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Astrology and markets

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  • Astrology and markets

    So, what iTulipers believe about stuff like this?

    OK, I didn't knew where to put this question and I hope this is the right forum.

    I'm a skeptic, but I hope I'm not an arrogant idiot and I try as much as possible to keep an open mind before dismissing tinfoil hat material....

    I honestly believe that if Euphoria and Europa (two Jovian satellites) get in conjunction and, together, they begin a retroverse ascension into Uranus, that doesn't mean the celestial bodies are responsible for giving you an urge to take a plane to Amsterdam in order to find your happiness in a gay bar... I believe there are simpler explanations for this kind of urges (such as a mechanical failure of the hinges on your closet doors etc.)

    But quite often I get across stuff like this:

    Of course, it was a disastrous year. The dividend-reinvested Dow Jones Wilshire 5000 was down 38.3% over the year to date ending in November.
    But the winner, Arch Crawford's Crawford Perspectives, gained 42.4%, a performance that would have gotten into the top 10 most any year. Crawford is a veteran technically-oriented timer who is famous for openly discussing astrology. (I say openly because there's more of it on Wall Street than you might think. Or perhaps you do think). He's had bad years and he has underperformed the market over the decades that the Hulbert Financial Digest has been monitoring him, but in the last few years he's been on a roll. See Nov. 9 column
    Crawford has been short most of 2008, but currently he's cheerful. In his letter dated Dec. 1, he wrote: "We are looking for some further advancement this week, followed by a decline into the Full Moon square Saturn on Dec. 12, probably marking a pull-back low Dec. 12-17. This pullback is likely to form a Right Shoulder on a potential Reverse Head-and-Shoulder bottom formation. From there, an explosive year-end move could develop in the upward direction, which we expect to be very profitable. Rally should rise well into January.
    "After a corrective phase into late February, a much stronger and more lasting advance is indicated by the Bradley Model well into the summer of 2009."
    I don't know anything about the "Reverse Head-and-Shoulder" , but I can vouch here in public, that the "Head-and-Shoulders 2 in 1" worked for me like a miracle and I'll stick with this shampoo.

    Here is the big question: what do you think is the scoop with the astrology predictions of the markets?

    Everybody knows astrology is quite widespread in investment circles, and I know personally and heard of people who made money following astrological advice. One very knowledgeable person, who like me doesn't believe of the miracle of Euphoria in Uranus, told me that, at his office, they receive charts from obscenely paid astrological consultants (with exclusive contracts and all that jazz). Over several years, since he started to work there, based on his direct observations, the astrological were pretty much on the spot at least with respect to timing of different market moves. Basically when all four astrologers agree on an unexpected market evolution, it always happens. The guys in that office don't make their moves based on astrological charts, but on solid analysis, however, they always check their planned trades against those astrological reports.

    How can astrologers (the top ones not the tabloids wannabes) can correctly predict market moves? To me this stuff doesn't make to much sense and this question is bugging me for a long time. I haven't find yet a clear answer, but I can think only of three possible logical explanations:

    1) Being right for the wrong reasons. Almost everybody has heard about the Kondratieff and other waves compounding in a complex modulated pattern affecting the economy. The Jevons hypothesis seems quite reasonable IMHO. Maybe the successful astrologers, after a lot of trial and error, got it right with the respect of timing and effect. What they see as Neptune getting in the house of Pisces (or whatever) is nothing else than empirically discovered and wrongfully attributed begging of the Kondratieff wave. Since they had a long time for empirical observations, they've been successful in attributing an astrological cyclical event to every economic wave exactly as out ancestors discovered the correlations between star and celestial body moves with seasons and today we have all these religious celebrations at solstices and equinoxes.

    2) The best cover story ever invented. Most of the real successful investors who say they are using astrology, actually are into insider trading and all kinds of illegal shit, and they use astrology as an excuse for their "planet inspired moves". Imagine if Martha Stewart was able to present to the investigators a report from an astrologer saying that for her personal astrological data (year and place of birth) Mercury in conjunction with Saturn meant that any healing endeavor is doomed to fail, and as a result she sold the Imclone shares. It wouldn't have worked anyway in her case, but ... you get my drift.

