There have been lots of rants about what's been happening in the world of American finance (or lack thereof), and I'm adding this to it.
Its not that I cannot understand how the Internet bubble, and the subsequent real estate bubble were allowed to form.
It was simple greed and short term thinking which I perfectly understand.
Its not that the situation isn't bad - between the majority of the population seeing their real wages drop in the last decade despite a dramatic rise in American national wealth and in the numbers of millionaires/billionaires.
The struggle between the classes still exists even if the standard American propaganda says otherwise.
Its not even that with the whole pyramid tumbling down, with Humpty Dumpty having fallen and cracked open his moneylender's temple, that there is a need to rescue the system before a true collapse occurs.
I fully grant that a complete and sudden collapse will hurt everyone more than dragging this mess out and solving it by drowning the problem in ever more taxpayer dollars (and lost US dollar purchasing power via inflation).
What makes me really angry, extremely angry, want to hunt people down and kick their teeth in angry, is that my doing my own part to NOT play in the bubble; that my saving money and not getting into huge debts; that my scrimping, coupon cutting, cost of groceries price comparing, slicing all possible expenditures with the heavy hand of Scrooge; that my not being fashionable, trendy, or with all the latest tech gadgets; that my entire class of financial philosophical brethren - is being forced to contribute more than our fair share to clean up this situation.
How much will the overextended mortgage borrower sacrifice? His nonexistent cash flow?
How much will the financial company executives and their investment banker/mortgage broker lackeys sacrifice? Have to go from 5 servants to 2? No new Lamborghini this year?
Sure, the lower level minions of the FIRE economy are suffering now - the real estate agents, the appraisers, the new title insurance scribes. But these people are merely semantically separated from the drawers of water and hewers of wood of yesterday.
When I was laid off at a previous job, I never took unemployment.
But now I wish I had.
I should have screamed and scraped and plotted for every stinking dime I could squeeze out of anyone and everyone.
Because it is now abundantly clear that even being left alone is no longer an option in this nation - supposedly the land of the free.
It is not the end. Life will go on and some day this present situation will end.
But for me, I will never even consider anything I hear concerning American liberty and justice to be anything more than propaganda - no better than the Soviet propaganda, merely much more polished.
It is the death of an ideal.
Rest In Peace.
Its not that I cannot understand how the Internet bubble, and the subsequent real estate bubble were allowed to form.
It was simple greed and short term thinking which I perfectly understand.
Its not that the situation isn't bad - between the majority of the population seeing their real wages drop in the last decade despite a dramatic rise in American national wealth and in the numbers of millionaires/billionaires.
The struggle between the classes still exists even if the standard American propaganda says otherwise.
Its not even that with the whole pyramid tumbling down, with Humpty Dumpty having fallen and cracked open his moneylender's temple, that there is a need to rescue the system before a true collapse occurs.
I fully grant that a complete and sudden collapse will hurt everyone more than dragging this mess out and solving it by drowning the problem in ever more taxpayer dollars (and lost US dollar purchasing power via inflation).
What makes me really angry, extremely angry, want to hunt people down and kick their teeth in angry, is that my doing my own part to NOT play in the bubble; that my saving money and not getting into huge debts; that my scrimping, coupon cutting, cost of groceries price comparing, slicing all possible expenditures with the heavy hand of Scrooge; that my not being fashionable, trendy, or with all the latest tech gadgets; that my entire class of financial philosophical brethren - is being forced to contribute more than our fair share to clean up this situation.
How much will the overextended mortgage borrower sacrifice? His nonexistent cash flow?
How much will the financial company executives and their investment banker/mortgage broker lackeys sacrifice? Have to go from 5 servants to 2? No new Lamborghini this year?
Sure, the lower level minions of the FIRE economy are suffering now - the real estate agents, the appraisers, the new title insurance scribes. But these people are merely semantically separated from the drawers of water and hewers of wood of yesterday.
When I was laid off at a previous job, I never took unemployment.
But now I wish I had.
I should have screamed and scraped and plotted for every stinking dime I could squeeze out of anyone and everyone.
Because it is now abundantly clear that even being left alone is no longer an option in this nation - supposedly the land of the free.
It is not the end. Life will go on and some day this present situation will end.
But for me, I will never even consider anything I hear concerning American liberty and justice to be anything more than propaganda - no better than the Soviet propaganda, merely much more polished.
It is the death of an ideal.
Rest In Peace.