 parent households 5 years after welfare was introduced that number had gone down by more than 10%...

                            Welfare supporters will use almost the same argument as gun lovers. Guns don't kill people; people do.

                            Btw: Don't shoot the messinger, I own a gun.


                            • #15
                              Re: Those octuplets in California?

                              The reported voluminous death threats, the media coverage and unfortunately even iTulip readers responses illustrate the ease that people's anger can be re-channeled into a dead end. A Cali clown is as pertinent as Welfare Queens were to the disassembling of banking regulation :p