    3) Self-fulfilled prophecy by unintended coordination. This s quite difficult to explain. A lot of very rich and powerful people, out of boredom or stupidity, are in all kind of kinky esoteric/spiritualist stuff. I'm not talking here about the Beatles getting a dope trip in India, I'm talking about people like Ronald Reagan who went and ran in the woods at the Bohemian Grove, who was getting in the White House an astrologer (sneaked in by Nancy) and who did made his famous Evil Empire speech after getting astrological advice about the stars being extremely favorable for the defeat of the Soviet Union.

    If we look at the top important people in the financial and political spheres (which are well intertwined) almost all are, or have been, in various fraternities, secret societies , Bohemian Groves, Skull and Bones, Kappa Pipi Delta etc. It isn't a stretch of imagination to believe that most of them would be also inclined to (at least) take a look at astrological predictions for a second opinion. When we hear things like the fact that all important US presidents had received secret astrological advice, and major events (such as the Normandy invasion) had been timed (delayed) based on astrological charts ... one can't stop wondering.

    The idea is that the elites can be quite snobish (too much power, money and privilege) and if all big sharks receive and believe in advice from the same small group of elite-certified/in-vogue astrologers, that creates some kind of Unintended Retarded Astrological Illuminati super-secret society. It's super-secret because even the snob elitist morons, who are its members, don't realize they are involuntary and unknowingly creating it.

    Let's say that the top 20 brass-balls hedgefunds are managed by Bernies who get advice from the same small group of fashionable, well payed, astrologers. If all those Bernies really believe that "a decline into the Full Moon square Saturn on Dec. 12, probably marking a pull-back low Dec. 12-17" means it's a good time to invest in banks, they all start buying into financials. The word spreads, and others find out about the big boys (who must know something because they are well connected) are buying into financials... Voila! the market sentiment is changed based on a rumor and the reality of an unintended coordinated action.
    Any other ideas or opinions?

  • #2
    Re: Astrology and markets

    Originally posted by $#* View Post
    So, what iTulipers believe about stuff like this?

    Any other ideas or opinions?
    Astrology provides a great analysis of the nature of the universe and human personality . . . but as far as predictive value it's complete BS.

    I think this quote from the above post on the performance of astrological-based investing says it all: "He's had bad years and he has underperformed the market over the decades."
    Boycott Big Banks • Vote Out Incumbents


    • #3
      Re: Astrology and markets

      no one in the 10 yrs i've been around this site... as i recall... has ever brought up the topic of astrology.


      • #4
        Re: Astrology and markets

        Originally posted by metalman View Post
        no one in the 10 yrs i've been around this site... as i recall... has ever brought up the topic of astrology.
        Metalman, if you have nothing to say can you please abstain from posting platitudes ? Astrology has been alluded several times before here on iTulip.Try to use the search function.

        (Fred, please can something be done so my threads are not trolled incesantly by metalman with cheap attacks and insinuating lady doth? Maybe there are iTulipers interested in discussing this subject and not in metalman's artistic performances)

        Originally posted by raja View Post
        Astrology provides a great analysis of the nature of the universe and human personality . . . but as far as predictive value it's complete BS.

        I think this quote from the above post on the performance of astrological-based investing says it all: "He's had bad years and he has underperformed the market over the decades."
        Raja I agree. I can't see how astrology can predict the evolution of a stock. I'm curious how an astrologer would make a horoscope for LEH for example What would he put for the LEH date of birth and place of birth? And what about M&A's ?

        I think the interesting question lays in an other direction: can somehow those who use astrology in market prediction be right for the wrong reasons? And if yes ... what would be those real reasons for the astrological success? Is astrology used today on Wall Street just because there are so many dumb managers ready to believe in hermetic Crammers?


        • #5
          Re: Astrology and markets

          Originally posted by $#* View Post
          Metalman, if you have nothing to say can you please abstain from posting platitudes ? Astrology has been alluded several times before here on iTulip.Try to use the search function.

          (Fred, please can something be done so my threads are not trolled incesantly by metalman with cheap attacks and insinuating lady doth? Maybe there are iTulipers interested in discussing this subject and not in metalman's artistic performances)

          Raja I agree. I can't see how astrology can predict the evolution of a stock. I'm curious how an astrologer would make a horoscope for LEH for example What would he put for the LEH date of birth and place of birth? And what about M&A's ?

          I think the interesting question lays in an other direction: can somehow those who use astrology in market prediction be right for the wrong reasons? And if yes ... what would be those real reasons for the astrological success? Is astrology used today on Wall Street just because there are so many dumb managers ready to believe in hermetic Crammers?
          astrology is for assholes, wall street variety or otherwise.


