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Russo-Georgian War Photos-- *** WARNING-GRUESOME ***

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  • Russo-Georgian War Photos-- *** WARNING-GRUESOME ***

    A huge please, when you spread them anywhere in the network, mentioned not only the authorship Arkady Babchenko, but also that they belong Almanahu "The Art of War" (

    Last edited by Sapiens; August 15, 2008, 07:55 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Russo-Georgian War Photos-- *** WARNING-GRUESOME ***

    Last edited by Sapiens; August 15, 2008, 07:53 AM.


    • #3
      Re: Russo-Georgian War Photos-- *** WARNING-GRUESOME ***

      Last edited by Sapiens; August 15, 2008, 07:56 AM.


      • #4
        Re: Russo-Georgian War Photos-- *** WARNING-GRUESOME ***

        my russian is non-existent: why do the apc's say, "chechnya" on them? are they kadyrov's men, or is it an allusion to the last caucasian conquest?


        • #5
          Re: Russo-Georgian War Photos-- *** WARNING-GRUESOME ***

          Chechnya is right next to Georgia.

          A significant number of the troops there likely were serving in Chechnya at some time in the recent past.

          As for the photos, my question is whether these are Russian and/or Georgian tanks I see in various states of destruction.

          Likely they are both.

          If I were Georgia, I'd worry more about pissed off South Ossetians coming back for revenge.

          The peoples of the Caucasus are not known for their ability to forgive; a classic Russian geopolitical strategy has been divide and conquer.

          That's how it fell into the Russian sphere back 600 years ago to begin with.


          • #6
            Re: Russo-Georgian War Photos-- *** WARNING-GRUESOME ***

            The russians brought "volunteers" form chechnya as they did with last time when they took control of abkhasia.

            This is russia propaganda. At least in one picture the body of a dead georgian soldier has been set on fire.

            You can also spot the "volunteer" thugs by their trademark uniform: snikers and fatigues.

            Once the international observers and independent observers will be allowed to enter the area the russian propaganda and lies will fall apart.


            • #7
              Re: Russo-Georgian War Photos-- *** WARNING-GRUESOME ***

              Originally posted by $#* View Post
              This is russia propaganda.
              The set of photographs in and of itself is propanganda?

              Please explain in more detail. I don't see the angle.


              • #8
                Re: Russo-Georgian War Photos-- *** WARNING-GRUESOME ***

                Originally posted by babbittd View Post
                The set of photographs in and of itself is propanganda?

                Please explain in more detail. I don't see the angle.
                Please look again. Look at the "proofs" inserted in the pictures.... the georgian soldier body freshly dosed with gasoline, victorious "volunteer" and "peace keeper" forces passing under a new ossetian banners....

                This type of propaganda may be subtle enough to work on russian people, but people in the free world with an IQ above average can spot immediately the clues for attemted manipulation.


                • #9
                  Re: Russo-Georgian War Photos-- *** WARNING-GRUESOME ***

                  Proves that tanks are practically useless against an invading army. Better to use personnel carried anti-tank weapons from urban buildings.


                  • #10
                    Re: Russo-Georgian War Photos-- *** WARNING-GRUESOME ***

                    This is what happens when a bunch of louts in uniform try to take on a Professional Battle trained force that KNOW'S Its Job!


                    • #11
                      Re: Russo-Georgian War Photos-- *** WARNING-GRUESOME ***

                      Watch, just who did what to WHO!


                      • #12
                        Re: Russo-Georgian War Photos-- *** WARNING-GRUESOME ***

                        Originally posted by $#* View Post
                        Please look again. Look at the "proofs" inserted in the pictures.... the georgian soldier body freshly dosed with gasoline, victorious "volunteer" and "peace keeper" forces passing under a new ossetian banners....

                        This type of propaganda may be subtle enough to work on russian people, but people in the free world with an IQ above average can spot immediately the clues for attemted manipulation.
                        I do not see the point. These are just photos made by one journalist and he put it on the special forum. There are no comments even. On this forum you can find his notices he made on this journey. This is a forum for veterans of last wars. I can read russian so it was interesting and revealing some things I struggled to understand (ex. Gori occupation).

                        This was not the troops (vehicles with white labels) of Chechnya president Kadyrov but his rival Yamadaev. BTW this journalist traveled with them.


                        • #13
                          Re: Russo-Georgian War Photos-- *** WARNING-GRUESOME ***

                          $#* -

                          I think VIT made the right call - this is straight photojournalism without an agenda. I think that is a self portrait of the photographer at the end? Take a good look at his expression. This guy is more in shock and distress about what he's collected images of, than he is looking smug or clever about having put together a masterful propaganda campaign. It's tough for the camera to lie when you look carefully at the expression.


                          • #14
                            Re: Russo-Georgian War Photos-- *** WARNING-GRUESOME ***

                            Originally posted by c1ue View Post
                            Chechnya is right next to Georgia.

                            A significant number of the troops there likely were serving in Chechnya at some time in the recent past.

                            As for the photos, my question is whether these are Russian and/or Georgian tanks I see in various states of destruction.

                            Likely they are both.

                            If I were Georgia, I'd worry more about pissed off South Ossetians coming back for revenge.

                            The peoples of the Caucasus are not known for their ability to forgive; a classic Russian geopolitical strategy has been divide and conquer.

                            That's how it fell into the Russian sphere back 600 years ago to begin with.
                            These are Chechen troops. Some of them served but other side than Russians. That what happened, Osetians started to pillage Georgian villages. This journalist mentioned they kept POW out of Osetians hands. It is not divide and conquer. This strategy will not bring the stability what is needed for Russia in this region. All these nations live there long long time so they have some tensions between.


                            • #15
                              Re: Russo-Georgian War Photos-- *** WARNING-GRUESOME ***

                              VIT - some posters here were claiming that Saakashvili needlessly provoked the Ossetians with a straight re-unification bid, and that these Ossetians were not creating significant trouble for the Georgians directly in recent months prior to this. You suggest when the fighting broke out that there were a lot of Chechens among the Ossetians, and that it was these who were directly causing the pillaging of Georgian villages. If so the Russians have been shown to have just been (informally) allied with Chechen "freelancers" fighting among the Ossetians, which makes a complete nonsense of their having any politically coherent policy at all - as the Russians tried everything to destroy those same Chechen "freelancers" in the previous Chechenia war.
                              Last edited by Contemptuous; August 15, 2008, 10:38 PM.

