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  • egnahc?

    Change does not equal forward movement.

    Here's the change I expect from Obama:

    1. More money for alternative energy and infrastructure projects
    2. More money for education of the left out
    3. More cooperation with allies

    1. Higher taxes overall
    2. More government
    3. Less tough confrontation with enemies

    On net? Not what I want to see. I want less government protecting and maintaining FIRE Economy interests, less government coddling the old energy and auto industries to give new players a chance and aggressive protection of US interests.

    What do you think?

  • #2
    Re: egnahc?

    I think the possibility of Obama going protectionist is not insignificant.

    As the 'pragmatist', he's undergone a number of changes to fit his situation.

    From "Yes We Can" to "Biden"...hrmph!

    From "I have been a long-time advocate for public financing of campaigns combined with free television and radio time as a way to reduce the influence of moneyed special interests"

    To "We've made the decision not to participate in the public financing system for the general election"

    So I suspect the switch from U-Chicago 'free trade' to populist 'Protect American Jobs' won't be too difficult either. Especially spun as a patriotic way to raise funds - higher import taxes!


    • #3
      Re: egnahc?

      Originally posted by Ann View Post

      1. Higher taxes overall
      2. More government
      3. Less tough confrontation with enemies

      On net? Not what I want to see. I want less government protecting and maintaining FIRE Economy interests, less government coddling the old energy and auto industries to give new players a chance and aggressive protection of US interests.

      What do you think?
      taxes - income inequality has worsened significantly in the last 8 yrs, along with stagnation of most incomes. higher taxes on the top earners is small potatoes.

      more government - "self-regulation" and "the discipline of marketplace" have not done such a hot job. laissez faire in the absence of noblesse oblige is a recipe for the triumph of sociopathy.

      tough confrontation- a fiat war and tough, empty bluster don't make for a very effective foreign policy imho. a little cleverness, a velvet glove over an iron fist, and - if necessary - a stiletto instead of a blunderbuss might be a good idea.

      thought experiment - how do you think this administration would have handled the cuban missile crisis?


      • #4
        Re: egnahc?

        Originally posted by Ann View Post
        Change does not equal forward movement.

        Here's the change I expect from Obama:

        1. More money for alternative energy and infrastructure projects
        2. More money for education of the left out
        3. More cooperation with allies

        1. Higher taxes overall
        2. More government
        3. Less tough confrontation with enemies
        On net? Not what I want to see. I want less government protecting and maintaining FIRE Economy interests, less government coddling the old energy and auto industries to give new players a chance and aggressive protection of US interests.

        What do you think?
        Higher taxes may not be the negative its commonly portrayed. The well entrenched income and wealth inequality needs to be addressed. Either the government uses the tax system to accelerate the process beyond the present "Brownian motion" pace, or the demands to "nationalize the means of production" will increase dramatically. Post-war Britain's experience may be instructive.

        People in all walks of life generally try to live up to expectations. If Obama is elected there will be high expectations of him, and who knows maybe he will surprise everyone. On the other hand...

        "Since a politician never believes what he says, he is quite surprised to be taken at his word"
        --Charles de Gaulle--
        Last edited by GRG55; August 31, 2008, 06:44 PM.