          • #6
            Re: Astrology and markets

            Originally posted by metalman View Post
            astrology is for assholes, wall street variety or otherwise.
            So you believe godraz is an asshole?

            I don't think it's OK to insult other iTulipers whenever you have a temper tantrum. Being rude is not a substitute to hide behind when you have nothing intelligent to say but can't keep your mouth shut.

            Really metalman, can you please stop trolling my threads? Have I ever trolled your threads at "Metalman's Comments" and bring into off-toppic your great subjects of disccussion? Why don't you start a parralel thread there entitled "Astrology is for assholes"? (if Fred allows you to insult other iTulipers on this forum)

            Now people may prefer not to participate in the discussion of this subject, fearing they may be subject to cheap sarcastic fits thrown by a hysterical primadona with an oversized and narcisitic ego. Can you please stop?


            • #7
              Re: Astrology and markets

              I'd be grumpy, too, if I tilted at windmills all day.


              • #8
                Re: Astrology and markets

                “Astrology provides a great analysis of the nature of the universe and human personality . . . but as far as predictive value it's complete BS.”
                “astrology is for assholes, wall street variety or otherwise.”

                I am an astrologer and I find your comments not only uninformed but moronic. This whole financial collapse has been predicted by myself and others not only in the broad strokes, but in great detail. One need only understand the true nature of cycles. As for you disbelievers…
                Sir Isaac Newton, the scientist universally acclaimed as the father of contemporary cosmology, was brought before a commission for his continued practice of astrology (and alchemy), indeed a well-documented passion that lasted until the end of his life. When interrogated, and refusing to budge, Newton finally replied,
                “Sir, I have studied the subject, you have not.”


                • #9
                  Re: Astrology and markets

                  $#* -

                  First step would be to carefully re-read your own starting post to examine it for a-priori assumptions which it is in fact full of

                  You presume that all possible explanations for the success of the Bradley model to be solidly predictive during this market crash are "right but only for the wrong reasons" (i.e. that implausible notion of things being consistently right "by chance"). Compounding the hazard your range of alternative "rational" explanations are alternate explanations you put forward as unquestionable or "axiomatic"- such as "there are no predictive components possible for the markets in the natural world". You make that assumption sound axiomatic, but is it actually proved anywhere, or is it merely a comfortable assumption? You cannot engage in a probing inqury if you indulge any assumptions at all in your method. That is a quite large assumption. For a start looking at alternatives, look at fibonacci numbers and then start looking around at how they are replicated in nature. That would be a very fertile line of inquiry, (lots of empirical stuff to mine there).

                  Find one or two market students / analysts of some repute, who have made a study of how PHI numbers occur and re-occur in the markets with extraordinary precision and regularity at major market turns in various markets and that such curious coincidences span not just decades but centuries.

                  Both Fibonacci numbers and Phi numbers recur to a distinctly non-random extent in both physical nature and the various trading markets, implying that human mass psychology (which is what moves markets greatly) shares a very interesting link with the natural world recurrence of structures like fibonacci sequences, as in fibonacci reductions in the structures of plant leaves, or crystalline forms, and precisely ordered fibonacci retracements in market moves). If you are really curious and really agnostic, I assure you the data is out there and to call it startling would be a singular understatement. I have a pile of it archived and will dig up some samples and post them for you here next weekend. The hidebound mind will run away from this stuff. The skeptical but genuinely curious mind will be fascinated. The extent you are prone to scoff at these notions is the measure of the extent you will remain baffled and continue to resort to patronising and erroneous conclusions.

                  And if you scoff at the idea of recurrences of events in macro markets, stop to consider whether Bart's very long commodity / paper asset market waves, also copiously described by some rather robust other analysts such as D. Bensimon, or that Kondratieff guy describing very long economic cycle waves, are all specious nonsense. That plain old homily "history rhymes" points out the direction your inquiries might run towards much more fruitfully to open new horizons. I think you probably come out of a very good technical education (engineering of some sort or mathematics?) at an Eastern European university? If so, judging by the exceedingly narrow range of possibilities which your original inquiry encompasses, you have developed an unnecessarily hidbound understanding of what is encompassed in the study of "rationalism".

