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Stand aside EJ!

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  • Stand aside EJ!

    Stand aside EJ………..It Mega’s turn to post a dis-cuss!

    I enjoy reading Ej & Fred’s articles, but its now my turn to offer some investment advice!

    BUY US Auto manufactures!

    But Not yet, after they filled for chapter 11.

    Here’s my argument, Americans don’t like to walk, and they love to drive! Sadly they face in the coming years a number of problems in doing so. 1 of all we have Peek oil, let’s not beat about the bush……….its here & although prices have dipped they be back!

    Think about it, the war in Irag

    Now factor in the collapse of the $, America

    So, with (by Then) 2 failed wars, collapsed $ and peek oil how the Hell are they to drive?.....With Hybrids my friends. Yes I know the will be facing MEGA unemployment by then but there will still be demand for new cars. The collapsed $ means they have to be built in the US

    Now the big 3 are so hopelessly bankrupt because of the insane wages the line workers get. I remember Lee Lacola talking about how in 1983 Blue cross replaced Firestone as their number one invoiced expense. If they had some balls they should have fought the battle then….they didn’t. The UAW laughed its ass off up to this year, when it woke up and smelt the coffee.

    Like a Vampire it needed new blood and it tried to get in to one of the Jap car plants in a southern state. It back fired big time, the plant workers chased them. Now here’s my point the Big 3 which will become 1+1 then will go chapter 11, kill off those insane UAW contracts, shut plants pull R+D and other resources.

    The F150 pick up will be history, the government will insist on “Green projects”..American’s will demand them!.......My suspicion is that once refloated with government backing and lacking the Dead weight of the UAW & mega demand for Non-gas guzzler cars they will return MEGA Bucks

    Last edited by FRED; November 19, 2008, 08:35 PM. Reason: Started to edit this but ran out of time!

  • #2
    Re: Stand aside EJ!

    That was painful to read. Were you going for a misspelling record? However, you may be right (assuming they do issue new stock after a potential bankruptcy and don't merely become a permanent part of the government).


    • #3
      Re: Stand aside EJ!

      Originally posted by Mega View Post
      ...The F150 pick up will be history...
      Mega: This one line shows how little you really know about us over here in the colonies. The [F100] F150 is history. As much a part of America as a good hunting rifle, a decent bass fishing rod, or range-fed beef [yes, we have that much land over here].

      It may not survive in its present bloated form. It may end up being powered with some sort of plug-in hybrid drivetrain, batteries, solar cells, Budweiser, pixie dust, whatever. It may even end up being built by a corporation bought out by the Chinese. But Americans are more likely to stop celebrating the anniversary of the Revolution, and Canadians are more likely to vote to become a Republic, before we ever give up our pick-ups. ;)


      • #4
        Re: Stand aside EJ!

        Mega - I know brevity is your thang, but we seem to be missing the end of your post?
        It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


        • #5
          Re: Stand aside EJ!

          Not quite the responce i hoped for.....................might still have some way to go before EJ takes me on full time.


          • #6
            Re: Stand aside EJ!

            My Dear Mister Mega,

            Considering your limited grasp of the overall situation, you seem to have a considerable amount to say.
            If you are interested, peer out from under your bowler. The F150 is the most sold and utilized truck in America. These trucks will be bringing home the bacon for another 50 years, whether Ford stays in business, or not. And if we can't get gas, pigs will drag them to market, so that we can supply food for third world countries.

            Mr. Lux
            Last edited by luxman; November 21, 2008, 08:06 PM.

