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The secret shall be known!!!

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  • The secret shall be known!!!

    The secret shall be known!!! And humanity will transcend!!!

    The prison of the flesh, sickness and death shall cease to bound us for ever and ever…

  • #2
    Re: The secret shall be known!!!

    Originally posted by Sapiens View Post
    The secret shall be known!!! And humanity will transcend!!!

    The prison of the flesh, sickness and death shall cease to bound us for eve

    thanks, one of the nuttier things you've posted. but i can do better!

    of course the usa attacked itself on 9/11!

    think that's spooky?

    the earth used to be tiny! then it blew up like a giant balloon!

    uh, where was the water?

    they sunk the titanic on purpose!

    ok, maybe not.

    energy coukd be free! but the energy buziness don't want us to have it!

    gotta get me some of that free energy, yeh!

    but don't forget about the never ending New World Order Governmen! lotsa vids on it... so it must be true!

    apparently john kerry and aol have something to do with it.

    it's the capitalists!

    whew! i need a drink!


    • #3
      Re: The secret shall be known!!!

      Originally posted by metalman View Post
      thanks, one of the nuttier things you've posted. but i can do better!

      LOL, what could be nuttier than trying to own this forsaken rock!

      You can delude the whole of the inhabitants to pledge themselves to you by signing on the dotted line… then what? WHAT?

      There has to be more than that…

      Nuttier… Ha!

      Too Goddamn bad I can’t yet defeat my ego and pride so I have to still look at you poor fools through haughty eyes.

      P.S. and the farking irony? That the more people you bind, the more you bind yourself. Ha!
      Last edited by Sapiens; August 02, 2008, 09:22 PM.


      • #4
        Re: The secret shall be known!!!

        Originally posted by Sapiens View Post

        LOL, what could be nuttier than trying to own this forsaken rock!

        You can delude the whole of the inhabitants to pledge themselves to you by signing on the dotted line… then what? WHAT?

        There has to be more than that…

        Nuttier… Ha!

        Too Goddamn bad I can’t yet defeat my ego and pride so I have to still look at your poor fools through haughty eyes.

        P.S. and the farking irony? That the more people you bind, the more you bind yourself. Ha!
        There is a big difference between conspiracies and exploitation and schemes to take the other guy's stuff. Conspiracies require competence on a vast scale for decades. You have to admit, competence is in short supply. It appears briefly on the world stage like a firefly in a summer night, and then it's gone.


        • #5
          Re: The secret shall be known!!!

          Originally posted by Sapiens View Post
          P.S. and the farking irony? That the more people you bind, the more you bind yourself. Ha!

          Who Am I ??


          • #6
            Re: The secret shall be known!!!

            Originally posted by Sapiens View Post

            LOL, what could be nuttier than trying to own this forsaken rock!

            You can delude the whole of the inhabitants to pledge themselves to you by signing on the dotted line… then what? WHAT?

            There has to be more than that…

            Nuttier… Ha!

            Too Goddamn bad I can’t yet defeat my ego and pride so I have to still look at you poor fools through haughty eyes.

            P.S. and the farking irony? That the more people you bind, the more you bind yourself. Ha!
            Sapiens, please don't pay attention to these ignorants. If they were playing the GoldRing Game of Achievement & Abundance and had they had purchased the DVDs' of the Guru Rysa (for only $350!!!) and had they taken a mentor, they would be on the path of becoming Wayshowers and Teachers of Light.

            Sapiens, please don't get upset by these fools trying to own this forsaken rock, because they cannot comprehend that time is an energy form, as a force of momentum (some serious metaphysical tensor transformation there, but who cares because even Einstein says everythin' is relative).

            It is an energy that allows space to extrapolate itself into layers or dimensional fundamentals that are of the spherical nature. Yeah ... spherical not cubical ;) It is that part that is called the time cell. The time cell is the entity that is related to the noetic energies of the mind, so that the level of expansion is directly related to how the mind functions.

            if they weren't such ignorant fools they would know that on 21 of December 2012 the Milky Way aligns with the galaxy or sumntin' and the Pleiadian extraterrestrials will will bring the White Light of Christ or some stuff like that up our chackra or third eye of the matrix (and I'm not talking about the good Matrix with cool weapons and special effects). Anyway, the whole idea is that on that day (21 Dec 2012) we will ascend from the 4th dimension to the 5th dimension because the Pleiadians are such nice guys (or gals) and they will come in their UFO to make our hapiness more vibrant and hopefuly one inch longer (in a vibrational noetic metric of course) ...

            And then of course that the prison of the flesh, sickness and death shall cease to bound us for ever and ever…

            By the way, Rysa has a nice graphics suite... :rolleyes:
            Last edited by Supercilious; August 02, 2008, 11:39 PM.


            • #7
              Re: The secret shall be known!!!

              Rajiv, that great stuff!

