Moody's says U.S. government's 'Aaa' ratings not threatened
By Sue Chang
Last update: 2:09 p.m. EDT Sept. 22, 2008
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- The U.S. government's Aaa ratings are not threatened by the current highly challenging environment as the United States continues to display a robust level of economic and financial resilience, Moody's said Monday in a special report. "In recent weeks and months, the U.S. public authorities have been pursuing a bold and imaginative approach in their efforts to combat the financial crisis and the slowdown of the economy. In many cases, this has led to an expansion of the public sector balance sheet," said Pierre Cailleteau, managing director of Moody's sovereign risk unit. However, he added that allowing gross public debt to increase poses less of a risk to the rating than a deterioration in economic vitality. Moody's also noted the U.S. Treasury maintains an extremely high access to finance and that the possibility that its crisis management approach will fail to prevent the erosion of potential economic growth is very limited.
MMSpin (NWS): Let metalman translate that for you.
U.S. government's 'Aaa' rating is threatened
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- The U.S. government's Aaa ratings are threatened by the current highly challenging environment as the United States continues to display a all the economic and financial resilience of a whore house after a police raid, Moody's said Monday in a special report.
"In recent weeks and months, the U.S. public authorities have been pursuing a desperate and reckless approach in their efforts to combat the financial crisis and the meltdown of the economy.
In many cases, this has led to an explosion of the public sector balance sheet," said Pierre Cailleteau, managing director of Moody's sovereign risk unit. However, he added that allowing gross public debt to increase poses less of a risk to the rating than a deterioration asset price inflation. "Without the FIRE Economy, we're fucked." he added.
Moody's also noted the U.S. Treasury maintains an extremely high access to finance and that the possibility that its crisis management approach will fail to prevent the erosion of potential economic growth is as limited as the chances that chorus of flying, singing pigs will fly out of Henry Paulson's butt and sing "I will Survive" in harmony.
By Sue Chang
Last update: 2:09 p.m. EDT Sept. 22, 2008
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- The U.S. government's Aaa ratings are not threatened by the current highly challenging environment as the United States continues to display a robust level of economic and financial resilience, Moody's said Monday in a special report. "In recent weeks and months, the U.S. public authorities have been pursuing a bold and imaginative approach in their efforts to combat the financial crisis and the slowdown of the economy. In many cases, this has led to an expansion of the public sector balance sheet," said Pierre Cailleteau, managing director of Moody's sovereign risk unit. However, he added that allowing gross public debt to increase poses less of a risk to the rating than a deterioration in economic vitality. Moody's also noted the U.S. Treasury maintains an extremely high access to finance and that the possibility that its crisis management approach will fail to prevent the erosion of potential economic growth is very limited.
MMSpin (NWS): Let metalman translate that for you.
Moody's says U.S. government's 'Aaa' ratings not threatened
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- The U.S. government's Aaa ratings are not threatened by the current highly challenging environment as the United States continues to display a robust level of economic and financial resilience, Moody's said Monday in a special report.
"In recent weeks and months, the U.S. public authorities have been pursuing a bold and imaginative approach in their efforts to combat the financial crisis and the slowdown of the economy.
In many cases, this has led to an expansion of the public sector balance sheet," said Pierre Cailleteau, managing director of Moody's sovereign risk unit. However, he added that allowing gross public debt to increase poses less of a risk to the rating than a deterioration in economic vitality.
Moody's also noted the U.S. Treasury maintains an extremely high access to finance and that the possibility that its crisis management approach will succeed at preventing the erosion of potential economic growth is smaller than a pissant's asshole.