                  Rationalism can contain within it some very strange and unusual wrinkles. Fibonacci numbers are plastered and embedded all over nature - not just in plant leaves and crystals and processes in physical interactions. These sequences are also (at least to a subset of more enlightened and less hidebound market technical analysts) hugely determinant in the behavior of the markets. Now isn't that a strange and improbable coincidence that Fibonacci numbers are shared in nature and markets? There is a very broad clue nested in that observation. Try phrasing your possible "explanations" for Crawford's method in slightly less patronising terms conformat to your notions of "rationalism" and you'll drift a little closer to some interesting insights. He was a straight market technician on Wall Street for many years before he incorporated the astrological components and was trained strictly as a conventional market technician. Evidently he discovered some components elsewhere which became very intriguing.

                  You are a smart guy and very well informed on the markets. But on this topic? A little hidebound perhaps, matched only by the even more hidebound remarks of your nemesis, Metalman. Still your curiosity is good. You noticed that Arch Crawford is consistently reading the tealeaves better than a lot of other sources. To grudgingly concede that he's right a lot more often than he's wrong, such that the Hulbert Digest ranks him above many dozens of other very astute analysts who are currently baffled by market moves, means what he's toying around with deserves more than your rote litany of dismissive interpretations. You express genuine curiosity, but you say he must be right "for the wrong reasons". This presumes upon this analysts intelligence and the stringency of his original analytic training (decades of it prior to astrology) and I suggest that such patronizing a-priori presumptions most often do not constitute any genuine inquiry at all.

                  Originally posted by $#* View Post
                  So, what iTulipers believe about stuff like this? Any other ideas or opinions?


                  • #10
                    Re: Astrology and markets


                    A friend of mine is deeply involved as an executive coach and uses modern scientific tools like the Birkman to determine personal characteristics and to predict behaviors.

                    Just for fun, she compared the results of scientific personality tests with astrological personality results of various people and the results were strikingly similar.

                    Interesting to note, the Catholic Church says that one shouldn't rely on astrology to predict the future. They don't say it is bunk, they just say one shouldn't do it.

                    I'm not saying, I'm just saying.......


                    • #11
                      Re: Astrology and markets

                      Originally posted by BiscayneSunrise View Post

                      A friend of mine is deeply involved as an executive coach and uses modern scientific tools like the Birkman to determine personal characteristics and to predict behaviors.

                      Just for fun, she compared the results of scientific personality tests with astrological personality results of various people and the results were strikingly similar.

                      Interesting to note, the Catholic Church says that one shouldn't rely on astrology to predict the future. They don't say it is bunk, they just say one shouldn't do it.

                      I'm not saying, I'm just saying.......
                      FWIW, and not much, the Catholic Church says a lot of shit.
                      Jim 69 y/o

                      "...Texans...the lowest form of white man there is." Robert Duvall, as Al Sieber, in "Geronimo." (see "Location" for examples.)

                      Dedicated to the idea that all people deserve a chance for a healthy productive life. B&M Gates Fdn.

                      Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement. Unknown.


                      • #12
                        Re: Astrology and markets


                        A friend of mine is deeply involved as an executive coach and uses modern scientific tools like the Birkman to determine personal characteristics and to predict behaviors.

                        Just for fun, she compared the results of scientific personality tests with astrological personality results of various people and the results were strikingly similar.

                        Interesting to note, the Catholic Church says that one shouldn't rely on astrology to predict the future. They don't say it is bunk, they just say one shouldn't do it.


                        • #13
                          Re: Astrology and markets

                          Originally posted by alcyone View Post
                          I am an astrologer and I find your comments not only uninformed but moronic.
                          Acyclone, please accept my apologies if you found my comments offensive in any way. If you found my comments moronic I hope I can get a pass under the excuse that I know very little about this field and when somebody talks about things he doesn't know or understand.... well it's obvious

                          Please don't pay attention on metalman's comments. I'm sure that a lot of iTulipers don't share his views.

                          I also understand from hints in various posts that quite a few iTulipers use at least astrological clues for their forecasts even if they are not full blown believers, but they are reluctant to acknowledge it in public fearing they will be subject to cheap ridicule from hit and run primadonas. There was a time when the people who dared to say the earth is not flat were ridiculed as worthless morons.

                          I can understand a skeptic may not accept astrology as a science (there are still skeptics who still don't accept economics as a science), but that is not an excuse to dismiss, insult and attack people who believe in astrology.

                          So please don't be deterred by background noise, because I have a lot of questions about astrology.

                          Originally posted by alcyone View Post
                          This whole financial collapse has been predicted by myself and others not only in the broad strokes, but in great detail.
                          I'm a skeptic but I like to keep an open mind and try to learn about things before accepting or dismissing them. I have some questions about this statement:
                          a) Where can I find more information about that? What would be good publicly available sources for learning more about astrological prediction of economy?
                          b) Does the majority of astrologers predicted correctly this crisis? How would you make the difference between a good astrologer and a loud mouth fraud? (in the field of economic analysis there are many people who believe Cramer has valuable insights)
                          c) Are there any works that are generally accepted by the majority of astrologers as mainstay and seminal for their field (like the physicists consider Newton's and Einstein's work). Are there any generally accepted textbooks?
                          d) Do you consider astrological prediction have more accuracy with respect to timing or to amplitude of market events?

                          Originally posted by alcyone View Post
                          One need only understand the true nature of cycles.
                          Here is the core of the problem. This is why I have actually opened this subject. I have a feeling I'm missing something important about the true nature of cycles and I want to understand other views about the true nature of economic cycles. Could you please expand on this subject? Some good links or reference points would be appreciated

                          Originally posted by alcyone View Post
                          As for you disbelievers…
                          Sir Isaac Newton, the scientist universally acclaimed as the father of contemporary cosmology, was brought before a commission for his continued practice of astrology (and alchemy), indeed a well-documented passion that lasted until the end of his life.
                          That is true. At least Philosophiae Naturalis was heavily influenced by his alchemical and astrological studies.

                          Originally posted by alcyone View Post
                          When interrogated, and refusing to budge, Newton finally replied,
                          “Sir, I have studied the subject, you have not.”
                          Correct. Also not many people know that John Manyard Keynes was very interested in Newton's alchemical and astrological work. Keynes purchased most of Newton's alchemical and astrological manuscripts and he said about Newton:
                          "Newton was not the first of the age of reason: he was the last of the magicians."

                          I don't think Keynes was either an astrologer or an alchemist, but I believe that like any intelligent person he was interested in keeping an open mind.
                          Last edited by Supercilious; December 23, 2008, 01:43 PM.


                          • #14
                            Re: Astrology and markets

                            Here is a good test for you:

                            1. Week one: Invest all of your money according to your astrologer's crystal ball. Check your return at the end of the week.

                            2. Week Two: Pray to Allah for a couple of hours and pick stocks based on his guidance. Check your return at the end of the week.

                            3. Week Three: Pray to God (make sure it is the right Christian god) for excellent stock picks. Then check your return. Make sure you go to church that week just to make sure.

                            4. Week Four: Dart Board & Flip coins. Prayers and astrology MUST be better than random picks so you do not need to worry so much if you cannot hit the board. Just buy stuff (or go short). This is your control.

                            You should then have some extremely valuable and accurate information with which to make investment decisions after this one month test. When you are done, please post to this board so we will experience the wisdom.

                            Astrology is b.s. HOWEVER, if enough people believe in the B.S. then it could affect the market. Do enough people believe in this crap on Wall Street for it to have predictive value?


                            • #15
                              Re: Astrology and markets

                              Doubtless a very probing, agnostic and insightful comment on your part Aaron. You are to be congratulated. No one will ever pull the wool over your eyes. ;)

                              Originally posted by aaron View Post
                              Here is a good test for you:

                              1. Week one: Invest all of your money according to your astrologer's crystal ball. Check your return at the end of the week.

                              2. Week Two: Pray to Allah for a couple of hours and pick stocks based on his guidance. Check your return at the end of the week.

                              3. Week Three: Pray to God (make sure it is the right Christian god) for excellent stock picks. Then check your return. Make sure you go to church that week just to make sure.

                              4. Week Four: Dart Board & Flip coins. Prayers and astrology MUST be better than random picks so you do not need to worry so much if you cannot hit the board. Just buy stuff (or go short). This is your control.

                              You should then have some extremely valuable and accurate information with which to make investment decisions after this one month test. When you are done, please post to this board so we will experience the wisdom.

                              Astrology is b.s. HOWEVER, if enough people believe in the B.S. then it could affect the market. Do enough people believe in this crap on Wall Street for it to have predictive value?

